
There could be people so crazy to try to create a

Posted By: furio_from_naples

There could be people so crazy to try to create a - 04/15/24 03:06 PM

new family?
Don't jump at my throat, it's just a hypothesis.

For example wannabe so dumb to try to rebuilt a defunct family and even try to have the ok from the remaining families?
I would bet on New Orleans but Rochester is in a good position near Canada or maybe in Pennsylvania.
Posted By: Mafia101

Re: There could be people so crazy to try to create a - 04/15/24 03:50 PM

I don't think any new family will be created. We haven't seen one since around the early 1900s with Springfield Illinois. To become your own family you need recognition from the others and I don't see that happening. Rochester tried in the 70s and may have operated as one but never gained recognition officially they were only a rogue element of Buffalo.

It is possible for a family to reform and we've seen it in Sicily where some went dormant and ceased to exist only to later pop back up. They were viewed as the same family and no a new one. I still doubt that would happen anywhere in the US today though.

Posted By: RushStreet

Re: There could be people so crazy to try to create a - 04/15/24 07:17 PM

A crew would be realistic, but a family? No way.
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