
YouTube documentary on the capture of Provenzano?

Posted By: Stubbs

YouTube documentary on the capture of Provenzano? - 07/13/16 05:11 PM

There was a documentary a few years ago on YouTube, narrated in English, on the capture of Bernardo Provenzano. I haven't been able to find it, anyone know what I'm talking about?

It was very interesting, they had the son of one of the old Palermo mobsters who was killed by the Corleonesi talking about how the Corleonesi didn't respect the mafia and their rules, they just killed everyone.

Then they talked to some old men in Corleone in a barber shop and they said "I don't know anything" in Italian when referring to Provenzano.

The video showed how the investigators followed around different people to find Provenzano in his farmhouse hideout. I think they tracked people who were bringing him clean laundry?

Anyone seen this or knows how I can watch it again?
Posted By: Strax

Re: YouTube documentary on the capture of Provenzano? - 07/13/16 06:39 PM

I know exactly what you mean,i remember that guy in barber shop in Corleone when he said: "I don't know anything,i just eat and breathe".

That documentary was taken off YouTube long time ago frown
Posted By: ItalianIrishMix

Re: YouTube documentary on the capture of Provenzano? - 07/14/16 04:44 AM

Apparently it was a BBC show from the year 2007.

The show was called: This World
The episode was called: The Real Godfather

It looks like it is up on Dailymotion BUT, in Italian.
It probably is available through torrent search OR, it seems like you can go to BBC website and track the next time it will be aired.

I actually wanna see it now.

Also can watch it through Amazon video:
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