
Gambino mobster denied parole

Posted By: GaryMartin

Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 08:54 AM

Posted By: azguy

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 08:59 AM

wow, pretty harsh....what's that guy gonna do on the outside...
Posted By: pmac

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 11:54 AM

Being Sammy the bulls brother in-law sunk his battle ship. Sammy just helped out the fama guy and the gov had to drop the case and are probaly pissed. His sister must hate his guts to No end. Kinda sad. Wonder if his daughter will try to work this into the mob wives show try to get some publicity to maybe make the feds give in.
Posted By: Jimmy_Two_Times

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 12:12 PM

Where the justice system has the opportunity to demonstrate its fairness, it fails to do so - and yet allows "informants" that continue on their murderous ways to operate freely or receive lenient time. I feel that it missed a real chance to show the fact that they can operate with both an iron and velvet glove, because while justice may be blind, it can be compassionate.
Posted By: SinatraClub

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 12:23 PM

That's some bullshit right there, paralyzed, unable to speak, and their worried he's going to come home and give orders. Smh.
Posted By: Shamm11375

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 12:39 PM

While I'm sure its ridiculous that he would have any kind of influence over criminal activity at this point.

I doubt this guy deserves and sympathy.
Posted By: Malandrino

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 12:58 PM

When the hell was Eddie Garafola made?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 02:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Shamm11375
While I'm sure its ridiculous that he would have any kind of influence over criminal activity at this point.

He doesn't.

Originally Posted By: Shamm11375
I doubt this guy deserves and sympathy.

He hurt A LOT of people (and I mean in the physical sense). He was a VERY dangerous guy in his day. There were probably a few murders that the Government couldn't put on him, and it stuck in their craw. The Government's spiteful, and Karma's a bitch.

And pmac's right. He was too close to the Gotti-Gravano clusterfuck. As far as parole or compassionate releases go, he's in the same boat with Peter Gotti and Frankie Loc (and Frankie DESERVES a compassionate release, he's half-dead and he's been inside for 25 years for sitting on the wrong fucking couch).
Posted By: pmac

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 03:44 PM

You know how much of a loser shitbag Sammy was he gets his freedom writes that book any throws in the his sisters husband told him to cooperate what fucking sicko. Like his sister must hate him why including that just like he threw in a lot of people in his.book to get them killed but his sisters husband. He comes off as jeolus of him that last name garafolo was connected to a lot of the first guys.
Posted By: pmac

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/02/15 05:26 PM

Youd think peter mass would have said hay Sammy this is your kids uncle sisters husband your nieces dad. Why put a bullseye on him and talk shit about him the whole book. He took that 30 years. I've read he was in good with the other families only Dan Marino and jimmy brown wanted him dead to send a message to Sammy. There was that decav capo from the pizza connection got let out in 97 to die he went right back to work lived to 2003 was under indictment for wanting to kill a bunch of rats family members.
Posted By: mikeyballs211

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/03/15 12:58 AM

Pmac who is the Decavalcante guy you're referring to?
Posted By: pmac

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/04/15 09:59 PM

Francesco polizzi pretty bad ass Sam the plumber made him he was a zip dealt in the herion was around the bonannos a lot bug once he gets out 1996 he goes rite back to the decavs and starts doing mafia shit. He wanted to kill Anthony capo kids or some shit when he flupee Vinny ocean to.
Posted By: mikeyballs211

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/05/15 01:38 AM

Thanks for the response pmac didnt know that but I recognize that name..do u know why he wanted to wack anthony capo? That was before he flipped right or do I have the timeline wrong?
Posted By: TommyGambino

Re: Gambino mobster denied parole - 06/05/15 09:13 AM


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