
20K drug convictions tossed out

Posted By: getthesenets

20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/19/17 02:28 AM



Thousands of drug cases tainted by disgraced former state chemist Annie Dookhan are expected to be marked for dismissal today after more than four years of litigation and a high court decision that forced the hands of prosecutors across the commonwealth.

Attorneys with the American Civil Liberties Union expect that roughly 20,000 cases will be set for dismissal today by prosecutors. The ACLU, the state public defender’s office and private attorneys have urged mass dismissal for years.

“It’s great for the people who were convicted by this evidence because they can finally get out from underneath the crippling collateral consequences of a drug conviction,” said Matthew Segal, legal director of the ACLU of Massachusetts. “Hopefully this will help those people get housing and jobs and get on with their lives.”

The SJC in January gave prosecutors until today to list all of the convictions they want to dismiss. For the rest, district attorneys are required to certify in a letter that they can and will produce evidence — not handled by Dookhan — that could secure a guilty verdict if they are forced to go to trial again.

When the SJC issued its decision, there were estimates that 24,000 cases may have been corrupted by Dookhan.

“I look forward to seeing what looks like a major step by the (district attorneys) as a result of the SJC decision,” said Anthony Benedetti, chief counsel of the Committee for Public Counsel Services. “It is a long time coming after four years of incredible work by CPCS, the ACLU and private attorneys.”

SJC Chief Justice Ralph Gants, who authored the Dookhan decision, wrote that it “respects the exercise of prosecutorial discretion.” But it was clear that thousands of cases would have to be dismissed, as district attorneys would be hard-pressed to re-prosecute an avalanche of aging, small-time drug offenses.

Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan, who also heads the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association, declined to comment on the deadline and expected dismissals.

It is unclear how so-called Dookhan defendants will be notified about the dismissals or when the SJC will act on the lists of cases that will be put before it today. The time frame for when records will be wiped clean is also undetermined.

“It has taken many years and there was an injustice inherent in the slowness of the pace, but it’s better late than never,” said Peter Elikann, the former chairman of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s criminal justice section. “This affected a lot of people over the years, and this is finally a positive, happy note.”
Posted By: alicecooper

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/19/17 02:58 AM

And that piece of shit was out in 3 years. Her supervisors weee never charged. A worse human being than probably 98% of the people she was running samples on.
Posted By: Kash

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/19/17 09:10 PM

She should have gotten life. What a [BadWord]
Posted By: pmac

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/19/17 10:51 PM

You mnow how many cases she put a little extra amount. Say someone got caught with 90 grams of coke she puts 110 on paper that persons plea deals goes from 3 4 yr to 10 crazy.
Posted By: pmac

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/19/17 10:52 PM

Happend around where i live thing has been swept under the rug.
Posted By: alicecooper

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/20/17 02:28 AM

You guys see the headlines, there is another crazy bitch in mass doing similar...got busted.
Posted By: pmac

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/20/17 03:43 PM

Ya the chick stealing all the crack then they set up a camera had her smoking crack acting like pookey at the carter. Fake news they swept that shit under the rug.
Posted By: alicecooper

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/21/17 12:52 AM

Let's not leave the FBI out of it...

Posted By: alicecooper

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/21/17 12:55 AM

The previous was FBI hair follicle testing and yet again here is the FBI flawed ballistics testing...

Posted By: DB

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/21/17 01:38 AM

Amazing story but very sad . 20k is a ton of convictions to overturn , some lucky Mo Fos today tho lol , but how does ACLU attorney say those 20k got justice , 80%+ of those dudes guilty lol .

That FBI story is 5x as crazy but you knew this shit was going on . The Night Of was a good show on HBO last year about the justice system and this reminds me when the autopsy doctors asks the prosecutor how he shluld present the evidence lol, that some scary shit man .
Posted By: pmac

Re: 20K drug convictions tossed out - 04/22/17 01:13 AM

The night of started out great and fizzled out a dud wow was the end bad and the stupid lawyer n his eczema feet stoopid. Better call saul is best tv today.
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