
Bath Ave Crew vs 20th ave crew ?

Posted By: TonyManero

Bath Ave Crew vs 20th ave crew ? - 06/07/16 05:07 PM

Read and watched about Gulino and Bath ave crew going against guys from area called "20th ave Crew". Can't find much info on the 20th Ave Crew....The only thing that comes up about 20th ave is a guy named Joesph "Joey Caves" Competiello, but it doesn't even say if he was part of that crew. It just says he hung out at candy store on 75th street and 20th ave. Anyone know anything about "20th Ave crew"? Anybody well-known ever a part of them? Where exactly did they hang?....etc.
Posted By: BobbyPazzo

Re: Bath Ave Crew vs 20th ave crew ? - 06/07/16 06:38 PM

No disrespect paulie but that story is the same thing on every documentary. Don't know why you would have to take down already public info. I don't know if you're from over there or what but you didn't let us in on anything we didn't know. Not trying to be a prick. Just stating the obvious.
Posted By: BobbyPazzo

Re: Bath Ave Crew vs 20th ave crew ? - 06/07/16 06:39 PM

Unless it's because of the board rules about posting full articles or whatever it is.
Posted By: dsbaloo

Re: Bath Ave Crew vs 20th ave crew ? - 06/08/16 01:12 AM

pretty sure 20th ave guys were Joey caves, Dino colabro. His brother, his cousin Dino saracino and his brother sebby and a few other guys. Violent guys
Posted By: dsbaloo

Re: Bath Ave Crew vs 20th ave crew ? - 06/08/16 01:20 AM

They killed chestnut Marasa who was with bath ave.. I also heard joe calco caught the whole 20th ave crew slipping but the machine gun jammed. The fight with Tommy Reynolds at the diner was also part of the beef with 20th ave... Also bath ave was clicked up with Derosa and messy Marvin from froggys crew since they both had problems with 20th ave. in the end the beef got squashed thought through spero
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