
Questions about NCO camorra clan

Posted By: SimonChen

Questions about NCO camorra clan - 03/18/15 10:23 AM

Was NCO the strongest clan ever exist in camorra history?and how large exactly was it during its peak?
what was the difference between NCO and traditional camorra clans in term of structure?
i know nothing about it so thanks for your answers.
Posted By: CleanBandit

Re: Questions about NCO camorra clan - 03/18/15 10:49 AM

Furio, time to step in! grin
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: Questions about NCO camorra clan - 03/18/15 12:57 PM

what was the difference between NCO and traditional camorra clans in term of structure?

The revolution of the NCO staied in its pyramidal structure and by its objective to unite under its dome all the clans of Campania.
Anyone proved worthwhile, first as a killer in the batteries of fire became picciotto and then climb the hierarchy.
At the top was the founder Raffaele Cutolo said the professor and the gospel, as a messenger was his sister Rosetta Cutolo said eyes of ice and street boss Vincenzo Casino was detonated with a bomb of NF in 1983.

Here the structure

Was NCO the strongest clan ever exist in camorra history?

Yes,no other clans has never equaled in power,as a presence on the territory, only the Casalesi come close but only in the province of Caserta

how large exactly was it during its peak?

According to the Italian Justice Department, by 1981 the NCO had become the strongest Camorra clan and one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the nation, providing a living for at least 200,000 people in the Neapolitan area alone.

I hope I have answered your questions if you need send me a pm

however, the NCO was born as gang in prison, then in 1978 Cutolo escapes and recruits throughout Campania, so the NCO also had a strict control of the prisons and could kill, who wanted, I would compare it to the Aryan Brotherhood.

small mirror at the wikipedia

Founder Raffaele Cutolo
Years active 1970s–1983
Membership 7000 full members

Boss:Raffaele Cutolo (in prison) 1963-1974/1978-1979- today
Messaggero: Rosetta "IceEyes" Cutolo
Consigliere:Alfonso Rosanova killed
Street Boss: Vincenzo "The Big Black" Casillo killed
Pasquale "The Animal" Barra died was assigned to the murders in prison
Posted By: SimonChen

Re: Questions about NCO camorra clan - 03/18/15 01:08 PM

Thanks very much,furio smile
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: Questions about NCO camorra clan - 03/18/15 01:40 PM

I read Corrado Iacolare was also an important member, like Casillo and Rosanova. He was extradited from some South American country he fled to, was im prison for some time, but got acquitted.
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