
Finnic OC

Posted By: 2a

Finnic OC - 05/23/17 01:32 PM

I stumbled upon this article ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toomas_Helin ) recently and became intrigued since I've never heard of Estonian or Finnic organized crime in general .

I know it's generally accepted that organized crime in the Baltic area is dominated by Russian or Russian speaking groups , while organized crime in Scandinavia is supposed to be dominated by Serbs , however there apparently do exist scant references regarding Finnish and Estonian criminal organizations .

So what is known about these alleged organizations ? Are they second stringers compared to the foreign groups in their countries ? Or do they wield a lot of power behind the scenes ?
Posted By: Neo

Re: Finnic OC - 05/23/17 08:17 PM

I find it strange that Serbians dominate organized crime in Scandinavia.

Are the Serbs in Nordland doing drugs and weapons trafficking?
Posted By: 2a

Re: Finnic OC - 05/24/17 06:46 PM

I'm not sure about arms trafficking , but the Serbian mob in Scandinavia is definitely involved in drug trafficking . In fact I do believe I've read that Serbian OC groups are considered major players in the heroin trade , right next to their Turkish and Albanian counterparts .

It might be an exaggeration that Serbian outfits dominate organized crime in Scandinavia , however many of the sources I've seen concerning organized crime in Scandinavia stated that Serbian groups and 1% clubs are the main players among OC groups in the region .
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