
Desimone Relatives

Posted By: dsd

Desimone Relatives - 07/17/22 05:57 AM

Joe Pesci goodfellas character was based on Tommy Desimone.

We know bits about him in real life but he also had brothers/ relatives in the life.
One is meant to have informed on his gambino pals according to Polisi in Sinatra Club. Which meant Tommy wasn't welcome at the bergen etc

One was called Anthony, who was in the joe dogs book as a pal of Tommy Agro.
Also , I'm half sure I read that one of his relatives was a boss in LA, .

Any info these guys ? Is it even correct?
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/17/22 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by dsd
Joe Pesci goodfellas character was based on Tommy Desimone.

We know bits about him in real life but he also had brothers/ relatives in the life.
One is meant to have informed on his gambino pals according to Polisi in Sinatra Club. Which meant Tommy wasn't welcome at the bergen etc

One was called Anthony, who was in the joe dogs book as a pal of Tommy Agro.
Also , I'm half sure I read that one of his relatives was a boss in LA, .

Any info these guys ? Is it even correct?

Tommy DeSimone had absolutely, positively, NO blood or any other connection to California boss Frank DeSimone in any way, shape, or form. Thats a complete fallacy. They simply shared a last name so some people wanna jump to conclusions.

Polisi was related to Anthony (Tony) Polisi, who was connected to Sonny Franzese. In fact Polisi got arrested with Sonny in the Federal Bank robbery conspiracy case that sent Franzese away on the 50 year rap. Polisi owned and operated a motel and lounge near JFK Airport in Queens where a lot of mob guys hung out nightly.
Posted By: Goldy

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/17/22 09:00 PM

Robert "Bobby" DeSimone is the brother that was in the Agro crew. I think he's still in prison if he's alive. Not much info about him.
Posted By: CNote

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/18/22 02:19 AM

Anthony DeSimone, Tommy DeSimone, Robert DeSimone, the first two were killed by Tommy Agro who joked about making it a trifecta when Bobby got pinched for a long sentence. He died in Flirida in 2006 so he was paroled or released compassionately.
Posted By: dsd

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/18/22 04:02 AM

Thanks for the replies.
@NYMAFIA currently reading the Sonny F book, was wondering if the Polisi guy was related to Sal. Don't think Sonny even did 10 years in jail for his 50 year sentence. What kept him going back inside was parole violations. Seems like the authorities had a real hard - on for him. Also the whole he was in charge of the bank robbing crew sounds like a set up. As Sonny claims and in the Cantalupo book, he says no-one on the streets thought it true. Would SF/ JF have dealt personally with such lowly criminals?

@Goldy & @CNote so Anthony is the one who ratted on some Gambinos? Wonder if Robert knew Agro killed his brothers?
Posted By: BensonHURST

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/18/22 08:40 AM

There is a DeSimone that is UB of the Bonanno’s or consigliere not sure.

Any relation?
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/18/22 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by dsd
Thanks for the replies.
@NYMAFIA currently reading the Sonny F book, was wondering if the Polisi guy was related to Sal. Don't think Sonny even did 10 years in jail for his 50 year sentence. What kept him going back inside was parole violations. Seems like the authorities had a real hard - on for him. Also the whole he was in charge of the bank robbing crew sounds like a set up. As Sonny claims and in the Cantalupo book, he says no-one on the streets thought it true. Would SF/ JF have dealt personally with such lowly criminals?

@Goldy & @CNote so Anthony is the one who ratted on some Gambinos? Wonder if Robert knew Agro killed his brothers?

I believe "Crazy Sal" Polisi who wrote The Sinatra Club book is the nephew or son of Tony Polisi who was around Franzese. Polisi owned The Aquaeduct Motor Inn in South Queens that had a big restaurant/lounge where certain mob guys would hang around nightly. Unfortunately for Sonny he was sometimes one of the guys who frequented the place.

I wrote a huge biography about Sonny and his career that explains exactly what happened. The FBI and NYCPD arrested but failed to convict him four or five times (on bookmaking, extortion, twice for armed robbery, and homicide). So they decided to use this rag-tag bunch of young thieves, some of whom were heroin addicts, to up and frame him.

The FBI helped orchestrate their testimony to dovetail with one another, altered or changed their FBI surveillance logs to correlate with that testimony so the witnesses seemed credible, and the rest is history. Franzese got convicted and received two 25-year bids running wild. He served 9 years before making parole (only because he was sentenced with no minimum by the judge, otherwise they would have melted the key in his jail cell lock).

But unfortunately Sonny had a bad habit of pressing his luck (he was stupid really because he damn well knew the feds were gunning for him). So the FBI just kept a tight steady surveillance on him and was able to repeatedly violate him a half-dozen more times over the next forty years. He served more for those violations collectively (almost 26 years for violations) than his original sentence. As you know in the 2000s he finally got nabbed on a RICO after his kid turned rat. He picked up another 8 years on that case.

Collectively he spent nearly 40 years behind bars....
Posted By: dsd

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/19/22 10:25 AM

@NYMafia your site only takes dollars, I think. What about other currencies?
Not PayPal.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/19/22 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by dsd
@NYMafia your site only takes dollars, I think. What about other currencies?
Not PayPal.

You can put up a major credit card like Visa or Mastercard for payment. I believe we still accept PayPal as well.

If you go onto the website and click the "subscribe" link. It will bring you directly to the sign-up page with specific instructions on how to join.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Desimone Relatives - 07/19/22 12:07 PM

DSD, I just checked for you, and we also accept Amex and Discover Cards.
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