
Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London

Posted By: Philip_Lombardo

Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/28/15 06:34 AM

Did their Organization actually have any form of official structure or was it like the Philly during the 90's where everyone kicked up to Joey Merlino?

Also who do you reckon had the final say Ronnie or Reggie? my moneys on Reggie since he was the more level headed of the two and possibly the only guy that could control Ronnie

In this link is a description of their Organization: http://www.thekrays.co.uk/stories_thefirm.htm
Posted By: British

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/28/15 08:32 AM

No real hierarchy, it was the twins and then just those on the 'firm'

The inner circle were put on a pension which meant they got regular funds, then you had what would be associate's who did other stuff

Not that organised really, just pure violence and mayhem!

Reggie could handle Ronnie, but after Frances killed herself Reggie went off the rails..

With Ronnie being a complete psychopath it was always doomed as an organisation..
Posted By: dannymac

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/28/15 11:37 AM

From all ive read about them I would say Ronnie was the one with most say in the end as British said after Frances died. Before that it was Reg . When Ronnie was away for a while on the lam then in jail Reggie and their other brother Charlie kept the money coming and thier business running smooth but when Ronnie got out it all went to f××k. Apparently it was Ronnie who goaded Reg to kill Jack the Hat telling him ive done mine(Ronnie had already killed Georgie Cornell) now you do yours. There was about 10 or 12 all year round members of the firm and a lot of hangers on. The one true gangster connected to them was Fred Foreman a stone gangster and killer
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/28/15 01:52 PM

Fred Foreman says both Krays were gay, and that the firm was planning on killing them before they were arrested.

Foreman's son Jamie is an actor looks just like him. He was in Layer Cake and on the EastEnders.
Posted By: British

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/28/15 06:05 PM

Ronnie was gay and never cared who knew, he was still one tough gangster.

Reggie was bi sexual, and was Jamie Foremans godfather so Freddie Foreman respected them

Freddie Foreman is still one of the last respected 'chaps' from back then who is still alive..
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/28/15 06:34 PM

It was careless on their part to commit murders personally. If they sent hitmen instead as any intelligent crime bosses does, they would probably never have done serious prison time... maybe.
Posted By: sbhc

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/28/15 10:28 PM

There's a great documentary with Foreman talking about his time working with the Krays called Inside the Firm. He actually comes across as quite articulate and intelligent in it.

He confesses to two murders for which he had stood trial for and been acquitted of back in the 60s. The Double Jeopardy Rule which existed at the time of filming in the UK prevented another prosecution. Although even now that the rule is quashed I'd imagine it's highly unlikely that he'd ever be retried.
Posted By: British

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/29/15 03:08 AM

Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
It was careless on their part to commit murders personally. If they sent hitmen instead as any intelligent crime bosses does, they would probably never have done serious prison time... maybe.

They did do that as well, the killing of Frank 'the axeman' Mitchill springs to mind.

With Ronnie being schizophrenic it was never going to end well
Posted By: NE1020

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/29/15 06:02 AM

Did they even run any illegal businesses? To me The Firm just seemed like an ultra-violent extortion gang
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/29/15 07:45 AM

There is a new movie on the Krays coming out later this year

Posted By: TommyGambino

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/29/15 08:53 AM

The Kray Twins film which is called Legend comes out September 14th this year, Tom Hardy plays both twins, should be good!

Posted By: TommyGambino

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/29/15 08:55 AM

Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/29/15 01:53 PM

Looking forward to this one..
Posted By: abc123

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 04/30/15 03:48 PM

Ron Kray was mates with Angelo Bruno in the United States, Bruno once told Ron never kill anyone yourself get someone else to do if and that is the one thing they did not do and thet went to jail for 30 years.

I once seen that the Kray Bro where taken down more for what they was planing to do in London, they has given 10000 pound to a person to bing in explosives to do car bombs and had order for submachine guns and all other shit this was way out for London in the 1960's also for having people in the House of Lords.

They also had big cops on the pay roll and for this stuff they had to go to jail no matter what.
Posted By: British

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 05/01/15 02:58 AM

I met Charlie Kray years ago at a function, very nice guy who could never escape that life which was a shame
Posted By: Philip_Lombardo

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 05/01/15 04:14 AM

My Granddad was a bookie by trade and once did business in South London where he met the Krays rival Charlie Richardson his car got stolen whilst he was in Charlie's club and a guy named Lou got it back South London's where the real Gangsters were in my opinion

Full story here: http://www.gangsterbb.net/threads/ubbthr...2556#Post742556
Posted By: Don_Squirreleone

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 05/01/15 05:12 AM

Originally Posted By: NE1020
Did they even run any illegal businesses? To me The Firm just seemed like an ultra-violent extortion gang

Snooker halls, bars, nightclubs - it was their take over of the Esmeralda Barn that brought them into contact with the ultra-high end fashionable West End cliques and gave rise to their 'celebrity' status.
Posted By: donplugconnected

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 09/25/15 08:18 PM

i think they were more like the genna brothers/family. they were extremely dangerous they held power for little less than 20 years. also the structure of the firm was organized by ronnie not reggie surprisingly. ronnie was the stronger more dominate of the two. reggie always wanted to be legit while ronnie wanted to be a criminal. when ronnie went to jail for 3 years reggie aimed to legitimize the firm and his activities. though once ronnie got out it was obvious who ran the firm and plunged the firm back into the criminal world. as most say reggie had control no he didn't control ronnie like everyone says it was the other way around.
Posted By: sbhc

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 09/25/15 10:57 PM

Originally Posted By: donplugconnected
i think they were more like the genna brothers/family. they were extremely dangerous they held power for little less than 20 years. also the structure of the firm was organized by ronnie not reggie surprisingly. ronnie was the stronger more dominate of the two. reggie always wanted to be legit while ronnie wanted to be a criminal. when ronnie went to jail for 3 years reggie aimed to legitimize the firm and his activities. though once ronnie got out it was obvious who ran the firm and plunged the firm back into the criminal world. as most say reggie had control no he didn't control ronnie like everyone says it was the other way around.

Their run was much shorter than 20 years, they were active from the late 50s until 1968. They were only 34 when they went away for good.
Posted By: donplugconnected

Re: Structure of the Kray Twins Firm in London - 09/26/15 05:06 AM

i didn't know they were so young. but the genna brothers run ontop(of little italy on the west side of chicago) was violent and short lived little over 10 years.
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