
Tucson dispute

Posted By: Regoparker100

Tucson dispute - 09/09/16 04:23 PM

It's known that the Bonannos once had a crew down in Tucson (until Joe Bananas was permanently forced to retire). Were there any issues/disputes with other families in regards as to why he would set up shop there?
Posted By: ItalianIrishMix

Re: Tucson dispute - 09/09/16 05:15 PM

I always believed that Bonanno wanted back into New York and his protege was laying the necessary ground work to make that happen...Only problem is, Carmine Galante got whacked in the process....Joe knew in 1979 that he would never ever be welcomed back to NY. So, he went a different route and wrote his book. The timing just seems to align to my theory. I have no proof.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Tucson dispute - 09/09/16 08:30 PM

The west pretty much belonged to the west coast and midwest families in those days, most notably the Outfit. I'm guessing they let Bonanno have Arizona because a lot of the old timers went back to the Masseria/Maranzano days with him. Bonnano made his enemies, but he didn't get to where he was without having friends, too.
Posted By: Toodoped

Re: Tucson dispute - 09/09/16 09:17 PM

Arizona was considered an open territory but there was a business conflict between ex-Bonanno members and members from the Outfit. Under "business" i mean there were no dead bodies on the streets because there was plenty for everyone
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