
Were there really TWO sides between Paul & Neil

Posted By: Tonytough

Were there really TWO sides between Paul & Neil - 07/21/16 12:19 PM

I know Paul assigned 10 crews to report to Neil- other than Fatico/ Gotti crew
who else answered to Neil and did that arrangement mean they ONLY reported to Neil
himself and didn't need to run things over with Paul

Much as been made of the two sides, but I'm guessing they had conventional boss/ underboss situation where capos on both sides still met with Neil/ Paul ie Gotti still went to Todt Hill. Demeo still went to the Ravenite etc
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Were there really TWO sides between Paul & Neil - 07/22/16 02:33 AM

In the end paul was still the boss. Yes neil had more freedom but he still answered to paul. The only time neil didnt immediately follow pauls orders was when angelo was wiretapped from his drug dealing. Neil delayed giving those tapes to paul
Posted By: mulberry

Re: Were there really TWO sides between Paul & Neil - 07/23/16 05:19 PM

Paul didn't care much except for the money and anything that could implicate him. I can't imagine him wanting to know about truck hijackings and robberies.
Posted By: Philip_Lombardo

Re: Were there really TWO sides between Paul & Neil - 07/23/16 10:36 PM

I'm pretty sure we've covered this, and Gotti and the entire Gambino family circa 1976-1992, there are threads all over this forum regarding this subject alone
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