
El Chapo declares war on ISIS

Posted By: Strax

El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 12:59 AM

One of the world's most wanted drug lords has reportedly 'declared war' on the Islamic State in a threatening letter.

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán apparently sent an encrypted email to the ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi after one of his cartel's shipments was destroyed.

His letter, which has been leaked by cartelblog.com, claims his men will "destroy" the terror group if they continue to 'impact on their operation'.

The Mexican drug baron, who runs the notorious Sinaloa cartel, allegedly told Al Baghdadi that his organisation are 'not soldiers' but 'lowly p*****s'.

He apparently wrote: "Your god cannot save you from the true terror that my men will levy at you if you continue to impact my operation.

"My men will destroy you. The world is not yours to dictate. I pity the next son of a wh*** that tries to interfere with the business of the Sinaloa Cartel.

"I will have their heart and tongue torn from them.”

El Chapo, nicknamed "Shorty", has been on the run from police since he escaped from the maximum security Altiplano prison - 55 miles west of Mexico City - in July.

Read more: Hunt for El Chapo hits buffers after tip-off he was hiding in Argentina revealed as HOAX

He fled through a hole in a shower after his men dug a mile-long tunnel underneath the jail to a farmhouse from where he fled.

The tunnel, which would have taken months to dig, was found equipped with ventilation ducts, running electricity to power strip lighting, stairs and a motorbike on rails on which he rode away.

Guzman, once the 1,140th richest man in the world and once the 55th most powerful, is said to have paid $50 million (£32 million) in bribes this time to ensure he got away safely.

He had previously escaped from prison in 2001, and was only recaptured last year.

The second jailbreak was a huge embarrassment for Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto, who had said it would be "inexcusable" if Guzman managed to escape again

Posted By: overcoat

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 04:17 AM

That would be awesome. Fuck ISIS those scum fucks.
Posted By: ItalianIrishMix

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 05:49 AM

Anyone know EXACTLY how Isis is stepping on El Chapo's toes?

Cannot imagine they would go into his territory in Mexico.
Is it maybe because El Chapo does own a portion of the market in Europe and Isis is underselling him?

Cannot see Isis moving drugs into America but anything is possible.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 07:22 AM

Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
Anyone know EXACTLY how Isis is stepping on El Chapo's toes?

Cannot imagine they would go into his territory in Mexico.
Is it maybe because El Chapo does own a portion of the market in Europe and Isis is underselling him?

Cannot see Isis moving drugs into America but anything is possible.

ISIS intercepted and destroyed a Sinaloa shipment of drugs in the Middle East.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 10:33 AM

ISIS apparently ban drugs but in a dead jihadist house in the Isis state was found drug maybe coke as I read in a article.
For sure the Isis sell drugs and sinked the shipment for don't share the market with the mexicans.
Posted By: Scorsese

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 10:34 AM

Im gonna call bullshit on this. Its the same as the contract on trump. If he was gonna do something he would just do it.
Posted By: Scorsese

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 10:37 AM

Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
ISIS apparently ban drugs but in a dead jihadist house in the Isis state was found drug maybe coke as I read in a article.
For sure the Isis sell drugs and sinked the shipment for don't share the market with the mexicans.

They definitely use drugs during combat. If they do sell it, its probably a very small part of their financial activity. You should check out this video i posted up a couple of days ago about narco terrorism.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 10:43 AM


Even though the citizens of Raqqa and Islamic State live under strict sharia law, ISIS leaders appear to have no qualms about growing and selling illegal drugs to others, with cannabis being grown on the outskirts of the city to be sold on to Turkey. 

The Isis men prefer the captacom a very powerful amphetamine.
Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 01:41 PM

The fighters sure do use drugs. The Paris shooters and suicide bombers injected themselves with heroin before carrying out the attack.

But as far as ISIS militants being major drug traffickers themselves? No, that's blown out of proportion. The Dailymail is never a reliable source wink
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 02:31 PM

Sorry folks, Mexican drug cartel not at war with ISIS

The story claiming the notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán had sent a threatening letter to terrorist leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi originates from an entertainment website and was meant as humorous fake news.

RT along with a number of major news outlets fell for the too-good-to-be-true story, which was reported this week by the popular website cartelblog.com, a source of genuine stories about Latin American crime.

Apparently the original source, which quoted alleged threats by the fugitive crime boss to the leader of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group is the entertainment website thuglifevideos.com, which occasionally runs humorous fake news. The El Chapo threat email was published in late November and is among those fakes.

"We write funny 'satire' stories occasionally, which we assume are taken as jokes, and generally they are...” Steve Charnock, who works for the website, told snopes.com, a website specializing in debunking fake news.

“Maybe I didn't make this El Chapo story funny or weird enough, though. Or I just have an uncanny ability to ape how Mexican drug cartel kingpins talk. Only no one seemed to doubt it when it hit the desks of all the major news outlets,” he added, joking that his website didn’t make a penny from the story’s popularity.

Posted By: NickyWhip

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 02:51 PM

Taliban seized opium poppy fields during Afghanistan uprising. Think about this: If muslims in that region cannot use alcohol or drugs, based on Sharia law, why are they one of the biggest heroin and marijuana producers? Guys/girls on this forum in their 40s and 50s who used to get down will tell you afghani hash, with the gold stamp was the dag back in the day.

I have a few turkish friends who are muslim. Very moderate beliefs; at least the guys/girls I know. They party too and it's allowed in Turkey.

ISIS is indirectly supported by Al-Queda, Taliban, through Al Nusra front. The good thing is these extremist factions aren't able to unify, YET. If they do start to pull resources, it could get interesting.

So, I sort of agree that ISIS doesn't "run" the drug trade in east asia, but they are definitely benefitting from it.

Some folks believe in the linear logic that if you are fucking around with Heroin or cocaine, your are supporting terrorism.

Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke
The fighters sure do use drugs. The Paris shooters and suicide bombers injected themselves with heroin before carrying out the attack.

But as far as ISIS militants being major drug traffickers themselves? No, that's blown out of proportion. The Dailymail is never a reliable source wink
Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 05:14 PM


Oh yeah probably they are in some way benefitting from it. But like you said, to say that they "run" the drug trade over there is an overstatement.

I know that in Lebanon you have lots of independent drug traffickers. In a lot of cases terrorist groups demand some sort of "fee" from the drug traffickers. So in that way they do get something out of the drug trade.

I have a couple of Turkish friends as well. As well as a couple of Kurdish and Albanian ones. Generally speaking Turks are only moderately religious. They do feel some connection with their belief, but it's quite superficial. Most I know party, drink alcohol... Albanians are a bit of the same. They're possibly even less notably religious than Turks are. Kurds are said to be more religious than Turks or Albanians are, but that isn't really the case either with the ones I know.
I've even been to a Moroccan wedding ones. They're from a more Arab background and are far more religiously traditional. But even there you have a lot of the younger guys keeping a bottle of scotch in their car. But they mostly gather to drink at the parking space lol
Posted By: NickyWhip

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 08:08 PM

good stuff.
Posted By: pmac

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 10:55 PM

This can't be real.
Posted By: DiLorenzo

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/11/15 11:02 PM

Allah permits heroin sales, just don't have a glass of wine !!
Posted By: NickyWhip

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/12/15 12:21 AM

Helenwheels posted this Pmac. And I like her screen name so I believe it.

Beatle Ed.

Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Sorry folks, Mexican drug cartel not at war with ISIS

The story claiming the notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán had sent a threatening letter to terrorist leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi originates from an entertainment website and was meant as humorous fake news.

RT along with a number of major news outlets fell for the too-good-to-be-true story, which was reported this week by the popular website cartelblog.com, a source of genuine stories about Latin American crime.

Apparently the original source, which quoted alleged threats by the fugitive crime boss to the leader of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group is the entertainment website thuglifevideos.com, which occasionally runs humorous fake news. The El Chapo threat email was published in late November and is among those fakes.

"We write funny 'satire' stories occasionally, which we assume are taken as jokes, and generally they are...” Steve Charnock, who works for the website, told snopes.com, a website specializing in debunking fake news.

“Maybe I didn't make this El Chapo story funny or weird enough, though. Or I just have an uncanny ability to ape how Mexican drug cartel kingpins talk. Only no one seemed to doubt it when it hit the desks of all the major news outlets,” he added, joking that his website didn’t make a penny from the story’s popularity.

Posted By: helenwheels

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/12/15 12:56 AM

Originally Posted By: NickyWhip
Helenwheels posted this Pmac. And I like her screen name so I believe it.

Beatle Ed.

Thanks smile
Posted By: Scorsese

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/12/15 01:10 AM

Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Sorry folks, Mexican drug cartel not at war with ISIS

The story claiming the notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán had sent a threatening letter to terrorist leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi originates from an entertainment website and was meant as humorous fake news.

RT along with a number of major news outlets fell for the too-good-to-be-true story, which was reported this week by the popular website cartelblog.com, a source of genuine stories about Latin American crime.

Apparently the original source, which quoted alleged threats by the fugitive crime boss to the leader of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group is the entertainment website thuglifevideos.com, which occasionally runs humorous fake news. The El Chapo threat email was published in late November and is among those fakes.

"We write funny 'satire' stories occasionally, which we assume are taken as jokes, and generally they are...” Steve Charnock, who works for the website, told snopes.com, a website specializing in debunking fake news.

“Maybe I didn't make this El Chapo story funny or weird enough, though. Or I just have an uncanny ability to ape how Mexican drug cartel kingpins talk. Only no one seemed to doubt it when it hit the desks of all the major news outlets,” he added, joking that his website didn’t make a penny from the story’s popularity.


Exactly these people don't have any actual contact with each other. Its all done through middle men if anything. Why would el chapo connect himself to isis in anyway what so ever?
Posted By: DB

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/12/15 03:53 PM

Iran has a terrible heroin problem

I think they use a very cheap synthetic form

Basically because of the stigma with alcohol , this cheap synthetic heroin is the drug of choice . Also a lot of the poppy paste from Afghanistan is smuggled into Iran for shipment further out

ISIS soldiers do use a amphetimine pill that makes them more brave and more capable of suicide attacks in battle .

The Germans used amphetimines too and this is partly why Blitzkrieg was so effective in France as the soldiers could stay awake for days and just run over armies and their defenses . The Allies were so concerned about this super drug that they started experimenting with their own cocktail . The furthest I can find research on this is that the Allies preferred some type of Benzo as soldiers performed the best in shooting tests .
Posted By: satch7

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/12/15 11:43 PM

you cats are pretty smart in figuring out this crime stuff and should have known this never made sense from day 1
Posted By: SmearyGoose1768

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/18/15 07:18 AM

I don't know how many people believed this since Chapo isn't the person to attract or boast shit like this and has never been. Chapo doesn't like attention like this so I don't know why people believed this and the Trump story. Z-40 seems more like the character to do shit like this, not definitely Chapo, he prefers being in the shadows.
Posted By: pmac

Re: El Chapo declares war on ISIS - 12/18/15 04:52 PM

I called it. Fake.
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