
Philly Prime Podcast

Posted By: DanteMoltisanti

Philly Prime Podcast - 02/20/20 12:44 AM

George Anastasia and Mayoface’s new podcast on the current Philly mob:

Posted By: Serpiente

Re: Philly Prime Podcast - 02/20/20 06:00 PM

Well they get to say same stuff over and over until LE takes a little heat off eventually and they will start doing more . But these guys have got to stay quiet like they’ve been .

I love it when they say and sometimes think that everyone’s going legitimate.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Philly Prime Podcast - 02/20/20 07:36 PM

Wondering about that story of that guy refusing to give an envelope to joey defense fund. Saying he gave enough already. Probably bullshit.

Wonder if there is some resentment from some guys in Philly He is down there relaxing in the sun enjoying the life.

He should get to Ultra Music Festival in Miami its sometime in March. Lol

One more thing that Casino under construction in South Philly is going be really nice.
Posted By: Lenox

Re: Philly Prime Podcast - 02/20/20 09:50 PM

Its an interesting statememt george made regarding, “how oc will make money”. Bookies take money on credit but lets say 1000 guys bet with OC, 700 of them now can do it legitimately at a casino or on line while only 300 lay down bets with OC. Thats a big hit.
That also means less guys have to go to the sharks for money.
They really arent involved with unions either. If they get into drugs they risk very heavy time opposed to gambling. Guys are still doing what they do but a much smaller scale. These younger guys make more money selling toys on ebay than some of these made guys can ever make, its actually pathetic.
Dont get me wrong, some guys earn well but i know of 2 in particular ( not philly guys) that are basically pinching pennies.
I remember years ago a few guys would make a couple nice scores a year and then maintain with some bs racket and lived real well. Its not like that any more.
Back in the day it was all about “ i have a connection for this or that “. No one paid full price for anything. It was unreal. Today is a different world.
No one i knew even paid half price for a sergo tacchini or a fila track suit. “Members only” jackets. Tvs, cam corders, vcr’s. They were the good old days. Back when computers were just coming out, i had $4000 computer that i didnt pay a penny for, and didnt know how to plug the friggin thing in, never mind know how to use it. I actually gave it away to my landlords son for free. He was very appreciative and actually used it. That was good enough for me.

Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Philly Prime Podcast - 02/21/20 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by Lenox
Its an interesting statememt george made regarding, “how oc will make money”. Bookies take money on credit but lets say 1000 guys bet with OC, 700 of them now can do it legitimately at a casino or on line while only 300 lay down bets with OC. Thats a big hit.
That also means less guys have to go to the sharks for money.
They really arent involved with unions either. If they get into drugs they risk very heavy time opposed to gambling. Guys are still doing what they do but a much smaller scale. These younger guys make more money selling toys on ebay than some of these made guys can ever make, its actually pathetic.
Dont get me wrong, some guys earn well but i know of 2 in particular ( not philly guys) that are basically pinching pennies.
I remember years ago a few guys would make a couple nice scores a year and then maintain with some bs racket and lived real well. Its not like that any more.
Back in the day it was all about “ i have a connection for this or that “. No one paid full price for anything. It was unreal. Today is a different world.
No one i knew even paid half price for a sergo tacchini or a fila track suit. “Members only” jackets. Tvs, cam corders, vcr’s. They were the good old days. Back when computers were just coming out, i had $4000 computer that i didnt pay a penny for, and didnt know how to plug the friggin thing in, never mind know how to use it. I actually gave it away to my landlords son for free. He was very appreciative and actually used it. That was good enough for me.

This warms the cockles of my heart.
Posted By: Lenox

Re: Philly Prime Podcast - 02/21/20 01:54 AM

the cookies of my heart are warm as well but not the cockles.
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