
What if Frank Costello ?

Posted By: MobMan

What if Frank Costello ? - 08/31/16 05:50 AM

What if Frank Costello made a move on Vito Genovese first ? Would the Chin still rose to power ? Also how would the family be ?
Posted By: Regoparker100

Re: What if Frank Costello ? - 08/31/16 01:07 PM

Depends on if Genovese had enough support within the family. If he did, it would have been a situation similar to the Colombo wars.

It also depends on if Gigante either threw his support to Costello or Genovese. And the same goes for the Genovese family structure.

I'm sure Lucky would not have supported a war which bought down the crime family he worked hard to establish.
Posted By: Serpiente

Re: What if Frank Costello ? - 08/31/16 03:20 PM

I see Costello as in believing in LCN and would not drag any of his straight or semi straight business partners into possibly being exposed let alone a war .

I also think it would be the same for all his City officials judges etc. and knew it would be real ugly and expose many of them and also expose family members that the law did not know about .

He seems like a classy gangster and truly wanted the best for things that he believed in .
Posted By: MightyDR

Re: What if Frank Costello ? - 09/01/16 02:07 AM

I think the family would have remained in great shape, if not even better than it was. If it can survive a coup, having a guy like Genovese in power, then a 3 man panel while Genovese was in prison, I'd say it would cope pretty well with a smart guy like Costello remaining the boss.

I'd say there's a possibility Chin could have become boss. He was obviously smart and a good leader. I wonder who Costello would have picked as a successor if he had remained in power?
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