
Organized crime project (forum) request

Posted By: NYMafia

Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/23/21 02:52 PM

What members of the forum are interested, and capable, of possibly collaborating with me on a new mob research project? Please step up to the front and announce yourselves. Aside from making the occasional post or comment about a thread, who (if anyone here) has enough knowledge, background, and desire, about the American mafia to lend a helping hand for a few future projects I have in mind?

Abilities needed:
1) artistic design and layout with the ability to create a professional looking chart or graph of a particular family or crew
2) solid background on OC to be able to help research various aspects around the U.S., etc.
I think it would be fun and very helpful, both to myself and the person involved, as well as the forum itself, to bring a fresh new "look" and expand the information provided on GBB

I'm positive all forum members would welcome it as well. It will expand the forum, provide knowledge about OC, as well as integrate various forum members to work with one another on these projects. Newbie's obviously would not have the background knowledge to be helpful with historical aspects of these projects. But even they could help if in fact they are proficient in web design and page layout. Charts, graphs, etc. These are all things that are needed.

Another valuable aspect he/she could bring to the table would be the steady weekly searching out for old photographs, old newspaper archives, court documents, etc., about organized crime figures and their related organizations.

Any, or all, of the above mentioned items would bring a significant 'richness' to GBB that it desperately needs, and certainly elevate the forum to a much better place than it is now.

PS: It would also help to make for a much more enjoyable reading/viewing experience for all members than GBB presently is. This note is directed to ALL forum members. I'm curious to see who, if anyone, steps up to the plate.

Sincerely, The Other Guy (OG)

I await your reply.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/23/21 09:07 PM

Also; do any forum members have the desire to form a 'panel' of sorts with other members, for lack or a better word, to maybe combine your collective talents and knowledge to start delving into "organized crime" history.

Similar to what I have accomplished with my ButtonGuys of The New York Mafia website, it would be fantastic for this forum if several members could collaborate toward making and creating various in-depth interesting projects such as:

Mob stories about different arrests, rackets, and/or other situations
Family/borgata, or individual "crew" stories in various cities around the country
biographies of mob figures
rare photographs of mobsters of both notorious, and especially little known, mostly anonymous mob figures
......and for that matter anything else underworld related so as to elevate the forum and create real interesting reading

Because right now most of the threads that are started I look at are rudimentary in content and depth. Many amount to nothing more than mindless bantering back and forth with useless chatter. I cannot imagine anyone here is enthralled with the present content.

Am I right or wrong here? Please speak your minds and let's have a dialogue.

I stand corrected if anyone here can really, REALLY, say that the majority of threads posted contain pertinent content relating to in-depth exposes, deep research about CN, or investigations about Cosa Nostra.
There are so many interesting sub-categories to choose from:
the entire Untied States
Cosa Nostra
past, present, and future
thousands upon thousands of guys to choose from
wars, gangland murders, etc.

It's beyond me how nobody but nobody on here has any interest, or the wherewithal, to research any of it.....Why even come on a mob site if you have zero interest in it?

Other very useful (and interesting) assets could be if someone on the forum, anyone, would access and then post up various FOIA documents, or actual indictments of various cases brought against LCN over the years; mugshots, surveillance pics, police records, court papers, informant files, etc, etc, etc, ...... which aside from being ultra interesting on its own,
could then all be used at a later date to compile an interesting storyline as I have done over the past year to two. NOT a repost of another writers work from some other site, but new and singular info he/she composes.

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/23/21 10:09 PM

Here's one idea which I think done correctly would be a show stopper!

Although we already have a very extensive collection of mob informants on our "ButtonGuys of TNYM" website under "The Rats Nest" link, I am considering creating a new website devoted exclusively to this subject.

Whether described as; Informants, police cooperators, confidential informers, witnesses, stool pigeons, rats, Benedict Arnolds, or however else you'd like to refer to them as, this subject and group of individuals has been at the very epicenter of the underworld for many years already. So I think done correctly, this particular sub-category of the underworld would garner great interest.

Whatya think fellas?? Any thoughts?
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/23/21 10:17 PM

Sound very interesting, but unfortunately I can't really contribute much to the project, not being a real researcher. However, in case you are interested, I can post a list of known mafia members in Sicily, last updated in January 1990 (I ordered it from a local library). It's in Italian language though, and in later years some of its information was discovered to be outdated (for example, such as Toto' Minore still being listed as the boss of the Trapani family, even though he had already been killed by then, or the Rimi group from Alcamo being hostile towards the Greco group from the same city). However, hopefully it can be useful somehow, if you want to make charts of Sicilian families in the 80s or 90s.

I put all 13 pages in an archive in this link:


Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/23/21 11:07 PM

Originally Posted by Dwalin2011
Sound very interesting, but unfortunately I can't really contribute much to the project, not being a real researcher. However, in case you are interested, I can post a list of known mafia members in Sicily, last updated in January 1990 (I ordered it from a local library). It's in Italian language though, and in later years some of its information was discovered to be outdated (for example, such as Toto' Minore still being listed as the boss of the Trapani family, even though he had already been killed by then, or the Rimi group from Alcamo being hostile towards the Greco group from the same city). However, hopefully it can be useful somehow, if you want to make charts of Sicilian families in the 80s or 90s.

I put all 13 pages in an archive in this link:


Thank you Dwalin. This is exactly the type of info I am speaking of. But you would be of great help if you'd convert the Italian into English and/or separate the names accordingly to town, position, borgata, etc. Compile all the info, categorize it, and then lets design a chart or a list.

I think readers would love that. I know I would enjoy seeing it. You just name the charts variously: Argrigento Cosa - circa 1985, Castellammare del Golfo Cosca 1990, Alcamo Cosca 1991, etc.

If you down with it, so am I.

By all means please start it. I think you'll love doing the project and even you will garner more knowledge as you research through it. If you had the tenacity to go to the Library for it to begin with, I know you'll pull it together well.

We gotta start somewhere right??

THANK YOU for stepping up as the first. I wanna see others voice the opinions and jump in also.
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/23/21 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia

Thank you Dwalin. This is exactly the type of info I am speaking of. But you would be of great help if you'd convert the Italian into English and/or separate the names accordingly to town, position, borgata, etc. Compile all the info, categorize it, and then lets design a chart or a list.

I think readers would love that. I know I would enjoy seeing it. You just name the charts variously: Argrigento Cosa - circa 1985, Castellammare del Golfo Cosca 1990, Alcamo Cosca 1991, etc.

If you down with it, so am I.

By all means please start it. I think you'll love doing the project and even you will garner more knowledge as you research through it. If you had the tenacity to go to the Library for it to begin with, I know you'll pull it together well.

We gotta start somewhere right??

THANK YOU for stepping up as the first. I wanna see others voice the opinions and jump in also.

You are welcome, glad if I can help. Ok, I will try to translate it, however unfortunately I can't guarantee for the translation to be perfect, as neither Italian nor English are my mother languages, although I understand both (I am Russian, but live in Italy). It will take some time, as I will have to do it manually (unfortunately, the text on the images can't be edited directly in this case, as they are screenshots, not text files). I will try not to be too slow though.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by Dwalin2011
Originally Posted by NYMafia

Thank you Dwalin. This is exactly the type of info I am speaking of. But you would be of great help if you'd convert the Italian into English and/or separate the names accordingly to town, position, borgata, etc. Compile all the info, categorize it, and then lets design a chart or a list.

I think readers would love that. I know I would enjoy seeing it. You just name the charts variously: Argrigento Cosa - circa 1985, Castellammare del Golfo Cosca 1990, Alcamo Cosca 1991, etc.

If you down with it, so am I.

By all means please start it. I think you'll love doing the project and even you will garner more knowledge as you research through it. If you had the tenacity to go to the Library for it to begin with, I know you'll pull it together well.

We gotta start somewhere right??

THANK YOU for stepping up as the first. I wanna see others voice the opinions and jump in also.

You are welcome, glad if I can help. Ok, I will try to translate it, however unfortunately I can't guarantee for the translation to be perfect, as neither Italian nor English are my mother languages, although I understand both (I am Russian, but live in Italy). It will take some time, as I will have to do it manually (unfortunately, the text on the images can't be edited directly in this case, as they are screenshots, not text files). I will try not to be too slow though.

Listen my friend, you are the first to step up. So kudos to you! Take your time, do it right, and If I can help, just ask. Photos can be added in later. So can thumbnail profiles on a few of the more interesting guys. It can be a killer!

Let's see if more will rise up to the occasion. It would be very refreshing to see some posters push the envelope here and start to really make this place what I know it can be.

More power to us! Lol

take a week. And then show me what you gather up. We can adjust it as we go.

Again, thanks for manning up and stepping up to the plate pal. It is GREATLY appreciated.
Posted By: Louiebynochi

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 12:32 AM

How would we monetize this and who would own the domain?
Posted By: CNote

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 01:02 AM

Sounds intriguing, who do I gotta whack?
I like the concept, why don't you elaborate on it , please. I've provided a lot of information ( docs, images, interviews and links) to the Darkness Underneath Podcast who is doing a series on the Gemini Crew and the Westies currently.
As far the website dedicated to Cooperators, you need to look only as far as YouTube to see how lucrative it turned out for several, most recently corrupt Brooklyn NYPD Ofc Michael Dowd who has been making the rounds most lately.
Let me know what you need
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 01:10 AM

Monetization and domains are not even in the equation. We presently have zero. Nada! GBB is extremely flat as far as valuable or singular content. Not to sound pretentious but TNYM is the primary poster of extensively researched pieces about the American (and Italian) underworld that steadily elevates this forum. Gangsters Inc., also adds content on a semi-regular basis. But thats it.

Now what's wrong with this picture? You tell me? We should have at least several dozen posters who contribute solid content on a daily basis (good researchers, rare photo gatherers, guys who gather FOIA transcripts, FBI documents and surveillance pics and 302 reports), informer info, etc.

What does GBB have? Nothing, that's what. NOT one single poster here contributes anything close to what I just mentioned. Why is that? GBB is in some very sorry shape (in case you haven't noticed yet).

We can start generating a few nice pieces (for FUN and to benefit GBB). NO website. NO domain. NO money. It's about generating content for GBB to try and beef it up and make it much more than it presently is. This 'forum' needs serious help (in case you haven't noticed).

Done properly, maybe, just maybe, we can collectively do something nice for this forum and enjoy ourselves while doing it.

Thats what I'm talking about. Domain? Money? Thats the very last thing that anyone here should have on their mind.

Let's shake our asses and create some good content. Period!
Posted By: CNote

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 01:28 AM

I think that one of the limitations is that there is a finite amount of topics in relation to organized crime and it's all been discussed at some point or another so it can be intimidating to be redundant and look stupid. In fact on many occasions when I'm doing research on an interesting topic of organized crime, I am referred to this website. That's how I found it and that's why I signed up after following for five years, this is the definitive source for information on the history organized crime, period. For me it is the personal anecdotes that make a post interesting or not, I mean the history is all documented so we know what happened, it's those personal accounts of what transpired that make a story riveting, just saying.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 01:30 AM

Fellas, this is NOT about money. An informer website is just a passing thought that I would consider doing. NOT for money because there's NO money in it. Chump change at best.

I'm talking about here, right on GBB. I'd like to see you fellas step up and contribute. If we can get a bunch of guys to do this we can elevate this experience for us all.

Otherwise I tell you all now, GBB is dying a slow death. Or at best, it will always stay at a low content quality level. Why should that be? Why not all of you step up and start rocking and rolling and REALLY research some shit? In whatever category that floats your boat? I guarantee that if all of you here on GBB heed my advise and suggestion you will be thrilled at what can be accomplished in a relatively short amount of time. Just look at what I've created on my ButtonGuys of The NY Mafia website?

You gotta admit it's one hellava mob website. So I do know what I'm talking about, what I'm doing, and what I'm trying to say here. WTF? Why? Why? is this forum so flat?

The only thing I see is posters starting childish threads about far-flung abstract mob related posts. It gets 1000 of views and comments too!

WTF is going on here? Is THAT what all of you REALLY wanna partake in? Nonsense?

Not to be insulting to anyone, but its high time that somebody, anybody, states the Gods honest truth around here. This place is like Romper Room for Mob Fanboys (or haters).

Am I the only one who sees this? Or am I the only one who has the balls to state the painfully obvious?

I suspect that that GBB has thousands of members. You mean to tell me that out of all of you nobody has the computer skills, background knowledge about LCN, research capabilities, "DESIRE", and drive to step up and contribute the right way here? I find that extremely hard to believe.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by CNote
I think that one of the limitations is that there is a finite amount of topics in relation to organized crime and it's all been discussed at some point or another so it can be intimidating to be redundant and look stupid. In fact on many occasions when I'm doing research on an interesting topic of organized crime, I am referred to this website. That's how I found it and that's why I signed up after following for five years, this is the definitive source for information on the history organized crime, period. For me it is the personal anecdotes that make a post interesting or not, I mean the history is all documented so we know what happened, it's those personal accounts of what transpired that make a story riveting, just saying.

I do not agree with you. At all! Thats a copout

There Is SO much more content that could be researched, gleaned, and created, IF guys would step up and contribute. DO YOU NOT have the desire? Yet you are on a Mafia website constantly. Obviously there IS interest in the subject. So what's wrong here??

I'm not just directing my question to you. The question is for EVERYONE. WTF??

Let's get some dialogue going here. Hundreds of people have viewed and read this post (228 so far), yet only you and two others have commented. Why? What is happening to everyone now? The cats got your tongues?
Posted By: mike68

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 03:37 AM

"What does GBB have? Nothing, that's what. NOT one single poster here contributes anything close to what I just mentioned. Why is that? GBB is in some very sorry shape (in case you haven't noticed yet)."

I think this quote is a bit much personally. I don't have a problem with this forum at all. It serves it's purpose. If you want something else, perhaps you should look into starting your own thing.
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 04:26 AM

Geoff.....R U really gonna let this guy get away this shit??...I used 2 like N.Y...but..c'mon ..he's trying 2 dominate ur shit....some of us posters enjoy ALL of the threds..(food, movies etc)..but who the hell is he 2 talk like that on YOUR domain????...Actually , I've come 2 the conclusion that N.Y. Mafia is now BORING...all he wants is just the 5 families talk..no inputs..& over & over already known bullshit..ever since Lisa left..he's desperate...I admit...I don't contribute much & alot of our stuff is redundant & these newbies are...well..assholes...but oldheads like myself do not ( & I think I can speak 4 a few other posters..ahem..Dues etc..) ..like any intruders or change..by way of dominating the screenspace w/ his Quizzical " I'm the shit" bullcrap...If SC was still alive..N.Y. would have been banned a while ago......Fuck him & this thread..I'm goin 2 bed..good nite Geoff.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 04:41 AM

Originally Posted by mike68
"What does GBB have? Nothing, that's what. NOT one single poster here contributes anything close to what I just mentioned. Why is that? GBB is in some very sorry shape (in case you haven't noticed yet)."

I think this quote is a bit much personally. I don't have a problem with this forum at all. It serves it's purpose. If you want something else, perhaps you should look into starting your own thing.

Your response is par for the course, and exactly what I'm addressing.

"It serves its purpose"? Really? It is a mob forum. Correct. And it serves a purpose. (Obviously). But wouldn't you care to elevate it by having other posters contribute research content to make it even more enjoyable?

Thats all I'm saying here?

And as far as doing my own thing. I'm already doing my own thing. It's called "The New York Mafia" website. And it keeps my extremely busy. And I'm very content.

I am speaking about here on GBB. We can't more people, more posters, contribute solid content? THATS my question.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 04:54 AM

Originally Posted by hoodlum
Geoff.....R U really gonna let this guy get away this shit??...I used 2 like N.Y...but..c'mon ..he's trying 2 dominate ur shit....some of us posters enjoy ALL of the threds..(food, movies etc)..but who the hell is he 2 talk like that on YOUR domain????...Actually , I've come 2 the conclusion that N.Y. Mafia is now BORING...all he wants is just the 5 families talk..no inputs..& over & over already known bullshit..ever since Lisa left..he's desperate...I admit...I don't contribute much & alot of our stuff is redundant & these newbies are...well..assholes...but oldheads like myself do not ( & I think I can speak 4 a few other posters..ahem..Dues etc..) ..like any intruders or change..by way of dominating the screenspace w/ his Quizzical " I'm the shit" bullcrap...If SC was still alive..N.Y. would have been banned a while ago......Fuck him & this thread..I'm goin 2 bed..good nite Geoff.

Hoodlum, WTF are you even talking about? Are you lost in space?

I was NOT attacking you, or anyone else on this site. I was only attempting to make an observation so as to possible light a fire under your ass to start to contribute since you readily admit you contribute next to nothing to this forum.

But thats alright. You do you as they say! Wallow in your meadow.

I sincerely hope that there aren't many other posters who have your skewed outlook and share your baseless attacks.

I am TRYING to help muster others to contribute content that will only HELP this site. Tell me Hoodlum, what is it that you contribute here? Except nasty attacks that is?

And as far as "dominating"? LOL ........ you can go blow that one out of your ass. Dominate what? I really think you're a bit way too paranoid. Because nothing could be further from the truth. "Intruders" you say? I've been here several years already and have added so much good content and interaction with friendly posters that I can hardly be considered a "Intruder" as you so rudely put it.

I have more posts than you, and I'm here 4 years less than you. So go figure, right?

If you choose to not take what I asked of everyone in the true vain of how I asked it, then that's all on you. My attempt is to help us, not hurt us!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by hoodlum
Geoff.....R U really gonna let this guy get away this shit??...I used 2 like N.Y...but..c'mon ..he's trying 2 dominate ur shit....some of us posters enjoy ALL of the threds..(food, movies etc)..but who the hell is he 2 talk like that on YOUR domain????......

While I am grateful for the contributions that Lisa and "The Other Guy" have made here to the Real Life forum, that is only one of the many forums here. This BB started as a forum for The Godfather in the 90s, with "Other Puzo" and "Scarface" added shortly thereafter. As relationships and membership grew, it became necessary to add general entertainment/sports/food/etc categories, and even General discussion which many of us would spend hours a day chatting away -- so having a section for Real Life Mafia seemed like a natural offshoot. Real Life was never the main focus, and never was intended to be the main focus. And since it seems to attract so many fake "tough guy" crazies, it never will be the main focus here. But if someone wants to create content of interest to many, I don't see anything inherently wrong with it. At least if it stays under control. The forums were very popular years ago -- but due to many factors (including the decrease in popularity of old-school forums in general, the influx of troublemakers and the exile of valued members, the physical loss of many members, and not to mention me becoming so busy with other things the past few years), it's gotten a little out of control and we lost a lot of people. And I'm sorry for that. Despite NYMafia's sometimes uncouth mannerisms, he does seem to spend a lot of time creating content for his site and sharing much of it here. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, nor is his plea to get more people involved. I wish I had the time to get more involved myself. But at this point, don't worry about any type of takeover.... wink
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 09:22 AM

Wow, I never thought NYMafia would try something like this. They do contribute and put in a lot of content for this section. I wonder, are you trying to compete with another site? GBB forums is not dying, it has many members who's interests are into different topics and subjects. There are many posters who have contributed to this section on different families and crews away from NYC, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. Not all of them are still posting but there are still solid knowledgeable members here. Anyway, Geoff has the finale say and that is that.
Posted By: VitoCahill

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 11:45 AM

To giacomos point I just posted couple days ago a chart on Chicago outfit 2021.
It is not the final say on the current outfit I admit was more an attempt to glean any further info on one of the most important and successful oc groups in history.
Since posting....crickets.
No interest,not ny related ??? Who knows don't matter.
I would like to see more current charts structures of active mafia families,crews,groups.
I think alot of members on here r done with rehashing info on families that don't exist or from 5-6 decades ago.
And why a chart or list on rats and informants?
Posted By: Strax

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 11:47 AM

This place had really high quality posters back in 2011,2012. Back then most of them left this place and went to 'real deal', now all of them are on that other forum(some of us are on both places).

Best poster we have here is Hollander,other high quality posters are m2w(didnt post in a long time),Dwalin2011,antimafia,TheKillingJoke. There are some more but i can't remember nicks right now, but that's about it.

Good luck in what you are trying to accomplish.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 12:04 PM

As Geoff said and I tried to explain, I am not attacking the forum or anybody on the forum. My focus was, and is, on possibly helping to develop more interest and participation to GBB's "real life organized crime" section. I do understand that this forum has many 'departments' and 'offshoots' focusing on food, entertainment, movies, etc., but if you guys really look at the numbers you'll quickly see that the entire GBB forum is top heavy with interest in "real organized crime" and not so much in those other subjects.

I back up my position by the sheer number of threads started for "real OC' which presently number over 15,400, and the next closest subject matter which I believe is "general life discussion' which is hovering less than 8,000 threads. Thats around 50% less interest. After that general subject all the other subjects and threads rank much, much lower. in the hundreds, or low thousands at best. Examples: sports has 1700 threads, food has 400 threads, and there are many more subject categories much lower than that. The numerical statistics don't lie do they? And these are not my numbers, they are the counting that GBB itself keeps track of. So its spot on accurate.

Nobody is trying to 'pull a fast one' as you suggest. What the heck is pulling a fast one all about anyway? I am attempting to muster up support from some warm bodies here to collaborate together on deeper research and mob threads. Deep expose sort of stuff. My thinking was that it would help beef up the viability of the entire site. But I'm seeing there is no interest in doing any of that.

And by the way, you don't have to do it with me. THAT is not my focus. In fact, I'm so busy that the thought of that doesn't appeal to me at all. I am kept busy enough as you all know by my own site. I only wanted to encourage you to jump in the water and start to create solid mob content on your own. I for one would love to see that for GBB.

But alas, as I suspected, this thread would fall on deaf ears. My post quickly deteriorated to where a few posters cursed me, accused me of some unknown but 'nefarious' purpose and 'scheme', or wanted to know who would own a domain and how to make money. Lol. As though any of that was ever on the table. My post was for you guys to post up here on GBB. Not start another site.

I do me. ButtonGuys of The New York Mafia. I contribute here as a total 'courtesy' to all of you. Period!
I see that all of you are very happy with the level of real life mob content posted here, so I'll end this conversation now. "It is what it is" as the man once said.
PS: If I've ever acted in a manner that could be considered "sometimes uncouth mannerisms" as Geoff said, it was only AFTER a given poster or two repeatedly verbally attacked me and got nasty and repeatedly cursed me. Am I NOT allowed to defend myself in the same manner? Would any of you allow such behavior toward yourselves? I think not.

I get along just fine with the overwhelming majority of posters here. But there are always a few troublemakers or nasty guys in the crowd. Thats only natural. Hoodlum just cursed me in a post above. You didn't see me respond in kind did you? ....... case in point.

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 12:50 PM

This thread has garnered 400 views so far yet no one has expressed any interest in what I suggested... So be it.

As far as I'm concerned this thread has been derailed, and is not going in the direction that I intended. So for me the thread has devolved into something far from the altruistic purpose I had hoped for.

So I'm now done with the entire subject matter of this thread, or the suggestion of everybody trying to help the forum.

As I said, "It is what it is"

PS: please note for the record that I tried, but my efforts were clearly misinterpreted and not appreciated.
Posted By: fergie

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 09:03 PM

NYMafia, I’ve had a few back and forths with you in the past, having questioned your motives for suddenly becoming heavily involved in posting and, at times, displaying some level of fairly passive/aggressive behaviour…BUT I do genuinely think your research and content is top notch and I’ve said as much to you directly. However, you do tend to get your panties in a bunch very quickly….that’s perhaps why you’re naturally skilful at research and written work, rather than interactions with people and PR. Nothing wrong with that at all, but you need to reflect on things a bit and understand why situations sometimes occur, or at least become prolonged.

As Geoff alluded to, the BB website now includes a whole host of topics, including organised crime..it’s not just a “mob forum” as you seem to think. You can examine the traffic, posts and whatever else you like to prove a case for organised crime material but, at the end of the day, people want to read about various topics and most really enjoy the site as a leisurely pastime. Geoff obviously isn’t in this to make his fortune and, actually, just no doubt takes great satisfaction from having created a site thousands of people have loved for years and continue to.

Like you, people visit, read and post content - yours is great and people tell you so, but stop with this about creating other websites, panels etc etc. No one has expressed any interest in what you suggested, I guess, because they are not interested. You run a website and have a focus on different priorities than everyone on here. Your very quick to judge the site and all its members - its as if you've awarded yourself some authority because you post articles on a regular basis.

You’ve also just said you post on here as a “courtesy” to everyone, GBB “has nothing” (without you I assume) and in a “sorry shape”…well just leave then? Seriously, I read through your posts on this thread and can actually see the slide from extremely nice to then shooting in your pants and quickly becoming downright rude, disrespectful and offensive.. I see this happen a lot and I know you think your defending yourself, but your long winded defences (following overly nice and enthusiastic openings) are actually becoming a very tedious pattern to the eye - and a reason I mostly tend to avoid the organised crime threads you create these days. I’m really disappointed you’ve not avoided this tbh, I really am.

I think your at a crossroads, either continue posting great stuff for your own, and other’s enjoyment, or just leave and concentrate fully on your own projects..even create your own mob forum attached to your site (I’ll take the royalties for that idea 🤔)

Otherwise, you’ll gonna create more stress for yourself, honestly.
Posted By: fergie

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 09:18 PM

Also, I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but you’ve also got a semi permanent derogatory description under your avatar referencing a poster you’ve had ongoing disagreements with? If that’s the case, it’s tells me more about you than it does about them, and actually quite disappointing for a “serious” OC poster. If I’m wrong, it’s maybe worth changing to avoid confusion and ongoing issues
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by fergie
NYMafia, I’ve had a few back and forths with you in the past, having questioned your motives for suddenly becoming heavily involved in posting and, at times, displaying some level of fairly passive/aggressive behaviour…BUT I do genuinely think your research and content is top notch and I’ve said as much to you directly. However, you do tend to get your panties in a bunch very quickly….that’s perhaps why you’re naturally skilful at research and written work, rather than interactions with people and PR. Nothing wrong with that at all, but you need to reflect on things a bit and understand why situations sometimes occur, or at least become prolonged.

As Geoff alluded to, the BB website now includes a whole host of topics, including organised crime..it’s not just a “mob forum” as you seem to think. You can examine the traffic, posts and whatever else you like to prove a case for organised crime material but, at the end of the day, people want to read about various topics and most really enjoy the site as a leisurely pastime. Geoff obviously isn’t in this to make his fortune and, actually, just no doubt takes great satisfaction from having created a site thousands of people have loved for years and continue to.

Like you, people visit, read and post content - yours is great and people tell you so, but stop with this about creating other websites, panels etc etc. No one has expressed any interest in what you suggested, I guess, because they are not interested. You run a website and have a focus on different priorities than everyone on here. Your very quick to judge the site and all its members - its as if you've awarded yourself some authority because you post articles on a regular basis.

You’ve also just said you post on here as a “courtesy” to everyone, GBB “has nothing” (without you I assume) and in a “sorry shape”…well just leave then? Seriously, I read through your posts on this thread and can actually see the slide from extremely nice to then shooting in your pants and quickly becoming downright rude, disrespectful and offensive.. I see this happen a lot and I know you think your defending yourself, but your long winded defences (following overly nice and enthusiastic openings) are actually becoming a very tedious pattern to the eye - and a reason I mostly tend to avoid the organised crime threads you create these days. I’m really disappointed you’ve not avoided this tbh, I really am.

I think your at a crossroads, either continue posting great stuff for your own, and other’s enjoyment, or just leave and concentrate fully on your own projects..even create your own mob forum attached to your site (I’ll take the royalties for that idea 🤔)

Otherwise, you’ll gonna create more stress for yourself, honestly.

I completely agree Fergie. Everyone has their own focus and I misjudged what most on GBB want as far as content. I thought it would have been good for you guys to work together collaborating on various mob research. I thought everyone would enjoy the added content and projects. But I stand corrected.

No harm. No foul.
Posted By: fergie

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/24/21 10:04 PM

Keep up the good work, and hopefully here 👍
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by fergie
NYMafia, I’ve had a few back and forths with you in the past, having questioned your motives for suddenly becoming heavily involved in posting and, at times, displaying some level of fairly passive/aggressive behaviour…BUT I do genuinely think your research and content is top notch and I’ve said as much to you directly. However, you do tend to get your panties in a bunch very quickly….that’s perhaps why you’re naturally skilful at research and written work, rather than interactions with people and PR. Nothing wrong with that at all, but you need to reflect on things a bit and understand why situations sometimes occur, or at least become prolonged.

As Geoff alluded to, the BB website now includes a whole host of topics, including organised crime..it’s not just a “mob forum” as you seem to think. You can examine the traffic, posts and whatever else you like to prove a case for organised crime material but, at the end of the day, people want to read about various topics and most really enjoy the site as a leisurely pastime. Geoff obviously isn’t in this to make his fortune and, actually, just no doubt takes great satisfaction from having created a site thousands of people have loved for years and continue to.

Like you, people visit, read and post content - yours is great and people tell you so, but stop with this about creating other websites, panels etc etc. No one has expressed any interest in what you suggested, I guess, because they are not interested. You run a website and have a focus on different priorities than everyone on here. Your very quick to judge the site and all its members - its as if you've awarded yourself some authority because you post articles on a regular basis.

You’ve also just said you post on here as a “courtesy” to everyone, GBB “has nothing” (without you I assume) and in a “sorry shape”…well just leave then? Seriously, I read through your posts on this thread and can actually see the slide from extremely nice to then shooting in your pants and quickly becoming downright rude, disrespectful and offensive.. I see this happen a lot and I know you think your defending yourself, but your long winded defences (following overly nice and enthusiastic openings) are actually becoming a very tedious pattern to the eye - and a reason I mostly tend to avoid the organised crime threads you create these days. I’m really disappointed you’ve not avoided this tbh, I really am.

I think your at a crossroads, either continue posting great stuff for your own, and other’s enjoyment, or just leave and concentrate fully on your own projects..even create your own mob forum attached to your site (I’ll take the royalties for that idea 🤔)

Otherwise, you’ll gonna create more stress for yourself, honestly.
So WELL SAID....ThankU Fergie...& FUCK YOU N.Y.Mafia...u fuckin thief..STAY OFF OUR SITE..!
Posted By: Louiebynochi

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 02:29 AM

There’s an old saying my grandfather used to tell me....

You can take a piece of shit and dress em up in a suit with a bottle of cologne on em but he will still stink like a motherfucker...

But the mob activity as far as the OC forum here has dissipated the last few years w Wiseguy and Pogo(who were eviscerated by yours truly) for they’re crazy theories that involve if you commit criminal activity you must be indicted for it or it didn’t happen nonsense and others who were here or originally on real deal migrating to the other place....
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 04:11 AM

Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
There’s an old saying my grandfather used to tell me....

You can take a piece of shit and dress em up in a suit with a bottle of cologne on em but he will still stink like a motherfucker...

But the mob activity as far as the OC forum here has dissipated the last few years w Wiseguy and Pogo(who were eviscerated by yours truly) for they’re crazy theories that involve if you commit criminal activity you must be indicted for it or it didn’t happen nonsense and others who were here or originally on real deal migrating to the other place....

Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 04:19 AM

"She cries alone at night too often.....he smokes , he drinks , he don't come home at all"..only women bleed......
Posted By: alicecooper

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by hoodlum
"She cries alone at night too often.....he smokes , he drinks , he don't come home at all"..only women bleed......

Awww you're thinking of me.

What's this "other place" getting mentioned?
Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 07:40 AM

As far as I'm concerned, I'd love to contribute more than I'm contributing right now, but I'm just unable to spend a lot of time on the internet these days.

I'm doing my best to earn an honest living and keep myself on the straight and narrow and work is a bitch these days (lots of targets, lots of stress, too many whiny superiors and too little pay for the effort I'm putting into it...). That's why I'm sorta focused on the professional side of my life right now, looking for a way to switch jobs etc... Whatever free time I have left I spend on working out and getting involved in discussions about music.

Sometimes other priorities just get in the way...
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
As far as I'm concerned, I'd love to contribute more than I'm contributing right now, but I'm just unable to spend a lot of time on the internet these days.

I'm doing my best to earn an honest living and keep myself on the straight and narrow and work is a bitch these days (lots of targets, lots of stress, too many whiny superiors and too little pay for the effort I'm putting into it...). That's why I'm sorta focused on the professional side of my life right now, looking for a way to switch jobs etc... Whatever free time I have left I spend on working out and getting involved in discussions about music.

Sometimes other priorities just get in the way...

I get it. and thats fine. Life can get in the way sometimes. We all have commitments. Of course there will be people like yourself who can't contribute for various reasons, and of course there are others who do have the time and that was my point, for them to post up more; research, create mob content for us all to enjoy, etc. And that would have been a good thing for the forum, not a bad thing.

But you read the response from several posters above didn't you? ... so that's that as they say. Lol.

Thanks for the gentlemanly response by the way. It's always nice to speak with level headed people.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 01:07 PM

One ignoramus even said to stay off "our" site like he owns the forum, and called me a thief? Lol ....... Thief mind you? Like I stole something or was looking to steal something? Tell me, what was "stolen," or even available to steal?

Stupid responses from a clearly confused individual. Then he repeatedly curses me like a typical internet tough guy. Somebody needs a tranquilizer and it's clearly not me.

There is a old adage that seems painfully appropriate in this situation and it goes like this, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by VitoCahill
To giacomos point I just posted couple days ago a chart on Chicago outfit 2021.
It is not the final say on the current outfit I admit was more an attempt to glean any further info on one of the most important and successful oc groups in history.
Since posting....crickets.
No interest,not ny related ??? Who knows don't matter.
I would like to see more current charts structures of active mafia families,crews,groups.
I think alot of members on here r done with rehashing info on families that don't exist or from 5-6 decades ago.
And why a chart or list on rats and informants?

Yes, I see that. And I agree with you that you do post up. Others who contribute include Hollander, Furio, LouieNochi on occasion, Giacomo, and a few others. And thats great! I am not directing my comments to you guys per se. My statements have more to do with others who may have good knowledge and a knack for research who (for whatever reason) don't participate. I understand that not everyone has the time, but when you can it would be fantastic for GBB if they did jump in.

NOT FOR ME. NOT FOR NYM, BUT FOR GBB. (and for us all to enjoy what they could possibly bring to the table).

Is that a bad thing? Of course not. But I was not well received by some of the other posters. Why that is is anybody's guess. I for one can't figure it the fuck out. But that's just me I guess. Lol

Anyway, I do enjoy what you have posted, and my post was not meant to imply that you or the others who do contribute are not doing your share.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by Strax
This place had really high quality posters back in 2011,2012. Back then most of them left this place and went to 'real deal', now all of them are on that other forum(some of us are on both places).

Best poster we have here is Hollander,other high quality posters are m2w(didnt post in a long time),Dwalin2011,antimafia,TheKillingJoke. There are some more but i can't remember nicks right now, but that's about it.

Good luck in what you are trying to accomplish.

Thanks Strax, but I'm finished trying to convince people to contribute. I thought I was doing a good thing by mustering the crowd but you see the negative response from some of them. They either don't want change and an increase in real OC content; charts, graphs, stories, deep research, news articles, etc., or they themselves feel threatened by the thought of having to help out. Why that is I don't know. Maybe they feel they don't have the wherewithal to partake so they attack those of us who do.

But thank you for your intelligent comments and insight. And I do agree with you that other places have more of what I'm speaking about. I'm not on here for years and years so I don't know the background or drama involved with those who once were members and left for "Real Deal" or whatever. I only know what I know and what I see now. And I was trying to help us.

But you see how well that went. Lol
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by fergie
Keep up the good work, and hopefully here 👍

Thanks, I intend to keep up the good work. I know there are many posters who have commented to me that they enjoy the content. In fact, I've been working on my site the last few weeks doing cleanup and rearranging various storylines. It's been under construction so to speak. It's now back up and running. So for those of you who enjoy the content its active again.
Posted By: Tommy2Times

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 01:29 PM

I don't have a problem with you at all. I know, I fall in that class of not really contributing to this site but, I do enjoy reading about some of the OC posted on this forum. I am grateful for those I have personally reached out to that have helped me research certain individuals.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by Tommy2Times

I don't have a problem with you at all. I know, I fall in that class of not really contributing to this site but, I do enjoy reading about some of the OC posted on this forum. I am grateful for those I have personally reached out to that have helped me research certain individuals.

Thanks Tommy
Posted By: Raven

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 02:32 PM

Maxie why did Lisa dump you and quit working with you?
Posted By: MafiaStudent

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by Raven
Maxie why did Lisa dump you and quit working with you?

I don't know exactly what you're trying to start here. As I explained on the other board. I decided to go in a different direction and focus on justice/courts/news and thus why I'm no longer involved with NYM. I'm not sure how much more clear that is.
Posted By: Raven

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 02:52 PM

Can you read? I asked Maxie, not you. You his mouthpiece? Obviously so.
Posted By: MafiaStudent

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Raven
Can you read? I asked Maxie, not you. You his mouthpiece? Obviously so.

Well, when my name is brought into bullshit...I'm going to speak on my behalf. Next time, don't use my name and I won't involve myself.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 02:55 PM

Nobody 'dumped' anybody. We continue to be the best of friends and speak almost daily. Whats your point?

You did notice that she jumped right in to defend me no? Lol.... there's a reason for that. We like one another
Posted By: Raven

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 03:02 PM

Sounds like bs to me.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 03:03 PM

There are only so many hours in one day and we both have many other commitments. As other members have said, they would love to post more but they just don't have the time. Why should it be any different for Lisa or I?

I myself have been so busy in my personal life that I've been posting much less also (in case you haven't noticed).

Covid was the perfect storm for us to write and write because we were all locked down 24/7. With Covid largely in the rearview mirror (hopefully), even my research and writings will slow. It goes with the territory.
On another note, but related of course, If you do not enjoy my posts and website just ignore them. If you enjoy what I put on my website then visit. It's that simple. Why all the drama?
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Raven
Sounds like bs to me.

Well then thats a personal problem Raven, isn't it?

We offered an explanation as a courtesy. But if you really think about it, it's not really your business anyway now is it?
Posted By: Raven

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 07:50 PM

The issue i have is some of the erroronous stuff you have up. For instance I think it was Lisa wrote that Salvatore Badalamenti had a mobbed up brother (he didnt even have a brother) and committed suicide in the 1960's. He died in 1994 and not from suicide. One website some has that BS and you guys copy it without researching it, when with some research you would have realized the facts in about 5 minutes. You can easily check obits, census records etc. You claim to write these "exposes" but it is the exact same stuff you can find on wikipedia or other sources. You change the wording and call it an expose, and act like your this great mafia insider, when clearly your not and don't even fact check the stuff you copy. You act pretty high and mighty and it's annoying. On blackhand you claimed to have to some personal photos of mafia members you took yourself growing up but didnt know how to post them online. You havent posted a damn single one of these. You use the same photos from newspapers etc. that everyone else has, but claim you have photos nobody has even seen, Where are they? You've even used watermarked pictures you took off of other blogs and placed them on your blog.
Posted By: Raven

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 08:44 PM

The last and final thing i will say is do you know what an "exposé" is? Your not writing exposé''s. Your Franzese "exposé" was an article, which is cool but not an "exposé". "exposé" implies new previously, unknown information that your exposing. The media has been writing about Franzese's involvment in OC for decades. You did'nt expose anything. A few paragraphs about a known OC figure is an article or mini bio. You always come off as high and mighty like your writing these well researched bio's of gangsters. I mean c'mon its a few paragraphs of stuff that is for the most part contains information that is widely known. Your not a journalist writing exposé''s. Your high and mighty attitude and constantly patting yourself on the back, and hocking your website got old real quick. Your not Jimmy Breslin.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 09:50 PM

You questioned my relationship with Lisa, which in reality was nothing more than a failed attempt on your part to take a cheap shot at me which wasn't nice. You fell flat on that one when both Lisa and I immediately shot you down. Silly, babyish behavior on your part.
And ya know Raven, for a fella who claims to despise me and supposedly hates my writings, you sure keep awfully close tabs on me. You seem to have read many of my pieces. So despite whatever you may say to the contrary, you seem to be drawn to me and my website like a moth to a flame. That fact (indisputable by your own admission by the way), speaks volumes about your true feelings and negative intentions toward me. Me thinks you may have ulterior motives that are not so altruistic.

To date ButtonGuys of TNYM has posted:
400 biographies
58 in-depth borgata or regime stories from across the US
4 gangland war stories
13 racket exposes
1000s of mob photographs (many of them rare)
info on hundreds of rats, and approximately 100 (at least) or more other stories, personal opinion pieces, and interesting mob related data. Most of which is very singular in nature and unique to say the least. IMO I have brought a breath of fresh air to the well-worn subject of OC. And my record speaks for itself. I certainly don't feel the need to defend myself against the likes of you.

As I stated earlier, the haters such as yourself will always hate. For whatever reason; envy, jealousy, stupidity, ignorance, or personal problems that I cannot help you with. Instead of just reading and enjoying the work, you feel an incessant need to try and tear me and my work down to make yourself feel better. Why that is? Who knows. That question is better answered by a professional shrink than a layman such as myself.

But the vast majority of people enjoy my work and will continue to enjoy and follow my stuff. You are in no way, shape, or form, obligated to read what I write. And I'm completely cool with that.

Whats that old adage, "Ya just can't please all of the people all of the time".......... it's soooo true.

On another note, nobody is infallible, NOBODY! Not even you. And on rare occasion I have made an error or two. I readily admit that. But instead of enjoying and commenting positively about the plethora of enjoyable (and very informative) work I've put up, what do you do instead? You try your damndest to dig out any little misnomer or miscue from all those nice article in a failed attempt to try and discredit me or insult me......Your actions make any intelligent and logical person wonder why that is, and what the "true" motive behind your actions really is.

After hundreds and hundreds of pieces (nearing 1000), and literally millions upon millions of words written, and the "literally" hundreds and hundreds of hours of painstaking work that I put into creating these works, I reserve that right to make a few errors. It goes with the territory as they say. But I stand by my work (one million percent) as being extremely authentic and honest. If you insist on searching for that preverbal 'needle in the haystack,' to try to knock me you can always find one. But in relation to the full body and depth of my work its the equivalent of a pimple on an elephants ass.
I also don't need to boast or promote myself in any way, shape, or form. Contrary to your statement that I act all "high and mighty" as I think you put it, I am a very humble person but I am proud of my body of work and why shouldn't I be? I've devoted many, many hours and hard work to create The New York Mafia. It's become a solid mob site IMO. And in that regard I am proud.

My work speaks for itself, but if you knew all the kudos and positive feedback I regularly receive from knowledgeable readers and important sources who admire my work you'd probably have a stroke. Knowledgable mob aficionados, respected OC researchers, the blood family members of many of my subjects, as well as actual mob guys themselves. (you want a better recommendation than that? Lol, I don't think so).
So how about we agree to disagree. You just go your way, and I'll go my way. This way we don't have to clash and there's no BS or drama between us. Whatya say?

Forget about my website and me. Just as I've already discarded and discounted you and your remarks as gibberish from a guy who means absolutely zero to me. It's much better that way for both of us, no?

Yours truly, The Other Guy!
Posted By: Tommy2Times

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/25/21 10:21 PM

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” “Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore. Sorry, lol I had to....
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by Tommy2Times

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” “Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore. Sorry, lol I had to....

Oh, a poet eh? Lol

Very good T2T
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 02:22 AM

Originally Posted by hoodlum
Geoff.....R U really gonna let this guy get away this shit??...I used 2 like N.Y...but..c'mon ..he's trying 2 dominate ur shit....some of us posters enjoy ALL of the threds..(food, movies etc)..but who the hell is he 2 talk like that on YOUR domain????...Actually , I've come 2 the conclusion that N.Y. Mafia is now BORING...all he wants is just the 5 families talk..no inputs..& over & over already known bullshit..ever since Lisa left..he's desperate...I admit...I don't contribute much & alot of our stuff is redundant & these newbies are...well..assholes...but oldheads like myself do not ( & I think I can speak 4 a few other posters..ahem..Dues etc..) ..like any intruders or change..by way of dominating the screenspace w/ his Quizzical " I'm the shit" bullcrap...If SC was still alive..N.Y. would have been banned a while ago......Fuck him & this thread..I'm goin 2 bed..good nite Geoff.

I’m with The Good Hood.

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Wow, I never thought NYMafia would try something like this. They do contribute and put in a lot of content for this section. I wonder, are you trying to compete with another site? GBB forums is not dying, it has many members who's interests are into different topics and subjects. There are many posters who have contributed to this section on different families and crews away from NYC, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. Not all of them are still posting but there are still solid knowledgeable members here. Anyway, Geoff has the finale say and that is that.

That’s It.

Originally Posted by fergie
Also, I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but you’ve also got a semi permanent derogatory description under your avatar referencing a poster you’ve had ongoing disagreements with? If that’s the case, it’s tells me more about you than it does about them, and actually quite disappointing for a “serious” OC poster. If I’m wrong, it’s maybe worth changing to avoid confusion and ongoing issues

Noticed that also.

Originally Posted by hoodlum
Originally Posted by fergie
NYMafia, I’ve had a few back and forths with you in the past, having questioned your motives for suddenly becoming heavily involved in posting and, at times, displaying some level of fairly passive/aggressive behaviour…BUT I do genuinely think your research and content is top notch and I’ve said as much to you directly. However, you do tend to get your panties in a bunch very quickly….that’s perhaps why you’re naturally skilful at research and written work, rather than interactions with people and PR. Nothing wrong with that at all, but you need to reflect on things a bit and understand why situations sometimes occur, or at least become prolonged.

As Geoff alluded to, the BB website now includes a whole host of topics, including organised crime..it’s not just a “mob forum” as you seem to think. You can examine the traffic, posts and whatever else you like to prove a case for organised crime material but, at the end of the day, people want to read about various topics and most really enjoy the site as a leisurely pastime. Geoff obviously isn’t in this to make his fortune and, actually, just no doubt takes great satisfaction from having created a site thousands of people have loved for years and continue to.

Like you, people visit, read and post content - yours is great and people tell you so, but stop with this about creating other websites, panels etc etc. No one has expressed any interest in what you suggested, I guess, because they are not interested. You run a website and have a focus on different priorities than everyone on here. Your very quick to judge the site and all its members - its as if you've awarded yourself some authority because you post articles on a regular basis.

You’ve also just said you post on here as a “courtesy” to everyone, GBB “has nothing” (without you I assume) and in a “sorry shape”…well just leave then? Seriously, I read through your posts on this thread and can actually see the slide from extremely nice to then shooting in your pants and quickly becoming downright rude, disrespectful and offensive.. I see this happen a lot and I know you think your defending yourself, but your long winded defences (following overly nice and enthusiastic openings) are actually becoming a very tedious pattern to the eye - and a reason I mostly tend to avoid the organised crime threads you create these days. I’m really disappointed you’ve not avoided this tbh, I really am.

I think your at a crossroads, either continue posting great stuff for your own, and other’s enjoyment, or just leave and concentrate fully on your own projects..even create your own mob forum attached to your site (I’ll take the royalties for that idea 🤔)

Otherwise, you’ll gonna create more stress for yourself, honestly.

Yes, as Hood says..well said Fergie.

So WELL SAID....ThankU Fergie...& FUCK YOU N.Y.Mafia...u fuckin thief..STAY OFF OUR SITE..!

This site has always been fair, lively, wide open and sharing while having some fun.
Hope it remains that way.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 02:57 AM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by VitoCahill
To giacomos point I just posted couple days ago a chart on Chicago outfit 2021.
It is not the final say on the current outfit I admit was more an attempt to glean any further info on one of the most important and successful oc groups in history.
Since posting....crickets.
No interest,not ny related ??? Who knows don't matter.
I would like to see more current charts structures of active mafia families,crews,groups.
I think alot of members on here r done with rehashing info on families that don't exist or from 5-6 decades ago.
And why a chart or list on rats and informants?

Yes, I see that. And I agree with you that you do post up. Others who contribute include Hollander, Furio, LouieNochi on occasion, Giacomo, and a few others. And thats great! I am not directing my comments to you guys per se. My statements have more to do with others who may have good knowledge and a knack for research who (for whatever reason) don't participate. I understand that not everyone has the time, but when you can it would be fantastic for GBB if they did jump in.

NOT FOR ME. NOT FOR NYM, BUT FOR GBB. (and for us all to enjoy what they could possibly bring to the table).

Is that a bad thing? Of course not. But I was not well received by some of the other posters. Why that is is anybody's guess. I for one can't figure it the fuck out. But that's just me I guess. Lol

Anyway, I do enjoy what you have posted, and my post was not meant to imply that you or the others who do contribute are not doing your share.

I think you may be missing something Huge about this site.

Not everyone is willing to share everything they have to offer for whatever reason. But we are here.
Not everyone is well rounded in many aspects of Organized Crime and only know what they know. But we are here.

A site like this keeps people updated and knowledgable about certain areas, details and people they were not aware of regarding not only O.C. but entertainment , weather, food and fun details of members and friends who like to share.

We can all be here..... why make problems and call people out?
" You do this", "You do that " WTF. " Do What You Want "

" Carry on and don't make any more messes "

Posted By: jace

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 03:46 AM

There's a saying about people who can't do something being critics of those who actually do it. NewYorkMafia openly asked if anyone want so be a part of his project, why that would lead to so much BS and insults is not surprising, but sad to see. I hope the project does well.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 04:40 AM

I think this thread needs to cool down for awhile.
Posted By: Lou_Para

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 04:54 AM

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
I think this thread needs to cool down for awhile.

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
I think this thread needs to cool down for awhile.

I second the motion !
Posted By: MolochioInduced

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 09:48 AM

I only found out about these forums a couple years ago, observed for a bit then joined. I actually ended up getting ‘blocked’ on The Black Hand for whatever reasons. I’m still allowed to read what is posted, but can’t post anymore.

I assumed they were cool places to ask questions and state opinions, on this one at least, so far so good.

For whatever it’s worth I’ve learned some really cool stuff from places like this, hopefully that continues.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by jace
There's a saying about people who can't do something being critics of those who actually do it. NewYorkMafia openly asked if anyone want so be a part of his project, why that would lead to so much BS and insults is not surprising, but sad to see. I hope the project does well.

Thanks Jace.

And I'm curious, what is that particular saying about "people who can't do something, being critics of those who actually do it?"

Please tell us
Posted By: jace

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by jace
There's a saying about people who can't do something being critics of those who actually do it. NewYorkMafia openly asked if anyone want so be a part of his project, why that would lead to so much BS and insults is not surprising, but sad to see. I hope the project does well.

Thanks Jace.

And I'm curious, what is that particular saying about "people who can't do something, being critics of those who actually do it?"

Please tell us

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by jace
There's a saying about people who can't do something being critics of those who actually do it. NewYorkMafia openly asked if anyone want so be a part of his project, why that would lead to so much BS and insults is not surprising, but sad to see. I hope the project does well.

Thanks Jace.

And I'm curious, what is that particular saying about "people who can't do something, being critics of those who actually do it?"

Please tell us


Thank you Jace. That statement and old adage happens to be very true and was created for a reason.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
I think this thread needs to cool down for awhile.

. Agreed
Posted By: Ravens410

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 03:54 PM

I cannot even believe this is an actual thread. Let us know when our homework is due, NYMafia you fanook.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 06:45 PM

FYI, the proper word and pronunciation is "Finocchio" not fanook, which in Italian literally means Fennel (like the vegetable). But then again I wouldn't expect a guy like you to know that any of that. And figuratively speaking, Finocchio means a gay person.

In the future I suggest you properly educate yourself before you try and go nose to nose with a fella who's obviously far above you in both base intelligence and compassion for people.
Posted By: Raven

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 08:30 PM

Pronunciation? This is text you self congratulating, always patting yourself on the back jackass.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
FYI, the proper word and pronunciation is "Finocchio" not fanook, which in Italian literally means Fennel (like the vegetable). But then again I wouldn't expect a guy like you to know that any of that. And figuratively speaking, Finocchio means a gay person.

In the future I suggest you properly educate yourself before you try and go nose to nose with a fella who's obviously far above you in both base intelligence and compassion for people.

In the future I suggest you learn about respect and conduct yourself in a better manner. At this point someone with power needs to suspend this NYMafia at the very least.
Posted By: Louiebynochi

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Originally Posted by NYMafia
FYI, the proper word and pronunciation is "Finocchio" not fanook, which in Italian literally means Fennel (like the vegetable). But then again I wouldn't expect a guy like you to know that any of that. And figuratively speaking, Finocchio means a gay person.

In the future I suggest you properly educate yourself before you try and go nose to nose with a fella who's obviously far above you in both base intelligence and compassion for people.

In the future I suggest you learn about respect and conduct yourself in a better manner. At this point someone with power needs to suspend this NYMafia at the very least.

100%, he should have been suspended when i did the “expose” on him supporting pedophiles and child trafficking....or his made up claims of knowing anyone in the life....
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 09:53 PM

Lol, I see you guys are all trying to pile up on me now huh? Thats ok.

I have come to a decision that from this point forward I am not even going to engage any of you who come at me in a negative and nasty way. Frankly, I just don't have the inclination to engage in these babyish type fights and bantering back and forth. This is getting way out of hand now.

If a forum member wishes to interact with me in a nice way, thats great. We can have an intelligent conversation about OC or anything else for that matter.

But otherwise I am just going to ignore the haters, those who curse me or call me nasty names, or those who wish to 'fight' with me or cast me in a negative light. It's silly and stupid already. Why do you behave like that? It benefits no one.

I will continue to post stories on my website for the reading pleasure of those who enjoy my stuff. For those of you who do not like reading NYM stories, please just move on to the next post or thread ok. Why torture yourself's? Why bother or verbally attack me? It is childish behavior unbecoming of grown ups and gentlemen to say the least.

And shame on those of you who attempt to continue this type of behavior toward me (or others on the forum for that matter).

Yours truly, The Other Guy.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 10:02 PM

I enjoy researching and writing, and I enjoy it when others enjoy my stories and exposes. Period!

That why I'm on here. As well as interaction with those of you who appreciate my efforts. I am not here to fight with nasty posters.

For those of you who are not coming from a good and charitable place and mentality, from this moment forward I refuse to be sucked into your little games. I see that its a no-win situation at best.....as well as a major waste of my time.

** For those of you who like TNYM, I thank you for your continued support and readership.

Thats all I have to say about this matter.
Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 10:24 PM

No wonder most of the actually good knowledgeable posters left this place. Some of you people are behaving like a bunch of bickering prepubescent schoolgirls.
Level headed people who read these threads are literally overdosing on vicarious embarrassment.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/26/21 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
No wonder most of the actually good knowledgeable posters left this place. Some of you people are behaving like a bunch of bickering prepubescent schoolgirls.
Level headed people who read these threads are literally overdosing on vicarious embarrassment.

Agreed we lost a lot of great posters the last couple of years sadly. The newer people are involved in So much bickering around here now. I miss how things used to be around here. Mob history was discussed but nothing was glorified and there were no insults like there is here daily
Posted By: The_Premier

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/27/21 12:48 AM

Agreed. I’ve read and not posted for along time coz of the childish crap.

Not taking sides but shit there is some piss and hot farts blown here from some people
Posted By: ColonelReb

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/27/21 01:09 AM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
What members of the forum are interested, and capable, of possibly collaborating with me on a new mob research project? Please step up to the front and announce yourselves. Aside from making the occasional post or comment about a thread, who (if anyone here) has enough knowledge, background, and desire, about the American mafia to lend a helping hand for a few future projects I have in mind?

Abilities needed:
1) artistic design and layout with the ability to create a professional looking chart or graph of a particular family or crew
2) solid background on OC to be able to help research various aspects around the U.S., etc.
I think it would be fun and very helpful, both to myself and the person involved, as well as the forum itself, to bring a fresh new "look" and expand the information provided on GBB

I'm positive all forum members would welcome it as well. It will expand the forum, provide knowledge about OC, as well as integrate various forum members to work with one another on these projects. Newbie's obviously would not have the background knowledge to be helpful with historical aspects of these projects. But even they could help if in fact they are proficient in web design and page layout. Charts, graphs, etc. These are all things that are needed.

Another valuable aspect he/she could bring to the table would be the steady weekly searching out for old photographs, old newspaper archives, court documents, etc., about organized crime figures and their related organizations.

Any, or all, of the above mentioned items would bring a significant 'richness' to GBB that it desperately needs, and certainly elevate the forum to a much better place than it is now.

PS: It would also help to make for a much more enjoyable reading/viewing experience for all members than GBB presently is. This note is directed to ALL forum members. I'm curious to see who, if anyone, steps up to the plate.

Sincerely, The Other Guy (OG)

I await your reply.

I've got the solid background (20 years) plus the old Archives, Photos, newspaper articles, fbi files etc if you need my assistance
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/27/21 11:29 AM

Colonel, that was exactly the type of response I was hoping for when I originally posted my first comment about collaborating together before my potentially nice thread was hijacked and devolved into something that I can't even understand let alone describe. I know you have a solid background on this stuff. You and I have spoken about different aspects of OC on occasion and we've already worked together on a project. We both agreed that particular bio came out nicely, so I welcome any additional information and help in the future. Photos, FBI files, other intel. Its all good and I welcome your contribution.

Thank you
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/27/21 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Raven
Pronunciation? This is text you self congratulating, always patting yourself on the back jackass.

Funny....I get that, that is exactly how its said on the street.

" Fanook"

shows how some people don't really know the street.
Posted By: MolochioInduced

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 06/27/21 03:39 PM

Wasn’t Vito Spadafore a Fanook? Lol 😂

Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 07/03/21 05:24 AM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by hoodlum
Geoff.....R U really gonna let this guy get away this shit??...I used 2 like N.Y...but..c'mon ..he's trying 2 dominate ur shit....some of us posters enjoy ALL of the threds..(food, movies etc)..but who the hell is he 2 talk like that on YOUR domain????...Actually , I've come 2 the conclusion that N.Y. Mafia is now BORING...all he wants is just the 5 families talk..no inputs..& over & over already known bullshit..ever since Lisa left..he's desperate...I admit...I don't contribute much & alot of our stuff is redundant & these newbies are...well..assholes...but oldheads like myself do not ( & I think I can speak 4 a few other posters..ahem..Dues etc..) ..like any intruders or change..by way of dominating the screenspace w/ his Quizzical " I'm the shit" bullcrap...If SC was still alive..N.Y. would have been banned a while ago......Fuck him & this thread..I'm goin 2 bed..good nite Geoff.

Hoodlum, WTF are you even talking about? Are you lost in space?

I was NOT attacking you, or anyone else on this site. I was only attempting to make an observation so as to possible light a fire under your ass to start to contribute since you readily admit you contribute next to nothing to this forum.

But thats alright. You do you as they say! Wallow in your meadow.

I sincerely hope that there aren't many other posters who have your skewed outlook and share your baseless attacks.

I am TRYING to help muster others to contribute content that will only HELP this site. Tell me Hoodlum, what is it that you contribute here? Except nasty attacks that is?

And as far as "dominating"? LOL ........ you can go blow that one out of your ass. Dominate what? I really think you're a bit way too paranoid. Because nothing could be further from the truth. "Intruders" you say? I've been here several years already and have added so much good content and interaction with friendly posters that I can hardly be considered a "Intruder" as you so rudely put it.

I have more posts than you, and I'm here 4 years less than you. So go figure, right?

If you choose to not take what I asked of everyone in the true vain of how I asked it, then that's all on you. My attempt is to help us, not hurt us!

"I have more posts than you & have been here less time than u"........EXAT what were talking about ..DOMINATION sound familiar 2u?? ..go away sir...I know this is a late post 4 ur post..but I HAVE 2 WORK 4 a living.. back breaking , hand burning, bust my nut physical work..not post diatribe all my hours...now ..I'm finished w/ responding 2 this particular thread & going back 2 WORK!!!!
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 07/03/21 07:37 AM

Hoodlum, I really don't wanna start all this BS up again, but I felt compelled to answer you.

'Domination' you say? LOL.... what the heck am I trying to dominate? I have my own website (MY website), and I post up articles for the enjoyment of the forum when I can. Period!

And as far as you having to work a slavish "back breaking, hand burning, bust your nut physical work" as you stated to bring home a dollar, is THAT my problem, or my fault that that's your lot in life?.... I think not.

If that is what you need to do for yourself in order to earn a living, then I feel very sorry for you (I really do). But thats still no reason to hate others, and hate the world, because you're stuck in a blue-collar, dead end job.

But I will say this much. This last post of yours explains a lot about you. And why you're constantly lashing out at others that you perceive to be in a 'better place' than you are in life.

You really don't know anything me, what I've had to do in my lifetime, or my station in life. So why be a hater for really no good reason at all?

Let me give you a little piece of great advice ok. If you don't like where you are in life. Whether that be a dead end grunt job. A failed marriage or personal relationship. A bad family situation. Your financial situation. Or any other tough spot that you're in.... Then change it! Take the measures and steps and shake your ass and just change it. Don't be afraid of the unknown out there. Just go for it ok? And I'm sure you'll look back several years from now and better happy you did so.

Life is way to short to be unhappy. And projecting that unhappiness by cursing and insulting others, or projecting anger at others doesn't help you, or the people you're lashing out at because of your own frustrations.

And although we're not friends (far from it in fact). I am attempting to give you sage advice here from an older guy. Do yourself a favor and listen and try to implement what I'm saying to you. I am not saying any of this with any sarcasm, or to be 'cute' as they say. I'm trying to be sincere with you here.

...The Other Guy!

Best of luck to you in the future.

Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 07/05/21 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Hoodlum, I really don't wanna start all this BS up again, but I felt compelled to answer you.

'Domination' you say? LOL.... what the heck am I trying to dominate? I have my own website (MY website), and I post up articles for the enjoyment of the forum when I can. Period!

And as far as you having to work a slavish "back breaking, hand burning, bust your nut physical work" as you stated to bring home a dollar, is THAT my problem, or my fault that that's your lot in life?.... I think not.

If that is what you need to do for yourself in order to earn a living, then I feel very sorry for you (I really do). But thats still no reason to hate others, and hate the world, because you're stuck in a blue-collar, dead end job.

But I will say this much. This last post of yours explains a lot about you. And why you're constantly lashing out at others that you perceive to be in a 'better place' than you are in life.

You really don't know anything me, what I've had to do in my lifetime, or my station in life. So why be a hater for really no good reason at all?

Let me give you a little piece of great advice ok. If you don't like where you are in life. Whether that be a dead end grunt job. A failed marriage or personal relationship. A bad family situation. Your financial situation. Or any other tough spot that you're in.... Then change it! Take the measures and steps and shake your ass and just change it. Don't be afraid of the unknown out there. Just go for it ok? And I'm sure you'll look back several years from now and better happy you did so.

Life is way to short to be unhappy. And projecting that unhappiness by cursing and insulting others, or projecting anger at others doesn't help you, or the people you're lashing out at because of your own frustrations.

And although we're not friends (far from it in fact). I am attempting to give you sage advice here from an older guy. Do yourself a favor and listen and try to implement what I'm saying to you. I am not saying any of this with any sarcasm, or to be 'cute' as they say. I'm trying to be sincere with you here.

...The Other Guy!

Best of luck to you in the future.

OK..Lets end this now..I am not @ a dead end job..no martital problems..$$ is SOMETIMES tight..but not short , I own 3 properties so....I was just under the assumption u were wetting your beak a bit 2 much, my bad..on that , I do confess 2 enjoy ur website on occasion..I apologize & this BS is now DONE..Peace.
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Hoodlum, I really don't wanna start all this BS up again, but I felt compelled to answer you.

'Domination' you say? LOL.... what the heck am I trying to dominate? I have my own website (MY website), and I post up articles for the enjoyment of the forum when I can. Period!

And as far as you having to work a slavish "back breaking, hand burning, bust your nut physical work" as you stated to bring home a dollar, is THAT my problem, or my fault that that's your lot in life?.... I think not.

If that is what you need to do for yourself in order to earn a living, then I feel very sorry for you (I really do). But thats still no reason to hate others, and hate the world, because you're stuck in a blue-collar, dead end job.

But I will say this much. This last post of yours explains a lot about you. And why you're constantly lashing out at others that you perceive to be in a 'better place' than you are in life.

You really don't know anything me, what I've had to do in my lifetime, or my station in life. So why be a hater for really no good reason at all?

Let me give you a little piece of great advice ok. If you don't like where you are in life. Whether that be a dead end grunt job. A failed marriage or personal relationship. A bad family situation. Your financial situation. Or any other tough spot that you're in.... Then change it! Take the measures and steps and shake your ass and just change it. Don't be afraid of the unknown out there. Just go for it ok? And I'm sure you'll look back several years from now and better happy you did so.

Life is way to short to be unhappy. And projecting that unhappiness by cursing and insulting others, or projecting anger at others doesn't help you, or the people you're lashing out at because of your own frustrations.

And although we're not friends (far from it in fact). I am attempting to give you sage advice here from an older guy. Do yourself a favor and listen and try to implement what I'm saying to you. I am not saying any of this with any sarcasm, or to be 'cute' as they say. I'm trying to be sincere with you here.

...The Other Guy!

Best of luck to you in the future.

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 07/05/21 10:10 PM

Hoodlum, spoken like a man and a true gentleman! I accept your apology hands down. And as far as I'm concerned this back and forth is ancient history. In fact, going forward lets act like it never happened, ok my man?

I thank you for mentioning that you do enjoy my website. That does mean a lot to me as I put in a lot of hard work to try and create nice content.

Buona Salute to you and your family.
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Organized crime project (forum) request - 07/06/21 05:08 AM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Hoodlum, spoken like a man and a true gentleman! I accept your apology hands down. And as far as I'm concerned this back and forth is ancient history. In fact, going forward lets act like it never happened, ok my man?

I thank you for mentioning that you do enjoy my website. That does mean a lot to me as I put in a lot of hard work to try and create nice content.

Buona Salute to you and your family.

O.K...now , how about an expose on Robert DiB.? like Lisa did on that other porn mob capo...lol..I believe he was w/ the DeCavalcante's origanally..his house was beautiful!
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