
How people used to speak

Posted By: Krsheely

How people used to speak - 11/01/15 03:35 PM

I have recently Been watching on YouTube the several part documentary by Martin Short, great,documentary by the way. While its not extremly old they do have interviews with older people and they provide older footage from years before its production and I must say I really enjoy listening to people speak the way most people did during those times. This Probably sounds like a weird post but I would like for people in general to start speaking better. So many people around me just do not have the grasp of vocabulary or don't care enough to enunciate and pronounce words properly.
Posted By: Flushing

Re: How people used to speak - 11/01/15 04:51 PM

You would love Manhattan. The last place in the world you'll ever hear a New York accent.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: How people used to speak - 11/02/15 08:42 PM

Check out this video on YouTube:

Posted By: mightyhealthy

Re: How people used to speak - 11/02/15 08:45 PM

Originally Posted By: Flushing
You would love Manhattan. The last place in the world you'll ever hear a New York accent.

Posted By: Ted

Re: How people used to speak - 11/02/15 11:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Krsheely
This Probably sounds like a weird post but I would like for people in general to start speaking better. So many people around me just do not have the grasp of vocabulary or don't care enough to enunciate and pronounce words properly.

The art of conversation is dead. I'm a pretty young guy myself, but even I can see that.
Posted By: BennyB

Re: How people used to speak - 11/03/15 06:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Flushing
You would love Manhattan. The last place in the world you'll ever hear a New York accent.

You're more likely to hear a NY accent in Long Island than Manhattan - at least from anyone under 50.
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: How people used to speak - 11/03/15 08:15 PM

I once watched a documentary about Frank Lucas full of interviews with him and didn't figure out how to turn on the subtitles. So, you imagine how can somebody who isn't a born English speaker, understand an old man who talks slang with Harlem accent... lol
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