
How do you view guys that extort ?

Posted By: CartelSpy

How do you view guys that extort ? - 02/16/19 03:07 AM

In Mexico they are seen as the low of the low, along with kidnappers. They are vile. I can't imagine the terror they bring to the families of kidnappers and extortionist victims. It's good Mexico is somewhat tackling this issue in some main cities. I think Monterrey, where thay are somehwhat not tolerant of cartels should put pressure on criminals that act in violence and stop kidnappers and extortionists and bring down their leaders etc.
Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Re: How do you view guys that extort ? - 02/16/19 08:54 AM

It's strange how things differ because when it comes to some traditional organized crime groups selling drugs was forbidden, but extortion was a-okay from the beginning. The Sicilian mafia, the Yakuza as well as Soviet OC (most notably Georgian and Armenian in this case) "officially" prohibited members from selling drugs, while extortion, kidnapping...was their bread-and-butter. In reality, all of those groups are knee-deep in the drug trade these days and have been for a very long time now.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: How do you view guys that extort ? - 02/17/19 10:15 AM

In italian oc the pizzo aka extortion on every activity was the first thing that a oc group impose for show that control a territory. While the in sicily and campania the kidnappings was forbitten because attire too much heat so the ndrangheta in 19 70s was leader in the kidnappings (the getty kidnap was an example) and rumors say that in the small village in Calabria there many neighborhoods built ed with the ransom money. The ndrangheta used the ransom money to start the drug trade and when in the 1990 a law was made that blocked the assets of a person in case of kidnapping for dont pay the ransom,the ndrangheta was just deep in drug trade and can easly stop the kidnappings.
There are horrible stories on people that was kidnapped and almost died because treated like animal,chained and left in the cold in caves for months without being able to wash or change the clothes.
Posted By: Japseye1

Re: How do you view guys that extort ? - 02/17/19 06:15 PM

If people are knee deep in drug trade I don't think extortion comes into question. Like people said it's been carried out since the beginning. People from the mob have been involved in drugs since the 30s/40s but it was deemed immoral like theft. Personally I find it a wonder why extortion and kidnapping is seen as low of the low in Mexico but police corruption, rape and pedophilia go largely unnoticed
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: How do you view guys that extort ? - 02/18/19 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by Japseye1
If people are knee deep in drug trade I don't think extortion comes into question. Like people said it's been carried out since the beginning. People from the mob have been involved in drugs since the 30s/40s but it was deemed immoral like theft. Personally I find it a wonder why extortion and kidnapping is seen as low of the low in Mexico but police corruption, rape and pedophilia go largely unnoticed

Because I think that kidnappings attract more attention that drug trafficking and was made by street thugs to find money to start a drug ring. Even the worst criminal hate the pedophiles so I don't think that the pedophilia is accepted even in Mexico.
Posted By: CartelSpy

Re: How do you view guys that extort ? - 02/19/19 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by Japseye1
If people are knee deep in drug trade I don't think extortion comes into question. Like people said it's been carried out since the beginning. People from the mob have been involved in drugs since the 30s/40s but it was deemed immoral like theft. Personally I find it a wonder why extortion and kidnapping is seen as low of the low in Mexico but police corruption, rape and pedophilia go largely unnoticed

Mexico doesn't have a internet culture of pedophilia and it's pretty rare to find it, most of the distributors of pedophilia are from Europe and America. Rapes are actually lower in Mexico than America as much as 3 times lower. Though the stastistics could be higher due to low report though the cartels use rape as a weapon to terrorize and demoralize their victims. Also in some places like Sinaloa and other, the cartels routinely kill rapists and thieves. So there is a discouragement from society(the cartels) to rape. Police corruption has been seen as part of the system as long as Mexico has been "alive" so it's seen part as norm. Kidnapping has been in problem in Mexico for decades but it was mainly centered or done in Mexico city but then the cartels such as Los Zetas and others started to kidnap to fund their activities since they don't make as much money from drug trafficking to compared to others like Sinaloa.
Posted By: CartelSpy

Re: How do you view guys that extort ? - 02/19/19 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by Japseye1
If people are knee deep in drug trade I don't think extortion comes into question. Like people said it's been carried out since the beginning. People from the mob have been involved in drugs since the 30s/40s but it was deemed immoral like theft. Personally I find it a wonder why extortion and kidnapping is seen as low of the low in Mexico but police corruption, rape and pedophilia go largely unnoticed

Because I think that kidnappings attract more attention that drug trafficking and was made by street thugs to find money to start a drug ring. Even the worst criminal hate the pedophiles so I don't think that the pedophilia is accepted even in Mexico.

Yeah pedophilia isn't really found in Mexico.
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