
Little Vic Thinks hes the president

Posted By: Millspgh

Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/20/21 03:55 PM

Interesting article on Vic Orena, one time acting Boss of the Columbo's. Anyone who has had elderly relatives can feel for this guy and how bad his quality of life is, then you think of the life he led while on the streets and its hard to feel as bad. My grandmother is 101 so I am more tilted towards the feeling bad for him at this point in his life. I would let him out to be cared for by family.

Thought I would share with all of you.

Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/20/21 04:03 PM

The life he led on the streets makes you not feel bad for him, meanwhile you turn a blind eye to our child trafficking government who were in bed with Jeffrey Epstein and use false flag attacks like 9/11 to lie us into war? Hypocrite.
Posted By: DonCheech

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/20/21 04:38 PM

What does your personal attack have to do with anything about what he posted? I don't feel too bad for Little Vic either. It's a sin that any human has to go through what he is but we're not talking about a good guy here. Sometimes karma is real. Stop with the BS.
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/20/21 05:33 PM

Well you're both personally attacking Orena, so what's the difference? It's okay because he's not a member of this forum? Get off your soap boxes, if I wanted a lesson on morality I'd go to church.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/20/21 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by Millspgh
Interesting article on Vic Orena, one time acting Boss of the Columbo's. Anyone who has had elderly relatives can feel for this guy and how bad his quality of life is, then you think of the life he led while on the streets and its hard to feel as bad. My grandmother is 101 so I am more tilted towards the feeling bad for him at this point in his life. I would let him out to be cared for by family.

Thought I would share with all of you.


Can you post the whole article? I can't read it in Italy.
Posted By: DiLorenzo

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/20/21 11:49 PM

Guy with alzheimers who believes he's the real president...Sounds familiar
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 12:20 AM

Orena wasn't a saint, but there are people who done much worse on top of the world right now. Orena paid for his sins.
Posted By: eastsideofvan

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by DillyDolly
The life he led on the streets makes you not feel bad for him, meanwhile you turn a blind eye to our child trafficking government who were in bed with Jeffrey Epstein and use false flag attacks like 9/11 to lie us into war? Hypocrite.

So, did the lizard people fly drones into the towers or is your theory that the Rothschild family secretly wired the building for a controlled demolition?

The Bush family, George Soros, Skull and Bones, the Rotary Club and the Backstreet Boys all working together to control everyone's mind man. And if you can't follow that logic, it's cause your a sheeple!!

Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 12:57 AM

Everything seems to check out except the lizard people. So everyone who questions the pure evil tactics used by our very own government, the ones we're supposed to look up to and follow, are conspiracy theorists, right? We're not allowed to question anything or say anything against the government without being called the old, worn-out phrase conspiracy theorist? You don't want to go down that path, because you'll lose. At least I don't believe that a caveman in the Middle East sent his men to crash into the WTC because he hates our so-called "freedoms." Now you talk about ridiculous!

But this is a gangster page, let's stay on topic. As long as people don't bring their judgements here, I won't feel the need to mention their war mongering, war profiteering, and child trafficking government. Capisce?

Posted By: DonCheech

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 02:09 AM

Yeah. Good idea. Stay on the topic and keep personal attacks out of it. You don't agree with what I think, so be it. Refute it or don't. Leave your non gangster related conspiracy theories in your head.
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 02:17 AM

Hey, don't get on a soap box and judge an old man from a moral perspective, keep it neutral. And then people won't feel the need to bring up those above us who are supposed to be so righteous when we know they touched kids with Epstein.
Posted By: DonCheech

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 02:39 AM

I can judge Vic Orena on any perspective. Its a forum. People share their opinions on topics. The only one on a soapbox is you my friend. You disagree with my opinion by implying I'm complicit with your theories on Epstein and the government? Start your own thread about them if you're so interested. Keep it about OC and relevant.

Respond if you want. This is the last I'm speaking of it.
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 02:41 AM

Okay, fair enough lol
Posted By: jace

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 04:21 AM

They are now getting ready to release the domestic terrorist who was part of the Brinks robbery cop murders, They let out way worse people than Orena, or others who were in the mafia or tied to it, it's a joke of a justice system.
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 04:44 AM

The government has a bitter hatred for the Mafia. They'll go to any length to flip over as many of its members as they possibly can to their side, and those who refuse are punished severely. It's so bad that they even start rumors on deceased stand-up guys, like Persico and Dellacroce. They scored really big with Massino, that's their biggest catch yet. These people are childish as fuck.
Posted By: ColonelReb

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Millspgh
Interesting article on Vic Orena, one time acting Boss of the Columbo's. Anyone who has had elderly relatives can feel for this guy and how bad his quality of life is, then you think of the life he led while on the streets and its hard to feel as bad. My grandmother is 101 so I am more tilted towards the feeling bad for him at this point in his life. I would let him out to be cared for by family.

Thought I would share with all of you.


You're a moron to believe this. A month ago Larry McShane and the daily news broke that Carmine Persico was a rat to try to spring Little Vic from jail. It failed miserably. And now this bullshit? People have short memories. That being said I think Little Vic should receive a compassionate release to die at home surrounded by loved ones. These bullshit attempts arent condusive to achieving that goal. Who is paying Larry McShane I wonder!
Posted By: merlino

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 12:51 PM

Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Guy with alzheimers who believes he's the real president...Sounds familiar

Lets Go Brandon
Posted By: jace

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by merlino
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Guy with alzheimers who believes he's the real president...Sounds familiar

Lets Go Brandon

Who is Brandon?
Posted By: majicrat

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 05:01 PM

This was a great forum to discuss the Mob at one time while exchanging thoughts back and forth. Too bad a few of the newer posters have turned it into an insult contest when ANYONE disagrees with them. BTW I have zero sympathy for Orena, Just because he's not well doesn't mean he gets a pass for his criminal life and deeds. I don't care what good he ever did, he's a paying for the crimes he committed and lives he took and ruined.
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 05:15 PM

Get off your soap box and moral high horse, why can't people remain neutral and not judge. We're here to discuss the mob and other gangsters, not preach to each other about what you believe to be right or wrong. Stop forcing your beliefs onto other people, and to be honest I can't think of a single person who wouldn't live the life that Orena did, if they thought that they could get away with it. They know they can't, so they spinelessly pack their lunch everyday and go to work, and turn over 75% of their hard-earned money to the government for the pay period.
Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/21/21 05:40 PM

I don't feel saying "I don't have any sympathy for Vic Orena" equals getting on a soap box and moral high horse.

If you feel bad for what he's going through, you should be able to state your opinion on that matter just like someone who doesn't feel an inkling of sympathy for him should be able to state this as well.

Opinions can differ, you know...
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Little Vic Thinks hes the president - 10/22/21 04:17 PM

This thread is locked. Once again: personal insults and poitics, both of which have no place on this or any other boards. Cut this shit out!
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