
Tim Donaghy

Posted By: Steve7585

Tim Donaghy - 09/01/22 05:05 PM

Not sure if this is the right spot... Netflix just released a doc on Tim Donaghy, the ref caught up in fixing/betting games. Def worth a watch if you like gambling, shady knockaround guys etc...

They mentioned the Philly mob a bit and highlighted the Gambino's as 2 of the families involved with using this type of information to reap massive returns on their wagers. Anyone have anything else first or secondhand on this?
Posted By: irishkaos

Re: Tim Donaghy - 09/02/22 02:02 AM

I saw it, it was good. "The Animals" as far as a gambling crew is talked about in much more detail in the book Gaming the Game, they were a major money making crew, so its not that surprising that money was flowing to Philly and the Gambino's to operate. They didn't really get into them as much in the documentary, but the book is worth checking out on the subject.

Feels like the NBA was the real winner in the whole thing, the only one who took any type of fall was Donaghy when it was pretty evident, he was far from the only one engaged in gambling. 100+ calls from Donaghy to still current official Scott Foster being one of the strange facts..
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