
"BROWN" as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison!

Posted By: NYMafia

"BROWN" as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 12:14 PM

“BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison!

Over the years colorful mob nicknames have become synonymous with the underworld. And, as we pointed out in previous quizzes, many of the mob’s most iconic nicknames centered around colors; black, white, red, blue, green, and so forth.

Today, ButtonGuys focuses on the color BROWN. So here’s the question.

Of the five hoodlums listed below, which one was the only mafiosi NOT known to have been affiliated with the old Gagliano/Lucchese Family of New York?

Posted By: Big_Tuna93

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 02:10 PM

James "Jimmy Brown" Failla
Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 02:12 PM

Excellent question. Let me take a crack at this..Frankie Brown?
Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93
James "Jimmy Brown" Failla

He was closely affiliated with the Lucchese family through the carting industry
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 03:21 PM

When listing your choice, please submit the guy's real, first and last name. Don't just state the nickname.
Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
When listing your choice, please submit the guy's real, first and last name. Don't just state the nickname.

The Frankie Brown I'm referring to is Francesco Bongiorno
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 05:55 PM

V Good!
Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Very Good! You are the best and I apologize for being an asshole to you before. I promise to do better and I'm also sorry for asking for the real name when we both know that I should have just told you that you were correct immediately. I'm an ass

Wow! Thank you smile
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Very Good! You are the best and I apologize for being an asshole to you before. I promise to do better and I'm also sorry for asking for the real name when we both know that I should have just told you that you were correct immediately. I'm an ass

Wow! Thank you smile

Ralphie, you truly are a hapless idiot, aren't you? LOL. Your lackluster personality speaks volumes about your level of intelligence and maturity…or should I say, lack thereof.
Posted By: MafiaStudent

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/08/24 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Very Good! You are the best and I apologize for being an asshole to you before. I promise to do better and I'm also sorry for asking for the real name when we both know that I should have just told you that you were correct immediately. I'm an ass

Wow! Thank you smile

Wow! Now you guys are creating BS and Fake posts too. You guys must really be bored and have a lot of time on your hands....but most likely you must have strapped on your dominatrix outfit too tight and all the blood and oxygen drained from that little peabrain of yours.

When has it become acceptable on this forum for people to go into other people's accounts (how, I don't know but I have an idea) to create FAKE posts like above? You know damn well TOG didn't write that BS.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Very Good! You are the best and I apologize for being an asshole to you before. I promise to do better and I'm also sorry for asking for the real name when we both know that I should have just told you that you were correct immediately. I'm an ass

Wow! Thank you smile

Wow! Now you guys are creating BS and Fake posts too. You guys must really be bored and have a lot of time on your hands....but most likely you must have strapped on your dominatrix outfit too tight and all the blood and oxygen drained from that little peabrain of yours.

When has it become acceptable on this forum for people to go into other people's accounts (how, I don't know but I have an idea) to create FAKE posts like above? You know damn well TOG didn't write that BS.

Yeah MS, when you really think about it, thats actually VERY disturbing that "certain" people here...certain troublemakers here on GBB have access to the private accounts and private handles of fellow forum members.

Its not hard to imagine that these creepy bastards also have the ability to read other peoples PM's and correspondence (which is supposed to be private) between members here. I mean, WTF...what the FUCK is that??

Its unethical at best, and downright unsavory and who knows what the fuck else at its worst!.....hummmmm???
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 01:54 AM

Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Very Good! You are the best and I apologize for being an asshole to you before. I promise to do better and I'm also sorry for asking for the real name when we both know that I should have just told you that you were correct immediately. I'm an ass

Wow! Thank you smile

I do believe dear old Ralphie boy (and a few others on this forum) may have just stuck their own foot up their asses because, I, NYMafia, never made such a ridiculous and outlandish post.

So how the fuck did my name, "my GBB handle," get attached to such a bullshit comment like the one posted above here???...clearly my GBB account was either hacked by Ralphie, or he (and a few others on this board) have unfettered access, and unauthorized access, to my account, and I'm certain, to the private accounts of other forum members here too!!!


Ralphie, you actually exposed yourself and fucked yourself!!

Why don't you tell everyone here how you were able to do that Ralphie? How were you able to access my private account and use my forum name, "NYMafia" to imitate me and create a comment, putting my GBB account name to it, so that people who read your comment,, would think it was me?

Thats what I'd like to know!

Posted By: Malavita

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 05:21 AM

He didn't hack your account, he simply used the "quote" function to your message and rewrote it, keeping the quotes so it looks like you wrote it.

No worries, your account is safe.
Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 07:21 AM

I expected some friendly banter. Anything but this lol

They probably think I've hacked into their bank accounts too lol
Posted By: MafiaStudent

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
No matter how I did it, I'm still a peabrain.

Why yes, Ralphie. Yes, you are.
Posted By: Toodoped

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto

They probably think I've hacked into their bank accounts too lol

You can easily learn that from your criminal friend Soliai wink

Why all the negativity towards NYM? Yes we all had our beefs in the past but I really dont understand your obsession? We all know who you are and we are not doing anything to you, although we already have lots of "material" against you but as you can see we are all cool. We are simply doing our jobs by creating interesting projects. I know you're making charts and so why dont you post some of them here so we can discuss them? If you really dont like this place than leave us alone and go your own way, please. You all banned us from your shity place but still nothing personal, we just want peace....if not, we always can do it the other way, like for example "Jebem ti majku nacisticku! Pozdrav" (see if you can translate) wink

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by Malavita
He didn't hack your account, he simply used the "quote" function to your message and rewrote it, keeping the quotes so it looks like you wrote it.

No worries, your account is safe.

Thank you Malavita, that makes sense.

But any way you wanna look at it, this nitwit Ralphie behaves likes a 9-year old. Essentially, he's nothing but a troll and a troublemaker who brings nothing positive to this board. 99% of the time he only visits here in order to start trouble. Thats clearly evident just reading his past comments.

He constantly starts arguments, insults other posters, mocks people, derails interesting threads,...and now, his latest "trolling" behavior, he's creating false comments and attributing them to other posters to disrupt the GBB forum.

How long do we have to tolerate such behavior?

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Malavita
He didn't hack your account, he simply used the "quote" function to your message and rewrote it, keeping the quotes so it looks like you wrote it.

No worries, your account is safe.

Thank you Malavita, that makes sense.

But any way you wanna look at it, this nitwit Ralphie behaves likes a 9-year old. Essentially, he's nothing but a troll and a troublemaker who brings nothing positive to this board. 99% of the time he only visits here in order to start trouble. Thats clearly evident just reading his past comments.

He constantly starts arguments, insults other posters, mocks people, derails interesting threads,...and now, his latest "trolling" behavior, he's creating false comments and attributing them to other posters to disrupt the GBB forum.

How long do we have to tolerate such behavior?

I double down... +1
Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 01:02 PM

I'm going to be perfectly honest, guys: I have no ill feelings towards anyone here! What was supposed to be a silly joke and part of a playful banter was clearly misunderstood. For this, I offer my most sincere apologies. Quite honestly, I am stunned by the reaction. STUNNED! I didn't even know you had been part of another forum, or that there was some deeper issue going on. As confusing as this is for me, I extend my genuine hope that all of you can navigate a path away from any internal turmoil you may be experiencing. I am truly rooting for you.

With genuine humility and grace,
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: “BROWN” as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 01:08 PM

Everyone here knows what you are Ralphie, (and its nothing good)
Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto

Re: "BROWN" as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 01:19 PM

We may have bumped heads in the past, but your intense reaction makes me want to extend an open hand to you. If you want to continue to spit in my face, go right ahead; if it brings you peace. I'm at a loss for what else to say
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: "BROWN" as a Mob nickname….Pick your poison! - 02/09/24 04:07 PM

This thread has gone off topic.

STOP THE CHILDISH NAME-CALLING AND B.S. (ALL of you!) if you want to remain here.

Topic Closed.
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