
Joseph Pungitore

Posted By: NickyScarfo

Joseph Pungitore - 01/16/16 08:04 PM

I know there are very knowledgeable Philly posters on here and I would love their consensus on this topic: Is Pungitore active since he came out of prison or not? There's conflicting stuff on the net, some saying he made good money from real estate and is retired while others listing him as a kind of defacto Capo of old Scarfo guys. A couple of years ago on this site and others most was saying retired but now a lot of reports are saying otherwise.
Side note what became of his brother Anthony?
Posted By: gangstereport

Re: Joseph Pungitore - 01/16/16 08:26 PM

apparently he has his scams going on nothing to do with the mob though his own separate crew thats what i have seen from scott and knowledgeable posters. Most people say anthony is involved in some things. They dislike the narducci crew from what i read.

Also some people on these forums say nicky the whip is with the pungs because ligambi shelved him for being in contact with his brother. Other says the whip is a legitimate guy. No one has said he is with the philly mob
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