
Detroit Underboss' Big Score

Posted By: scottburn

Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/23/15 09:29 PM

Detroit mob power Chicago Tony La Piana making some major moves in the business world....see my story below for details...scott

Posted By: ItalianForever

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/24/15 01:03 AM

If a guy can make 50 mil legit why would he risk a rico bust for some small shy and book action? AT the high end he makes what, 1/100 of that? Doesn't make sense.
Posted By: Ted

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/24/15 03:22 AM

Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
If a guy can make 50 mil legit why would he risk a rico bust for some small shy and book action? AT the high end he makes what, 1/100 of that? Doesn't make sense.

According to the article, he is an expert at white collar rackets. He's not making that money legitimately.
Posted By: SinatraClub

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/24/15 07:34 AM

Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
If a guy can make 50 mil legit why would he risk a rico bust for some small shy and book action? AT the high end he makes what, 1/100 of that? Doesn't make sense.

Mob guys have been infiltrating unions and certain insurance based companies and then selling them off for profit. Coincidentally the Chicago Outfit specialized in it. It doesn't even say in the article that the guy even does real loan sharking and bookmaking. He's a white-collar expert. Is it not possible he still does his expertise? The FBI still report having him meet with top Detroit Partnership & Outfit guys to this day, surely those all can't be senior citizen rendezvous talking of old times.
Posted By: TommyGambino

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/24/15 09:51 AM

I'd be long gone from CN if I were in his position!
Posted By: merlino

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/24/15 10:45 AM

Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
If a guy can make 50 mil legit why would he risk a rico bust for some small shy and book action? AT the high end he makes what, 1/100 of that? Doesn't make sense.

Totally agree its like these pro athletes doing these drug deals for $30,000 cash that could put them in prison for life, some people are dumb
Posted By: Terence

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/25/15 10:08 PM

LaPiana has been quiet comfortable in his insulation bubble for a very long time now. At 71 for him this is a cake-walk into retirement while (quiet literally relying on the insurance of others) he has no worries. Especially not fuckin shy and loan interest inflation, of which he is not directly involved in. If he were that stupid he would have been indicted along with everyone else in the "Gametax" bust. He is far away from being "dumb".
Posted By: ItalianForever

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/26/15 09:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Terence
LaPiana has been quiet comfortable in his insulation bubble for a very long time now. At 71 for him this is a cake-walk into retirement while (quiet literally relying on the insurance of others) he has no worries. Especially not fuckin shy and loan interest inflation, of which he is not directly involved in. If he were that stupid he would have been indicted along with everyone else in the "Gametax" bust. He is far away from being "dumb".

Agreed. yeah don't focus so much on the shy and book portion of my comment. I was just saying that generally, if a guy can make that much money legit, why would he involve himself in LCN? Especially in the admin.
Posted By: SonnyBlackstein

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/26/15 10:59 PM

Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
I was just saying that generally, if a guy can make that much money legit, why would he involve himself in LCN? Especially in the admin.

Because to some people LCN is about power and respect as well as money.
Posted By: pmac

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/26/15 11:02 PM

Good for him.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/27/15 01:27 AM

Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
If a guy can make 50 mil legit why would he risk a rico bust for some small shy and book action? AT the high end he makes what, 1/100 of that? Doesn't make sense.

if u murdered people for 50 years, you'd want some kinda payment

money equals power, and vagina, no risk no reward sometines
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/27/15 05:07 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
If a guy can make 50 mil legit why would he risk a rico bust for some small shy and book action? AT the high end he makes what, 1/100 of that? Doesn't make sense.

if u murdered people for 50 years, you'd want some kinda payment

money equals power, and vagina, no risk no reward sometines

The only vagina you have ever seen is your moms.
Posted By: DB

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 02/28/15 12:41 AM

Wouldn't be surprised f he was the bank for the boss and their main book / shy action , at the very top of the $ chain as he has cash and the businesses to rinse it. I think some people would be surprised at the amount of legit restaurants , bars , construction , pay day loan co.s that are still around

He never sees , talks to or deals with a customer and exchanges $ except at the highest of levels in the admin . His $ is probably overseas anyway
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 04/25/15 02:08 PM

Anyone ever see this?
Posted By: GerryLang

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 04/25/15 02:26 PM

People who are perplexed why some of these guys with so much money continue to be involved in the life have to realize they don't think like us squares. Their brain is wired differently, in some way they just can't get enough of it. It's been mentioned here before, how these guys can have 5K in their pocket, but still shoplift a three dollar bottle of aspirin while they are on the lam to boot! They are addicted to the life, and nobody should be surprised how an addict will go to any lengths to get their fix.
Posted By: mbo

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 04/26/15 10:52 AM

I love when i find a good mob documentary. Too many (most, in fact) are so littered with obnoxious cliches and horrible reenacments that they are almost painfull t watch.
Posted By: yigido

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 04/26/15 03:31 PM

Originally Posted By: GerryLang
People who are perplexed why some of these guys with so much money continue to be involved in the life have to realize they don't think like us squares. Their brain is wired differently, in some way they just can't get enough of it. It's been mentioned here before, how these guys can have 5K in their pocket, but still shoplift a three dollar bottle of aspirin while they are on the lam to boot! They are addicted to the life, and nobody should be surprised how an addict will go to any lengths to get their fix.

Lol massino did that when he was on the lam in 1982-3 or something like that.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Detroit Underboss' Big Score - 04/26/15 10:47 PM

Originally Posted By: GerryLang
People who are perplexed why some of these guys with so much money continue to be involved in the life have to realize they don't think like us squares. Their brain is wired differently, in some way they just can't get enough of it. It's been mentioned here before, how these guys can have 5K in their pocket, but still shoplift a three dollar bottle of aspirin while they are on the lam to boot! They are addicted to the life, and nobody should be surprised how an addict will go to any lengths to get their fix.

this mothafucka has been cutting up bodies his whole life....now he just made underboss

he ain't gonna fucking retire
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