
Mafia Cops ?

Posted By: MobMan

Mafia Cops ? - 09/07/16 02:36 AM

Did the Mafia cops also provide information to Rosario Gambino?
Posted By: TheMechanic

Re: Mafia Cops ? - 09/07/16 04:31 AM

According to Guy Lawson's book "The Brotherhoods", yes. Never proven on some odd technicality, something to do with Eppolito's fingerprints on some sealed documents. Rosario Gambino's house was raided and they found police files with Eppolito's fingerprints on them. Eppolito also wrote about it in his book, I haven't read that one yet though. From what I remember he was suspended without pay while being investigated at the Department level, he went to some non-criminal hearing that was to determine if he could keep his job with the evidence they had against him, I think it ended up being dismissed or something.
Posted By: yatescj7

Re: Mafia Cops ? - 09/07/16 05:08 AM

Eppolittos excuse was that the file found was a copy and his prints weren't on the actual file but from a photo copy of the file, which is ludicrous if you know about fingerprints. Apparently the finger print expert didn't show up or wasnt called so the commish dismissed the case. No telling who all he gave info to before Casso. Gravano
said he looked the other way in the Fiala hit for a few grand. Miciotta claimed he said he had nothing to worry about in the champagne hit. Only after he hooked up with Burt Kaplan did Casso instruct the cops to give info to the Lucchese Family ONLY for a 4 grand a month pad, plus bonuses for extra jobs.
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