
Question for all our forum members...

Posted By: NYMafia

Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 04:46 PM

Was it more advantageous to have been a so-called "made man", or to have stayed as a top-ranked "associate member" within the confines of a given mafia Family?

Aside from what the media spews out, and the Hollywood versions of these type things go, what was the reality of the situation? .... The truth about "The Life"?

What were the actual benefits of being made? What were the deficits, if any?

What were the actual benefits of staying as an "associate" (albeit a top-ranked one)? What were the deficits?

I'm curious to see what the forum members have to say about all this. So have at it guys!
Posted By: majicrat

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 04:58 PM

My personal opinion is getting made was more of a status/pride accomplishment if (A very big "if") you were a money maker. If you earned it wouldn't matter if your made or not. As long as you kicked up, you were protected (Jimmy Burke Left Rosenthal) and respected. All that mattered was money to the leaders with half a brain. Getting made is just a feather in the cap, if you were a serious problem for the bosses made or not your gone. Period, more leeway went to the earners, made or not.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 05:10 PM

[quote=majicrat]My personal opinion is getting made was more of a status/pride accomplishment if (A very big "if") you were a money maker. If you earned it wouldn't matter if your made or not. As long as you kicked up, you were protected (Jimmy Burke Left Rosenthal) and respected. All that mattered was money to the leaders with half a brain. Getting made is just a feather in the cap, if you were a serious problem for the bosses made or not your gone. Period, more leeway went to the earners, made or not. [/quote

I appreciate your view point. Good general assessment.... I'd like us to hear from others here. Curious to see how others view this.

Ones things for certain, money talks. Always has, always will.
Posted By: The_Marble_Guy

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 05:50 PM

I feel like being called a made man depends on the era. I'd say during the heyday it def carried more weight. To be proposed for membership was a big deal and an honor to those who were involved. Now a days I don't believe it holds the same status. I'm sure the pool of potential members is very poor now a days and watered down.

To me the life has always seemed like a total grind to me. Its a what have you done for me lately life. And thats something they dont depict in movies/shows. Full of deception of treachery.

The benefits of being made was that you had backing. Its an artificially inflated thought process but that's the perception they wanted you to have. Was that if anyone was to mess with you then you were protected, as long as you turn your life over to us. And thats the deficit, letting them control every aspect of your life.

Being an associate was the opposite problem. You didn't have to answer to anyone but when you did you had to make a choice whether or not you were going to fall under the spell of a family or continue to eek it out by yourself and risk total loss.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 06:07 PM

What Majicrat said.

Follow the money: Being made may have stoked your ego, but your status depended on whether or not you were a good earner, not on whether or not you were made. The myth that a made man would be protected by the Don if arrested, and his family supported if he went to prison, was just that: a myth.

About the only advantage of being made is that you could rise in the organization and thus have people working for you who'd kick upstairs. But, the higher up you went, the more law enforcement attention you'd attract, and the more you'd be a target for rats in the family to trade in return for reduced sentences.
Posted By: eastsideofvan

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 07:30 PM

Depends on the era; in the old days when thousands of associates were knocking on the door trying to get made, having a button really meant something. Having a Genovese or Gambino button meant a whole lot more. You were a big deal. And if you're going to be in business with Machiavellian, murderous thieves, you might as well be "in" as a full member for whatever privileges that bestows rather than on the outside where no rules apply. As an associate you'd have to really stay on top of your business relationships because if you're close to one guy and he gets whacked, shelved or dies of natural causes, you're left twisting in the wind without the guy who was really protecting you.

In my mind, no question at all that up until at least the early '80s, being made was advantageous.

You can't point out guys like Burke or Watts as good examples of "high level associates" - the only reason they were associates is cause they COULDN'T get made. It was the most they could achieve. You don't think those guys would have been made if they had been Italian??

Ever since the '80s though....guys like Michael Persico are probably playing it really smart by not being "official" members.

If I were living in the milieu I certainly wouldn't want a button in most families - all the heat, the requirements, whatever they are, to kick up and play by the rules? Just puts a target on your back now. And less dangerous now to be an associate anyway because most of the time the mob isn't killing anybody now. Worst that happens is you're shelved.

Three families are shadows of what they once were, and as long as producers keep cranking out Gotti movies and documentaries, law enforcement will continue to be obsessed with the Gambino family.

There might still be a good argument for a Genovese button, but I really think that's got to be about it in 2020.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 08:27 PM

It’s an interesting question. I remember reading Murder Machine and Montiglio said that Roy and Nino had many conversations about getting Roy made since Paul was dead set against it. Nino told Roy That it might be better for him to not get made and just keep earning. But as we know Roy was pretty obsessed with getting inducted into the Gambino family. Well we know how that turned out a few years after he got his button
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 09:20 PM

I read an article that is on this topic and say that Francis Guerra a colombo associate refused to be made because doesn’t want to put the mob behind his family and that he have enought respect and more important to be made would expose him to most harsh sentence due the Rico.
Naturally if a mobster want the button as a prize he would be afraid of it,but it not rare today that a mobster refuse to be made.
Posted By: Lou_Para

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/25/20 10:52 PM

If you can put together a nice business and be under a respected soldier.I think that being made would not be a good move. Supposedly, the benefits that wiseguys get include protection of their businesses from incursions by others,the "respect" shown them in the street,and,as Turnbull said,the ability to bring more associates into his crew.
Let's say you have a nice gambling/loansharking racket,maybe a little hijacking on the side and you're taking in a modest 15.maybe 20 grand a week.
You will be expected to kick up 1/2 to the Soldier you're under,but he has to kick up 1/2 to his Capo.
He gets protection for his business,but if anyone messes with yours,he will "resolve" it.
Other than the status, there's not really a great reason to get made. If you want to expand your business and add some people,chances are,he will check them out,and if all is OK,give you permission. More money for him and you. Be a good earner,stay under the radar, show the proper respect,and you can pretty much make a nice living,retire and grow your tomatoes with your grandkids. All without getting tangled up in all of the politics and intrigue that come with Mob membership.
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 01:03 AM

Now..I am not condoning this...but ..look @ the career that Robert Di Bernardo had..straight 2 the boss..Fuckin' Porno that was illegal back then...only answered 2 the boss...child shit too.....did anyone see his house??? fuckin 'billionaire...cant find it now , but I posted his address not so long ago...WAS HIS address ..
Posted By: Galassi70

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 04:22 AM

I would tend to.believe being a made guy would get you
More years behind bars
Posted By: ColonelReb

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 05:56 AM

Being made trumped everything. Sure you have obligations and rules to follow. But you're one of out of 800 or so people in the city of NY, all 5 boroughs out of 5 or 6 million people. 5 million people in NY, less than 1000 made guys and you are one. They felt special. No one can raise their hands, you're always right vs a civilian, you're given celeb status basically.
Posted By: ColonelReb

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by Galassi70
I would tend to.believe being a made guy would get you
More years behind bars

Tell that to Henry Borelli.
Posted By: pmac

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 06:13 AM

Fat tony I read inducted Napoli when the books open so no one could abuse him in the fed pen. It ment that much back then. He was the biggest numbers guy in nyc and tony partner. So tony even as his boss respected him snuff to do that. But that was mid 70tys and this is today so you probaly have to say what time period
Posted By: pmac

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 06:14 AM

Jimmy nap I believe
Posted By: pmac

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 06:16 AM

Fat tony was on his own wire tap saying I made all the guys. So he must have been very instructive or whatever word I thinking to al the genovese guys made between 1974 like barone and cafaro both said tony inducted them till when ever the genovese closed the books 1978 79
Posted By: pmac

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 06:17 AM

Ny mafia keep putting out your bios there pretty cool. Interesting read on true crime subjects
Posted By: pmac

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 06:18 AM

I know the grandkids of 1 of your bios. There cool I can't say more
Posted By: pmac

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 06:18 AM

Its probaly on. Here blasting lines to the moon
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by ColonelReb
Being made trumped everything. Sure you have obligations and rules to follow. But you're one of out of 800 or so people in the city of NY, all 5 boroughs out of 5 or 6 million people. 5 million people in NY, less than 1000 made guys and you are one. They felt special. No one can raise their hands, you're always right vs a civilian, you're given celeb status basically.

What Colonel says is correct.... at one time anyway. Up until the last few decades being "made" trumped everything. You gotta understand that besides the 900+/- made guys, there were at least 20-30 times that amount of mob "associates" of various value and power. Not to mention the larger NYC and general suburban populous of 11,000,000 or so to boot.

It had exalted status and value to have your "button". There were also many downsides that outsiders never realized or saw from the outside. But overall the gloss and sheen of the button loomed large generally speaking.

Nowadays, not so much! ....... it has much, much less value today. Because besides sticking the button up your ass there's not much you get with it. The overall power structure has been vastly reduced, and with it the power of that button.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by pmac
Fat tony I read inducted Napoli when the books open so no one could abuse him in the fed pen. It ment that much back then. He was the biggest numbers guy in nyc and tony partner. So tony even as his boss respected him snuff to do that. But that was mid 70tys and this is today so you probaly have to say what time period

Jimmy took the button because they told him he had too. Worst move he ever made. He was already in his mid-60s, had money and vast influence. What did he need it for? Chin pushed it on him. A few years later he fell on a major Rico case totally unrelated to what he always did for a living... gambling.

Fucked him right up!
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 10:40 AM

Originally Posted by pmac
I know the grandkids of 1 of your bios. There cool I can't say more

Thats cool. Glad you're enjoying em. When you can personally relate to some because you actually know them, you enjoy it even more so.
Posted By: Dob_Peppino

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 11:23 AM

As it has been pointed out, it is a grind and life full of treachery. Here's my opinion on it. For me, if you are in the streets, you might as well go as far as you can with it. Of course, the 30s - 80s, a button had more meaning (and of course, certain families carry "more" weight) but it still carries an unspoken thing. If someone is made, it means one of three things (if not all) you're an earner, you're a hitter or (if not those) connected to someone Very important in the life.

Now being made doesn't guarantee anything but by that same account I wouldn't use guys like Burke, Watts and Humphreys as an example of an associate, simply because they exeptions to the rule. A great "associate" usually doesn't get to their level of earning or clipping capability.

Either way, you can end up in the can or the trunk of a car, you might as well go as high as you can. But you also have to take into account, what Family and crew you are being proposed for. I don't know who would turn down a Genovese button (thats a high accolade in CN, means you are top notch at something) but maybe if you don't want to go to War, or be bleed to death, money wise, you'd probably pass on a button from Brooklyn.

Overall it would be "easier" to protect yourself from enemies and the just about the same risk law enforcement wise to be a made soldier.
Give me the button!
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 01:30 PM

Good assessment Don Pep, the only thing I'd differ with you on is the fact that in the last few decades almost simultaneously to a guy getting his button the FBI knows it. There are SOOO many inducted rats around today that you'd think a FeeBee was in the room doing the pinching (maybe he is)?

Because of it as soon as a guy gets made LE knows it. That fact immediately brings much heavier scrutiny on the guys activities and operations. The feds open a new "jacket" on him, and do their very best to form a anti-racketeering profile on him in hopes of nailing him.

As an associate you generally don't garner that kind of scrutiny, regardless of who are, unless you're right up the ass of a boss in which case you're gonna be in trouble in short order anyway.
Posted By: Friend_of_Henry

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 03:23 PM

A very close friend of mine refused to be made for decades. Not because he had plenty of "stuff" going on but because he just didn't want the extra heat the Feds would bring.
Near the end of his "career" and because he needed money for a bone marrow transplant, he took the "promotion" got made and never had his much needed transplant.
Hard to believe that every time he got to the head of the line that the Feds moved him back. All he had to do was tell them what they wanted to hear to be move to the front of the line. Needless to say he told them to F**K Off and died a not so pleasant death. For sure Justice is not equal for all especially if you're associated with the Mob.

NYMafia hit the nail on the head:

Because of it as soon as a guy gets made LE knows it. That fact immediately brings much heavier scrutiny on the guys activities and operations. The feds open a new "jacket" on him, and do their very best to form a anti-racketeering profile on him in hopes of nailing him.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/26/20 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by NYMafia

Because of it as soon as a guy gets made LE knows it. That fact immediately brings much heavier scrutiny on the guys activities and operations. The feds open a new "jacket" on him, and do their very best to form a anti-racketeering profile on him in hopes of nailing him.

George V. Higgins, a former prosecutor who wrote two of the greatest crime novels ever, had this passage in one of them, "The Digger's Game," between Sally Barca, a made guy, and Richie Torrey, an associate. Barca tells Torrey that the Don wants to make him. Torrey replies:

"Uh-uh. Sooner or later they catch up with some guy, got made the same time you did, he's gonna spill his guts as usual, like every other godamned g***ea I hear about lately. Then you go to bed at night, you got a state cop under the window. In the morning, you get up, FBI onna doorstep. The afternoon, you're having lunch, Treasury guys swap the FBI guys off. Internal Revenue in the dinner time. F**k that. My idea, getting made's a great idea, you want police protection. Otherwise f**k it."

(The other great Higgins novel is "The Friends of Eddie Coyle.)

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/27/20 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by Friend_of_Henry
A very close friend of mine refused to be made for decades. Not because he had plenty of "stuff" going on but because he just didn't want the extra heat the Feds would bring.
Near the end of his "career" and because he needed money for a bone marrow transplant, he took the "promotion" got made and never had his much needed transplant.
Hard to believe that every time he got to the head of the line that the Feds moved him back. All he had to do was tell them what they wanted to hear to be move to the front of the line. Needless to say he told them to F**K Off and died a not so pleasant death. For sure Justice is not equal for all especially if you're associated with the Mob.

NYMafia hit the nail on the head:

Because of it as soon as a guy gets made LE knows it. That fact immediately brings much heavier scrutiny on the guys activities and operations. The feds open a new "jacket" on him, and do their very best to form a anti-racketeering profile on him in hopes of nailing him.

Agreed. If a guy has his own solid bankroll and earning power. Especially if he is a tough enough guy in his own right, many have "passed" on being made. Especially in the last few decades.Many years back it was a bit different.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/27/20 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by NYMafia

Because of it as soon as a guy gets made LE knows it. That fact immediately brings much heavier scrutiny on the guys activities and operations. The feds open a new "jacket" on him, and do their very best to form a anti-racketeering profile on him in hopes of nailing him.

George V. Higgins, a former prosecutor who wrote two of the greatest crime novels ever, had this passage in one of them, "The Digger's Game," between Sally Barca, a made guy, and Richie Torrey, an associate. Barca tells Torrey that the Don wants to make him. Torrey replies:

"Uh-uh. Sooner or later they catch up with some guy, got made the same time you did, he's gonna spill his guts as usual, like every other godamned g***ea I hear about lately. Then you go to bed at night, you got a state cop under the window. In the morning, you get up, FBI onna doorstep. The afternoon, you're having lunch, Treasury guys swap the FBI guys off. Internal Revenue in the dinner time. F**k that. My idea, getting made's a great idea, you want police protection. Otherwise f**k it."

(The other great Higgins novel is "The Friends of Eddie Coyle.)

Lol... Bingo! Nowadays its a new ballgame out there. And it has been for awhile.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/27/20 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
[quote=Friend_of_Henry]A very close friend of mine refused to be made for decades. Not because he had plenty of "stuff" going on but because he just didn't want the extra heat the Feds would bring.
Near the end of his "career" and because he needed money for a bone marrow transplant, he took the "promotion" got made and never had his much needed transplant.
Hard to believe that every time he got to the head of the line that the Feds moved him back. All he had to do was tell them what they wanted to hear to be move to the front of the line. Needless to say he told them to F**K Off and died a not so pleasant death. For sure Justice is not equal for all especially if you're associated with the Mob.

NYMafia hit the nail on the head:

Because of it as soon as a guy gets made LE knows it. That fact immediately brings much heavier scrutiny on the guys activities and operations. The feds open a new "jacket" on him, and do their very best to form a anti-racketeering profile on him in hopes of nailing him.
Agreed. If a guy has his own solid bankroll and earning power. Especially if he is a tough enough guy in his own right and has everyones respect, many have "passed" on being made. Especially in the last few decades. Many years back it was a bit different. One particular guy comes to mind; he was a sharp fella and a huge earner in his own right. The guy was a multimillionaire. He also knew his way around the streets and the life very well, and was a very respected guy. So much so that three crews on three different occasions offered him a button over the years. He ended up turning them down each time. He didn't need the cash. He didn't need them to help him earn. And he was tough enough and savvy enough that he could handle most any situation that came up. He had many made guys as close friends so he always had somewhere to go if he had to (he was also related to a few guys as well). I don't think the fellow did more than a few months in jail during his entire lifetime (I think for a contempt bid, or numbers or something), and he operated for over fifty years. He had a big horse business, shy book, and whatever he did for over the years. There are others like him as well....so it really depends upon the circumstances. "One size doesn't fit all" in this scenario.

Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/27/20 09:12 AM

[quote=NYMafia][quote=NYMafia][quote=Friend_of_Henry]A very close friend of mine refused to be made for decades. Not because he had plenty of "stuff" going on but because he just didn't want the extra heat the Feds would bring.
Near the end of his "career" and because he needed money for a bone marrow transplant, he took the "promotion" got made and never had his much needed transplant.
Hard to believe that every time he got to the head of the line that the Feds moved him back. All he had to do was tell them what they wanted to hear to be move to the front of the line. Needless to say he told them to F**K Off and died a not so pleasant death. For sure Justice is not equal for all especially if you're associated with the Mob.

NYMafia hit the nail on the head:

Because of it as soon as a guy gets made LE knows it. That fact immediately brings much heavier scrutiny on the guys activities and operations. The feds open a new "jacket" on him, and do their very best to form a anti-racketeering profile on him in hopes of nailing him.
Agreed. If a guy has his own solid bankroll and earning power. Especially if he is a tough enough guy in his own right and has everyones respect, many have "passed" on being made. Especially in the last few decades. Many years back it was a bit different. One particular guy comes to mind; he was a sharp fella and a huge earner in his own right. The guy was a multimillionaire. He also knew his way around the streets and the life very well, and was a very respected guy. So much so that three crews on three different occasions offered him a button over the years. He ended up turning them down each time. He didn't need the cash. He didn't need them to help him earn. And he was tough enough and savvy enough that he could handle most any situation that came up. He had many made guys as close friends so he always had somewhere to go if he had to (he was also related to a few guys as well). I don't think the fellow did more than a few months in jail during his entire lifetime (I think for a contempt bid, or numbers or something), and he operated for over fifty years. He had a big horse business, shy book, and whatever he did for over the years. There are others like him as well....so it really depends upon the circumstances. "One size doesn't fit all" in this scenario.
Posted By: Dob_Peppino

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/27/20 10:39 AM

"One size doesn't fit all in this scenario"
I agree NYMAFIA. This is a subjective situation. One thought that came to mind is the fact that, CN aren't doing hits like the old days. That makes it easy for some of these well earning Associates to protect their businesses. And if you couple that with having alot of "friends", it may be smarter to not get made.

I mean in the 70s Billy Batts Bentvena was a made guy( of varying levels of importance) and he couldn't protect his business or save his own life. We could assume that happened 100 times over with Associates. For me, if you are so criminally savvy, why deal with the mob at all if you don't want a button??? Why? Because its "safer" now?

If I was a Boss or a Capo for that matter and you turned down a button, you'd better have alot of "friends" speaking up for you lol
You'll be thinking life is good then the story would go "yeah he came in the club that one night, then he just vanished...."
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/27/20 10:30 PM

Now that we have swatted around this subject for a bit, and I see that there is indeed deep interest related to this mob phenomena, We will be putting out what I personally consider to be an extremely sensitive and accurate depiction of what ITS REALLY LIKE out there "on the streets"

I debated posting this up because it indeed touches "most of the bases" regarding the differences between goodfellas and knock around guys. But after some thought I felt If I could write it up properly and succinctly enough so that our readers can truly get an insiders viewpoint, I'd do it. In other words if I could truly do it justice and explain to our readers what I consider to be the truest picture of "the street"... then I'd do it!

I do believe I've been able to accomplish that. I am almost done with the piece now.... Once complete, we will put it up in a separate stand alone post for all to read it and debate the content of it, if you so wish.

I do believe that it will be an eyeopener for many. I certainly hope so anyway. Lol

Posted By: Fleming_Ave

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/28/20 01:16 AM

I believe the rule always has been that no one can raise a hand to slap a made man, much less kill one. Back the old days when hits were common, I guess having the protection of a button was a good safety precaution.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/28/20 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by Fleming_Ave
I believe the rule always has been that no one can raise a hand to slap a made man, much less kill one. Back the old days when hits were common, I guess having the protection of a button was a good safety precaution.

Very good protection!.... and you are correct, NOBODY raises a hand to a goodfella if he wants to keep it.

But what guys used to do (LOL) is sneak a guy!.... not raise a hand. and not ask for permission to kill em.

You ever hear the expression "Cop a Sneak"? Well, thats what happened to many a wiseguy who was a cocksucker. Made or not, you abuse the wrong guy, then he'd just cop a sneak on you. Clip you on the sly without seeking permission. Fuck em! Clip em and dump em!

Many goodfellows got deep-sixed that way.... that why in the life you are told by the more savvy guys "Its nice to be nice"..... to everybody! Show respect!
Because anybody can pick up a gun or knife and kill you. Button or no button.
Posted By: Hollander

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/29/20 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
I read an article that is on this topic and say that Francis Guerra a colombo associate refused to be made because doesn’t want to put the mob behind his family and that he have enought respect and more important to be made would expose him to most harsh sentence due the Rico.
Naturally if a mobster want the button as a prize he would be afraid of it,but it not rare today that a mobster refuse to be made.

It's mostly the fear of being watched too closely by the feds. His release is in May.
Posted By: ColonelReb

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/29/20 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Fleming_Ave
I believe the rule always has been that no one can raise a hand to slap a made man, much less kill one. Back the old days when hits were common, I guess having the protection of a button was a good safety precaution.

Very good protection!.... and you are correct, NOBODY raises a hand to a goodfella if he wants to keep it.

But what guys used to do (LOL) is sneak a guy!.... not raise a hand. and not ask for permission to kill em.

You ever hear the expression "Cop a Sneak"? Well, thats what happened to many a wiseguy who was a cocksucker. Made or not, you abuse the wrong guy, then he'd just cop a sneak on you. Clip you on the sly without seeking permission. Fuck em! Clip em and dump em!

Many goodfellows got deep-sixed that way.... that why in the life you are told by the more savvy guys "Its nice to be nice"..... to everybody! Show respect!
Because anybody can pick up a gun or knife and kill you. Button or no button.

I don't know what Gerry Pappa was thinking when he had the idea to Cop a Sneak on Shorty Spero. I wonder what proof the Colombo's presented to the Genovese. Then again it's not a jury trial. A couple of good common sense reasons and Pappa not being liked by a top guy and that's all it took.
Posted By: ColonelReb

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/29/20 08:01 AM

The Gambino Family wanted to whack Preston Geritano just because they thought he Cooped a Sneak on Bobby Boriello. They had beef going back to when they were hangarounds in the Gallo crew. It only later came out that Frank Lastorino whacked him on orders from Gaspipe.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/29/20 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by ColonelReb
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Fleming_Ave
I believe the rule always has been that no one can raise a hand to slap a made man, much less kill one. Back the old days when hits were common, I guess having the protection of a button was a good safety precaution.

Very good protection!.... and you are correct, NOBODY raises a hand to a goodfella if he wants to keep it.

But what guys used to do (LOL) is sneak a guy!.... not raise a hand. and not ask for permission to kill em.

You ever hear the expression "Cop a Sneak"? Well, thats what happened to many a wiseguy who was a cocksucker. Made or not, you abuse the wrong guy, then he'd just cop a sneak on you. Clip you on the sly without seeking permission. Fuck em! Clip em and dump em!

Many goodfellows got deep-sixed that way.... that why in the life you are told by the more savvy guys "Its nice to be nice"..... to everybody! Show respect!
Because anybody can pick up a gun or knife and kill you. Button or no button.

I don't know what Gerry Pappa was thinking when he had the idea to Cop a Sneak on Shorty Spero. I wonder what proof the Colombo's presented to the Genovese. Then again it's not a jury trial. A couple of good common sense reasons and Pappa not being liked by a top guy and that's all it took.

Pappa was a bit of a loose cannon, and I'm not sure he was a favored guy up top. Regardless, mob lore has it that they gave that piece of work to Little Dom Cataldo of the Colombo's. He was a tough piece of work. I think Dominick was behind that shotgun that blew Gerry out of his shoes.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 09/29/20 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by ColonelReb
The Gambino Family wanted to whack Preston Geritano just because they thought he Cooped a Sneak on Bobby Boriello. They had beef going back to when they were hangarounds in the Gallo crew. It only later came out that Frank Lastorino whacked him on orders from Gaspipe.

Thats true, and believe me more than a few of the unsolved gangland murders over the years were committed by guys who never asked for permission (because they maybe knew they wouldn't get it). They just sneaked the guy. The hierarchies as well as other wise guys on the streets never knew, and never asked who did it..... the body was just chalked up to a "mob hit" and left up in the air.

Another good example of this was Joe Brocchini who was hit in 1976 by Roy Demeo. Never sanctioned, Demeo just did it quietly without permission. ..... he "copped a sneak"
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 10/03/20 02:17 AM

Not 4 nuthin' ..but did the good mods delete my earlier post of Robert DiBernardo's address????....Did I do something that was prohibited?? teach me..I won't take offense & I won't do it again..thanx.
Posted By: NYMafia

Re: Question for all our forum members... - 10/03/20 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by hoodlum
Not 4 nuthin' ..but did the good mods delete my earlier post of Robert DiBernardo's address????....Did I do something that was prohibited?? teach me..I won't take offense & I won't do it again..thanx.

I have no idea.
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