
Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him?

Posted By: CNote

Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 03:41 PM

Posted By: CleanBandit

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 06:33 PM

Yeah saw a few of his videos and interviews. He's selling a fitness course now.

Interesting stories!
Posted By: DetroitPartnership

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 06:39 PM

Seen but some hard timers - "Hard Intentions" Mitch says he has no idea what he's talking about.
Posted By: CNote

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 07:12 PM

He says he was AB but I've seen threads on Reddit that say he's full of shit and if he really was AB, he wouldn't be talking so much about it on YouTube. He's pretty intense and some of his stories are interesting.
Posted By: DetroitPartnership

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 07:58 PM

He's a Peckerwood in the DAGO (San Diego) Car. Mitch was in most all Level 4 over the course of 38 years. Mitch says he's full of shit if he claims to know the Brand as they were all locked down when Wes arrived and departed. Also, there is talk of him in an adjustment center (PC). But to be fair, the AJ noted may have not yet been for PC inmates when he was there.
Posted By: alicecooper

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 09:41 PM

Lots of people call bs on him. Strange but there's really nobody I've seen verifying who he is and certainly not vouching for him. Who knows.

On one hand, more power to him. On the other hand, it's usually the mentally weak and one's who had no heart to begin with that end up going so far over the top. And homeboy is NOT natty. So he's a functioning user/addict beneath it all.

But if someone can make bank on YouTube, no reason they shouldn't.
Posted By: Lenox

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 09:56 PM

Its quite obvious he is totally copying ( Rich Piana ).
Posted By: alicecooper

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by Lenox
Its quite obvious he is totally copying ( Rich Piana ).

How so?

I mean, they're both youtube sensations and sell workouts, but so does every youtube muscle head. Rich's personality was a total 180 from this dude. Plus Rich was full of synthol, Wes is real muscle even juiced.

RIP rich, seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Re: Wes Watson-Anyone Else Follow Him? - 01/28/22 10:43 PM

Yeah I've seen his videos. Can't say whether he's real or not for certain, but there definitely are quite a few people around who call bs on him. Personally I think he just created a character, ran with it and made a lot of dollars doing so. Power to him in that regard. Far as being "real"...personally I don't think so. Despite all the bravado, the aggressive intonation and the muscle mass he just doesn't come off as an actual killer nor a hardcore gangster. He's a solid storyteller, I'd give him that.
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