
Liverpool underworld fixer John Kinsella

Posted By: tommy_milan

Liverpool underworld fixer John Kinsella - 05/06/18 06:44 PM

Liverpool underworld enforcer and fixer John Kinsella got assassinated in Liverpool on Saturday morning while out walking his dog in woodlands. He was famous in the uk for the footballer Steven Gerard episode. Gerrard was being terrorised by a Liverpool gangster called "the psycho" and Gerrards family reached out fo Kinsella for help. It was a big story in the uk at the time.
Posted By: Japseye1

Re: Liverpool underworld fixer John Kinsella - 05/10/18 01:50 AM

Yeah he was linked to Paul Massey of Manchester. Apparently 2 others were killed during the weekend linked to English underworld
Posted By: Hollander

Re: Liverpool underworld fixer John Kinsella - 05/10/18 04:13 PM

Kinsella had a base in Amsterdam.
Posted By: Hollander

Re: Liverpool underworld fixer John Kinsella - 02/18/20 09:21 AM

Gangster who helped murder John Kinsella 'attacked at high security prison'
Mr Kinsella was shot dead in front of his terrified partner while out walking his dogs on a country path

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