
Albert Anastasia's nicknames

Posted By: Regoparker100

Albert Anastasia's nicknames - 03/14/18 06:50 PM

How did he get the "the Mad Hatter" and the "Lord High Executioner" nicknames?
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Albert Anastasia's nicknames - 03/14/18 07:55 PM

His favorite story was Alice in wonderland. Jk. Was it like Siegel and nobody dare called him those names? Or did the press start those names.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Albert Anastasia's nicknames - 03/14/18 10:43 PM

His favorite story was Alice in wonderland. Jk. Was it like Siegel and nobody dare called him those names? Or did the press start those names.
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