
The Irish Mob of the Quad Cities.

Posted By: RushStreet

The Irish Mob of the Quad Cities. - 07/17/23 04:03 AM

John Patrick Looney ran day to day operations based out of Rock Island, IL
In the 1920's. Anyone here have any info on this gentleman?
Posted By: Goldy

Re: The Irish Mob of the Quad Cities. - 07/17/23 03:32 PM

I live literally within walking distance of the Looney mansion. There's a book called "Citadel of Sin" by Richard Hamer that has all the information possible on the subject of Looney and his operation.The move "Road to Perdition" was a big deal around here, the house in the movie is a bit more massive and impressive than the actual Looney mansion that is in a bit of disrepair, but still an impressive place. 2 story library in the place with stained glass windows you can see from the street. His "lieutenants' house is on the property as well, but I think that has been owned for the same family for quite a while and is in good shape. When I was younger I worked at the hotel where Conner Looney was gunned down in front of. Both John and Conner Looney are buried in unmarked graves here in Chippiannock Cemetery.

I think Road to Perdition kind of made him out to be something more than he was. I don't believe he had a real working relationship with Capone and the Outfit. It seemed to me his main thing was extorting local businessmen and politicians by staging compromising photos (like having a prostitute sit on their lap in a bar) and threatening to run the photos in the local paper he was owner and publisher of. And he was more a political fixer type guy, than "gangster" in the sense of organized crime.
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