
Made guys who were degenerate gamblers?

Posted By: JackieAprile

Made guys who were degenerate gamblers? - 10/17/16 08:38 PM

Besides Gotti and Lefty Ruggiero, who are other made guys who were notable for being degenerate gamblers?
Posted By: Snakes

Re: Made guys who were degenerate gamblers? - 10/17/16 08:40 PM

Too many to list.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Made guys who were degenerate gamblers? - 10/17/16 08:58 PM

Always thought the term "Degenerate Gambler" as used by mobsters was hilarious.

Organization of stone killers and thieves labeling a gambling addict as a degenerate.
Posted By: ItalianIrishMix

Re: Made guys who were degenerate gamblers? - 10/18/16 04:45 AM

Not to steer your thread off topic BUT, as well as gambling, I have a VERY hard time believing that all these high level bosses, were not also personally involved in drug use.

It just doesn't make sense to me that these guys would take part in every other vice (drinking, gambling, prostitution) but, draw a line in the sand with drug use.
Posted By: JackieAprile

Re: Made guys who were degenerate gamblers? - 10/18/16 05:52 AM

I can't see Carlo doing drugs. But I'm sure Sam Gravano and John Gotti enjoyed a line of coke once in a while. I can't imagine any of the bosses being drug addicts though. Soldiers and Capos yes.
Posted By: rusmobster

Re: Made guys who were degenerate gamblers? - 10/18/16 06:08 AM

Joey Merlino
Posted By: dsbaloo

Re: Made guys who were degenerate gamblers? - 10/18/16 06:11 AM

It's known that tg Was a notorious coke head. I've hear back in the day him and all of speros boys would all be blasting lines in the club on cropsey.. now a days I'm sure especially a lot of the younger guys all pop pills and smoke weed.

As far as gambling I think almost all of them had the bug at some time.. Jackie nose, gotti, basciano. Al longo. Nicky o. Bobby Cabert. All of speros crew.That's literally just the most obvious ones off the top of my head.. there's got to be tons more who were probably worse.. never really made sense to me most of these guys run gambling business.. they're lively hood is literally based on degenerates... I don't know why after seeing you just can't win.. and seeing how much money you're gaining off people betting that you yourself would get lured in.. cause most of made guys who gamble bet sports.. that or card/ dice games. Ha both things that are their rackets
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