
Vinny Gorgeous Downfall

Posted By: DillyDolly

Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 05/30/21 04:21 AM

I'm still amazed that had it not have been for that Fat Rat Joseph Massino, Vinny Gorgeous Basciano would've probably been a pretty good boss for the Bonannos and had some longevity. Guy was pretty successful, and not just racket-wise, he also had several successful legitimate businesses and real estate deals and left drugs alone since his Blue Thunder arrest.
Posted By: jace

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 05/30/21 04:51 AM

Massino really did screw him over. I think Basciano was a target of the feds by that point, so he was doomed anyway. So many other top level members of that family had turned rat they would have been called to testify. Massino giving him up and even taping him was a low move. If it was the other way around we know Bascaino would never have turned on him.
Posted By: Neo

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 05/30/21 04:53 AM

Cicale had plenty on Vinny including two murders. Vinny was going down with or without testimony from Massino.

Vinny moved Cicale through the ranks fast because he was a big earner but never questioned whether Cicale could hold up against a life sentence. Didn't Cicale flip over a five year sentence or some shit like that?
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 05/30/21 05:20 AM

Every known active mobster out there is a target of the feds, doesn't mean that they're all locked up. Vinny probably would've went down eventually anyway, but I'm wondering if he would've went down when he did. That tape really sealed his fate and left him without a fighting chance. It was really stupid on Vinny's part too, you NEVER EVER discuss past murders, ESPECIALLY in the midst of so many high-ranking guys flipping. Bless his soul, I really respect him but he was really stupid there. If the fat rat had walked away empty handed, it would've helped him at trial.

I'm not sure that Cicale flipped over 5 years, but it wouldn't surprise me and things like that puts the lie to the claim that mobsters are all ratting due to the threat of long sentences. They're just soft these days.
Posted By: TSNYC

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 05/30/21 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by DillyDolly
I'm still amazed that had it not have been for that Fat Rat Joseph Massino, Vinny Gorgeous Basciano would've probably been a pretty good boss for the Bonannos and had some longevity. Guy was pretty successful, and not just racket-wise, he also had several successful legitimate businesses and real estate deals and left drugs alone since his Blue Thunder arrest.

Basciano was held without bail while in mcc with massino. Basciano wasn’t just a target, he was the main defendant in a RICO case with the Santoro murder. By the time massino testified against him, basciano was already serving life. Cicale sunk Basciano.
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 05/30/21 01:23 PM

Well fuck that fucking rat fuck Cicale then.
Posted By: Lenox

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 05/30/21 03:00 PM

Basciano is a true gangster and i feel doesnt nearly get enough credit. He was smart and although there were informants wearing wires, Basciano would never say anything incriminating. This is well documented. Massino was a major part of Basciano’s downfall, Cicale cooberated what Massino said and visa versa. Massino is 100% responsible for getting Basciano sent to supermaxx because of that bogus threat against the prosecutor.
Posted By: BensonHURST

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 06/03/21 01:07 AM

From what I read Basciano was already serviing life.
When Massino flipped

Cicale was arrested for murder and racketeriing with Bsciano so how was he only looking at 5 years?? He was looking at life as well?

As a matter of fact that was a possible death penalty case I believe at the beginning.

In Bascialno's defense who in the world would have though Massino would have flipped + he is your boss asking you questions you have to answer.

Basciano- was too much a cow-boy to be a good boss.

Both of those murders really should of never happened.

Basciano would probably still be the boss
Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 06/03/21 04:06 AM

Yes the murder of Pizzolo in 2004 was really strange, because it happened right in the midst of the entire Bonanno administration flipping. You'd think they would've at least waited until the heat died down. The Bonannos are really trigger-happy, in fact the last known made man to be whacked was a Bonanno, Anthony Seccafico in 2009. But to whack a guy when your underboss and many top captains are ratting is another level of insanity and shows that they really don't give a fuck.
Posted By: BensonHURST

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 06/03/21 08:38 PM

Actually its happened a few times when a wiseguy wants to seize control of the family or exert his dominance no better way than to leave a body in the street, that way everyone see's what will happen to them if they challenge his rule.

Basciano- even says it he whacked him because everyone was all over the board I think he said

As a message to every body i am the boss the PAY-OLA is coming to me.

When Skinny first got out of jail Deipetro got whacked

Skinny is back and if you have any ideas you will be left in the street like this guy

Posted By: DillyDolly

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 06/03/21 09:03 PM

Randy Pizzolo was a very bad boy, his murder wasn't surprising.
Posted By: Louiebynochi

Re: Vinny Gorgeous Downfall - 06/03/21 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by DillyDolly
Yes the murder of Pizzolo in 2004 was really strange, because it happened right in the midst of the entire Bonanno administration flipping. You'd think they would've at least waited until the heat died down. The Bonannos are really trigger-happy, in fact the last known made man to be whacked was a Bonanno, Anthony Seccafico in 2009. But to whack a guy when your underboss and many top captains are ratting is another level of insanity and shows that they really don't give a fuck.

The real ones are gangsters. Of course they don’t give a fuck about jail, that’s they’re business, that’s what they do, going to jail is all part of the game....
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