
Joe Bonnano Kidnapping

Posted By: mchang93

Joe Bonnano Kidnapping - 09/04/15 08:49 PM

What is everyone's take on this? Was he actually kidnapped? If so why wasn't he killed? Read his account in MOH, but seems like there has to be more to the story. Considering players involved likely well never know truth.
Posted By: ItalianIrishMix

Re: Joe Bonnano Kidnapping - 09/04/15 10:54 PM

He WAS NOT kidnapped by some random person.......I have no proof BUT, analyze the facts:

#1 If my memory serves me right, at this point in time he was summoned to appear before the Commission and didn't show, as well as being wanted by the government.

#2 There was no ransom ever asked for his safe release.

#3 He wasn't used as a bargaining chip OR killed.

I believe that it was a complete set up initiated by him, but carried out by either his troops, Magadino's troops OR someone random that was hired to carry it out. My gut says it wasn't his troops because if they were recognized, it would be obvious what he was attempting to do.

Overall, it worked........He bought himself enough time to fan the flames.
Posted By: domwoods74

Re: Joe Bonnano Kidnapping - 09/05/15 08:23 AM

Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
He WAS NOT kidnapped by some random person.......I have no proof BUT, analyze the facts:

#1 If my memory serves me right, at this point in time he was summoned to appear before the Commission and didn't show, as well as being wanted by the government.

#2 There was no ransom ever asked for his safe release.

#3 He wasn't used as a bargaining chip OR killed.

I believe that it was a complete set up initiated by him, but carried out by either his troops, Magadino's troops OR someone random that was hired to carry it out. My gut says it wasn't his troops because if they were recognized, it would be obvious what he was attempting to do.

Overall, it worked........He bought himself enough time to fan the flames.
spot on . End of thread.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Joe Bonnano Kidnapping - 09/06/15 03:37 AM

Bonanno probably arranged the "kidnapping" in order to duck a grand jury appearance, and to take himself out of the line of fire in an internal war. I posted on this subject here:

Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: Joe Bonnano Kidnapping - 09/06/15 10:07 PM

Originally Posted By: mchang93
What is everyone's take on this? Was he actually kidnapped? If so why wasn't he killed? Read his account in MOH, but seems like there has to be more to the story. Considering players involved likely well never know truth.

It did seem confusing, didn't it? It's obvious Bonanno kidnapped himself. The head scratcher is the role of his cousin, Stefano Maggadino.

Up until the phony kidnapping part of the autobiography, we are led to believe that Stefano Maggadino was allied with different members of the Commission. Obviously he and Joe Bonanno were really friends, and Stefano was a spy telling Joe as much as he could about what the other bosses were planning all along.

After the bogus kidnapping, the other bosses no doubt understood the real alignments on the Commission.
Posted By: pmac

Re: Joe Bonnano Kidnapping - 09/06/15 11:16 PM

Think in Sam the plumber book he said Joe n his cousin arranged it. And Tommy Ryan who was running things had joes back or side. Said gambino and luchese were scheming.
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