
Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss

Posted By: Tonytough

Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/26/15 04:56 PM

Paulie gets refused bail, and gets convicted at trial

Bilotti wasn't far off becoming boss. He's a dumb shitt this & that I know! However the family would have got it's wish, Sammy said everyone was tired of having a business man/ racketeer as boss (Paul) & wanted a gangster instead

Bilotti was a hardcore thug/ gangster who Sammy described as "an abusive gorilla ", he would have literally bitch slapped everyone given the power...

I Know, it's laughable to think Bilotti as a boss but he seriously wasn't far off
Posted By: mackinblack007

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/26/15 05:07 PM

Tommy Gambino was next.
Posted By: blacksheep

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/26/15 05:10 PM

Originally Posted By: mackinblack007
Tommy Gambino was next.

The very little I know about him would lead me to believe he wouldn't want that position. Any thoughts on that? My info is halfassed but it seems he was very wealthy, low key, and wouldn't want the target on him
Posted By: domwoods74

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/26/15 05:18 PM

Jimmy brown failla would have been boss in my opinion
Posted By: Tonytough

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/26/15 05:40 PM

Originally Posted By: blacksheep
Originally Posted By: mackinblack007
Tommy Gambino was next.

The very little I know about him would lead me to believe he wouldn't want that position. Any thoughts on that? My info is halfassed but it seems he was very wealthy, low key, and wouldn't want the target on him

Yeh. But consider he was very loyal to Paul. Paul making him underboss- he's next in line. Well okay being underboss doesn't guarantee your next but it's close enough

Also, by havingTommy as boss Paul would guarantee his personal
family still gets a cut of the proceeds whereas by promoting anyone else, he runs a risk

He wouldn't promote Tommy Gambino as boss because Paul's smart, he would know that was a death sentence for Tommy whom he prob cared for.
Posted By: bronx

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/27/15 12:24 AM

he would not have taken the position
Posted By: OC

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/27/15 09:12 AM

I'm with Dom ,jimmy Brown gets it. Bilotti wasn't qualified enough to be boss .look back in gambino family history from mangano to big paul these were all top guys. Bilotti was a leg breaker full stop .
Posted By: pmac

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/27/15 02:34 PM

I think tommy was on trial from the white house tapes. Think he was indicted with armone and hallo he would have went to jail in 87 for loansharking. Think d.b. and jimmy brown were to. Jimmy brown won at trial. I never seen a article on his trial maybe the judge dismissed the case before it started lack of EV. Guess he didn't say Much in Paul's house. Read in his social club. He had a sigh of a roach that said these bugs have ears. Shit he was ahead of the game. The Boston guys talked in there club for all of 1981 just killed them in court.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/27/15 04:34 PM

Reading pmac's comments is like trying to break ciphers.
Posted By: DiLorenzo

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/27/15 05:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Tonytough

Bilotti was a hardcore thug/ gangster who Sammy described as "an abusive gorilla ",

Sort of like Sammy !!
Posted By: AllDay27

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/27/15 06:18 PM

Am I the only one who figures in the event Paul goes down at the Commission Trial and Gotti doesn't have him clipped beforehand you're all under the assumption the Gambino Family would take orders from a hump like Tommy Bilotti just cause he's in a "figure head position"? Even from a 100 year setence from the Commission Trial before Paul would have given up the big seat he without question would've bumped Tommy back down and into the crew of a friend (someone like a Jimmy Brown for example). I think the only thing that would have or could have happened in this situation was that Paul from jail would make Neil the boss and Neil would then have set the Gotti wheel in motion regardless. I see Gotti coming out on top anyway it goes with Paul as boss. Neil was sick and on the way out but still would've been boss until he died, between his crew and Fatico's crew that Gotti was already running, the writing is kind of on the wall. With Paul out of the way so goes the juice of his allies in the family (not that they weren't still very powerful guys DB and Jimmy Brown as earners and Bilotti as a tough guy) and back we are to the Neil should've been boss when Carlo died debate. With the backing of Fatico and guys like Piney Armone and the other Gotti supporters, Gotti simply would've just been groomed for a bit longer before Fatico went away and Mr. Neil got sick. So what I'm saying is, if convicted and not murdered Paul from jail would have demoted Tommy and made Neil boss, or the would have been a captains meeting and Tommy would "step down" and Neil would have gotten a unanimous vote in my opinion. Half the family wanted him to be boss in the first place, the other half that favored Big Paul would have already gotten their way, seen Paul wasn't the right choice and then swung around to backing Neil. He'd had the support of the whole family much of whom disliked Bilotti anyway. I honestly think he goes from Underboss down to solider if Paul goes away.
Posted By: Carosophia

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/28/15 12:54 PM

I'm not laughing at you, it's just the thought,.This made me log on and say something..LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS? I'm still laughing 2 days later after seeing the thread title..thanks,I needed that..Tommy bilotti, boss, oh, my, freaking God..I can't take it anymore..
I understand that paul trusted him, with good cause..I would have too,Enforcer, driver, all around muscle, no doubt..loyal to the core, but boss, c mon, even the feds wouldn't fall for that..
And yeah, what happened to Neil was a tragedy. Too old school..even if he were upped, idk what good it would have done. Too many crews,with big headed capos, the freaking drugs.. That time in the 80s,things were bound to implode due to the sheer size and arrogance of the families. I don't care what they say about Scarfo Sr, but he said "drugs and our thing don't mix", I digress.
Tommy Bilotti, the boss..LOLZ
Posted By: Tonytough

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/30/15 04:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Carosophia
I'm not laughing at you, it's just the thought,.This made me log on and say something..LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS? I'm still laughing 2 days later after seeing the thread title..thanks,I needed that..Tommy bilotti, boss, oh, my, freaking God..I can't take it anymore..
I understand that paul trusted him, with good cause..I would have too,Enforcer, driver, all around muscle, no doubt..loyal to the core, but boss, c mon, even the feds wouldn't fall for that..
And yeah, what happened to Neil was a tragedy. Too old school..even if he were upped, idk what good it would have done. Too many crews,with big headed capos, the freaking drugs.. That time in the 80s,things were bound to implode due to the sheer size and arrogance of the families. I don't care what they say about Scarfo Sr, but he said "drugs and our thing don't mix", I digress.
Tommy Bilotti, the boss..LOLZ

what's so funny? You are referring to Bilotti as a "trusted side, enforcer, driver" BUT you've missed the part where he was promoted to Underboss/ the second most powerful position in the family

Now i can see why it's funny because that is exactly why I made the thread, but I'm not Paul. Paul made that decision and yes, he would have real problems with Gotti plus other ambitious capos but I'm merely pointing out as the second in command, he stood a 90% chance of making boss.

How long he would last, that is a whole other story
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/30/15 04:58 PM

I think people read too much into biased second hand accounts of Bilotti that have been told to feed a particular narrative.

At the end of the day, yes, Bilotti was a brute - but he also had the same moneymaking and enterprising skills as the other prime figures in that crime family.

Castellano didn't put a "bodyguard" as #2 for no reason.
Posted By: Tonytough

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/30/15 05:08 PM

Originally Posted By: AllDay27
Am I the only one who figures in the event Paul goes down at the Commission Trial and Gotti doesn't have him clipped beforehand you're all under the assumption the Gambino Family would take orders from a hump like Tommy Bilotti just cause he's in a "figure head position"? Even from a 100 year setence from the Commission Trial before Paul would have given up the big seat he without question would've bumped Tommy back down and into the crew of a friend (someone like a Jimmy Brown for example). I think the only thing that would have or could have happened in this situation was that Paul from jail would make Neil the boss and Neil would then have set the Gotti wheel in motion regardless. I see Gotti coming out on top anyway it goes with Paul as boss. Neil was sick and on the way out but still would've been boss until he died, between his crew and Fatico's crew that Gotti was already running, the writing is kind of on the wall. With Paul out of the way so goes the juice of his allies in the family (not that they weren't still very powerful guys DB and Jimmy Brown as earners and Bilotti as a tough guy) and back we are to the Neil should've been boss when Carlo died debate. With the backing of Fatico and guys like Piney Armone and the other Gotti supporters, Gotti simply would've just been groomed for a bit longer before Fatico went away and Mr. Neil got sick. So what I'm saying is, if convicted and not murdered Paul from jail would have demoted Tommy and made Neil boss, or the would have been a captains meeting and Tommy would "step down" and Neil would have gotten a unanimous vote in my opinion. Half the family wanted him to be boss in the first place, the other half that favored Big Paul would have already gotten their way, seen Paul wasn't the right choice and then swung around to backing Neil. He'd had the support of the whole family much of whom disliked Bilotti anyway. I honestly think he goes from Underboss down to solider if Paul goes away.

Paul would never make Neil boss, if Paul was refused bail, by then Neil
was deathly sick anyway and by the time the trial kicked off, Neil was dead. Paul right away promotes Tommy as underboss- not only to reward his loyalty but to also keep the money flowing in the event Paul goes away for good.

Now, as u suggested, paul in the event he losses at trial he would bump tommy down and Jimmy brown up, sorry but that makes no sense

Paul probably knew he was going away at this point and making tommy underboss was for the reasons stated above. If he wanted to up jimmy brown or anyone for that matter, he would have chosen them as underboss to begin with

And again, if Paul was convicted at trial, he would still be alive and could possibly hold onto whatever power, try as he might, not to mention Gigante was a close ally. That's not to say Gigante would fight a war for him. And yes Tommy would only hold out for so long until he is overthrown but the idea of him as boss isn't far fetched. Blame Paul
Posted By: blacksheep

Re: Tommy Bilotti as Gambino boss - 03/30/15 05:16 PM

I think it was gonna be gotti no matter what. Between him and sammy hanging around together, they had enough killers and enough ego to make it happen. Gotti seemed to think it was his destiny. Whether paul got clipped, arrested, retired in florida, or died of a heart attack, I think Gotta was gonna take it next
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