
John Gotti was innocent !

Posted By: Lenox

John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/03/21 07:56 PM

John Gotti was innocent. I can prove it, just listen to some of his wiretaps.

Wiretap 1
This is gonna be a cosa nostra til I die. Be it today or 100 years from now.

Wiretap 2
Tell that punk, me, John Gotti will sever your mother fuckin head.

Wiretap 3
You know why I had him whacked? Because he didnt show up.

Wiretap 4
John Oconner , put a rocket in his pocket.

Wiretap 5
Sammy, do you want to be underboss, its your decision, what do you feel most comfortable with?

You see, the governement was discriminating against an Italian American who was just a plumbing supply salesman that made 30k per year and lost 100k on any given weekend gambling.
John Gotti tried to break up a fight in a staten island bar in the 1970’s and some irish guy was accidentally killed. John Gotti was haunted by his death for years. No one respected the law more than John Gotti.

Im going to make another post about how the governement targeted a mentally handycapped man by the name of vincent gigante. It was horrible.
Posted By: Mikey_Sunset

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/03/21 08:22 PM

Don't forget John Gotti was also a community organizer. His work in Queens parallels that of MLK and there should be streets and schools named after him.

John had a heart of gold. He helped many people who couldn't pay their bills by loaning them money. Often these were done annonymously, the loans couldn't be traced back to Gotti.

John loved sports especially America's pastime - baseball. He could often be seen with a bat in hand helping friends improve their swing.

On many occasions Gotti would house sit for Nettie Cirelli, a widow who lived alone in an apartment above his office. To cheer her up John would invite his co-workers to spend time in the apartment.

John was civic minded and never failed to participate in our justice system.
Posted By: Lenox

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/03/21 08:39 PM

Yes, when mrs. cirelli would leave, John would stop by and clean her apartment. John was heart broken when the feds accused him of killing Paul Castellano. John wanted to help the fbi find the culptits.
Posted By: eastsideofvan

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/03/21 11:05 PM

You guys are just focussing on the time he spent on the streets.

Also of note is the time he spent from behind the walls of America's broken prison system working with those that the rest of society had given up on. There he worked with white nationalist gang members to offer them opportunities to transition to the security business while at the same time crossing the racial divide to spar with some of the black inmates. What's more, he still continued to be an active grandparent, dispensing counsel to stay away from the dark underbelly of organized athletics.

Truly, a great man.
Posted By: Lenox

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/04/21 01:01 AM

I know John Gotti supposedly sent a crew of guys to Ethiopia to help fight starvation.
Posted By: alicecooper

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/04/21 04:52 AM

He also helped john Favara sell his house.
Posted By: GerryLang

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/04/21 05:11 AM

Gotti was a choir boy in comparison to Gravano. The bisexual steroid abuser was walking out all his friends and business partners.
Posted By: CNote

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/04/21 11:08 AM

His contributions to vermin control throughout the five boroughs cannot be overstated.
Posted By: Jimmybrown

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/05/21 07:15 PM

😂😂😂 you guys are killing me cant wait for the chin thread to begin.
Posted By: CNote

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/07/21 01:53 AM

John Gotti was a huge animal lover and philanthropist making hundreds of thousands of dollars in weekly donations to The Horses. Just one of the many groups of endangered species he supported, including The Dolphins,The Eagles and The Phillies.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/10/21 12:42 AM

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/10/21 08:14 PM

...patron and benefactor of the fireworks industry...
Posted By: CNote

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/16/21 11:15 PM

John had the biggest heart, being such a good car mechanic and bodyman, he would frequently take his friends, neighbors and even total strangers cars and fix them up at his own expense and then help sell them.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: John Gotti was innocent ! - 06/17/21 12:57 AM

He was an innocent plumbing salesman.
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