
Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe

Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/04/19 07:53 AM

'Godfather' actor claims he knows who killed Marilyn Monroe
Posted By: Nitro

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/04/19 09:52 AM

"Don't lie to me it insults my intelligence and makes me very angry"......
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/04/19 04:43 PM

These guys will tell you Bobby was at the Atlantic City Conference to help organize the syndicate, too, so that he could later make a name for himself arresting them. I still want to read this book for entertainment purposes but I take everything this guy says with a grain of salt. That's hilarious that Elvis pulled a gun on him while they watched westerns together.
Posted By: Beenaround

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/05/19 10:58 PM

Gianni Russo..He's full of himself..He's a Nobody...His acting skills suck too.
Posted By: bronx

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/06/19 12:09 AM

he was the driver on the hoffa hit
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/06/19 03:21 AM

Biggest bullshit artist since Henry Hill.
Posted By: kingoflittlenewyork

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/07/19 11:55 AM

To claim one or two crazy things is acceptable but this guy just spits em out one after another.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/13/19 07:26 PM

The guy on the photo looks to be around age 30 and can't be him. How convenient to use a photo with his face turned away.

Anyway, at least some part of his life story must be true, such as the way he ended up playing Carlo in The Godfather, which proves that he did have friends in high places and was connected. But his claims about meeting up with Escobar through John Gotti sounds way too ridiculous to be true. Did Gotti even have dealings with Escobar?
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/14/19 02:35 AM

The book Supermob about Sydney Korshak goes into how Russo got the Godfather part. He sort of got it because he was connected but it wasn't exactly dignified. He was supposedly in the meeting with the Italian Rights group (Joe Colombo) and the Paramount people and when they came to an agreement and wrapped up, he had to intervene and remind them he was supposed to get a part. They agreed to give him the part of Carlo then left. They were basically walking out of there when he chimed up and whined about what he was supposed to get. Brando wouldn't even talk to him during filming because he knew how he got the role.
Posted By: DiLorenzo

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/14/19 04:59 PM

He's just hustling like all the mob rats do...I'm sure the publisher wanted a headline grabber, and knowing Marilyn Monroe's killer is it...

Just like Wilt Chamberlin's claim to have banged over a thousand women....Its all a hustle !!
Posted By: mike68

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 03/14/19 05:15 PM

Does he know who killed Cali?
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 11/24/19 08:16 PM

A new interview posted by the Daily Mail 11/22/19


In an exclusive interview with DailyMailTV, Gianni Russo, who played Carlo in the Godfather, says Marilyn Monroe could still be alive if not for her ex-husband

Baseball star Joe DiMaggio refused to come pick her up from a resort in Nevada when she pleaded with him just days before she was found dead

The blonde bombshell was at the resort with mobsters who were planning to film her having a threesome with JFK and his brother Bobby

It's long been rumored that Marilyn had affairs with the brothers

Russo also claims it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald who killed JFK, but actually mobster Johnny Roselli who was hiding in a drain

John F Kennedy Jr. was killed 56 years ago on November 22, 1963
Posted By: bronx

Re: Gianni Russo - Knows who killed Marilyn Monroe - 11/25/19 12:55 AM

this guy is a real nut..
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