
Who currently is the most violent crew?

Posted By: RushStreet

Who currently is the most violent crew? - 04/19/24 08:26 PM

Who has a reputation currently for violence? It can be any crew located in the United States or Canada.

I would prefer USA but I'm not sure if any crew can fit the bill for being violent right now. But in Canada? Thats a different story.
Posted By: Giacalone

Re: Who currently is the most violent crew? - 04/19/24 08:33 PM

The Mexicans in LA are pretty brutal, but we can't forget the black gangs either. Cosa Nostra today are teddy bears--I feel like they'd hug you instead of slap you
Posted By: BugsyM

Re: Who currently is the most violent crew? - 04/19/24 08:46 PM

No such thing, unless you want to smile for the camera and volunteer to go to prison for years, you have people like that here in NYC, but they have permanent tans..
Posted By: RushStreet

Re: Who currently is the most violent crew? - 04/19/24 09:06 PM

The stuff going on in Montreal is pretty crazy at the moment. You got some violent crews up there for sure.
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