
New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again?

Posted By: FriendoftheFamily

New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/22/14 12:20 PM

I think that the opportunity is open for the Casinos to reappear in Cuba again. I think if you get the right group in there you could make a LARGE fortune, provided that the Cuban Government cut wouldn't be too high.
Posted By: bronx

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/22/14 01:17 PM

Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/22/14 08:47 PM

it would be a great thing. now that atlantic city is toast. and you can bet there are big money guys foaming at the mouth right now, scheming about how to get in. and I can see it coming, that whomever was against obamas move to cuba, they would not have a voice anymore. too much money would be made, and, the money wins every time.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/22/14 09:09 PM

It would be a very bitter pill for the Castros to swallow. Then again, if it is their (or their successors') intent to re-establish Havana as a major tourist venue, it could not happen without casino gambling, considering all the competition in the Caribbean.

BTW: Castro re-opened the casinos briefly after a protest by Cuba's hotel and casino workers' union. Even hired Joe Louis as the "official greeter." The Cuban Gov't ran ads in US papers saying that their beef was with our gov't, not the American people. Nobody in the US was convinced.
Posted By: ScottD

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/24/14 11:11 AM

My $0.02:

INterview on Cuba
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/24/14 04:51 PM

Yes if they want tourism. That's about the only way they are bringing folks in.
Posted By: mulberry

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/28/14 12:12 AM

Any reason to think Cuban casinos would be more profitable than the others in the Caribbean? Atlantic City gets lots of business because of its proximity to major population areas in NY/NJ and Philly. It makes for an easy weekend trip. A flight to Cuba not is so easy or cheap for a weekend trip.

Remember, the only reason Cuban casinos were making so much money was because the only casinos in the US at the time were in Las Vegas, which was a long way from the east coast. Now half the states in the country have casinos.
Posted By: FriendoftheFamily

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/29/14 10:24 AM

Originally Posted By: mulberry
Any reason to think Cuban casinos would be more profitable than the others in the Caribbean? Atlantic City gets lots of business because of its proximity to major population areas in NY/NJ and Philly. It makes for an easy weekend trip. A flight to Cuba not is so easy or cheap for a weekend trip.

Remember, the only reason Cuban casinos were making so much money was because the only casinos in the US at the time were in Las Vegas, which was a long way from the east coast. Now half the states in the country have casinos.

That's true that there were limited casinos then, but I think a MOB run Cuban Casino may do better than a Corporate America Abroad situation. I think initially that some would visit for the novelty of it. Then I think that certain families could introduce the right Comps and they could do well in attracting both the Younger Generation and the Older Generation.
Posted By: botz

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/29/14 02:52 PM

Mostly everybody is going to Costa Rica to the casinos there.
Posted By: TheRedZone

Re: New Era - Will there be Casinos in CUBA Again? - 12/31/14 05:08 PM

Far from done imo.. although relatives of mine who visit often there have reported that there's been massive townhouses with pools etc. being rebuilt along the shores(can't recall the exact spot), and you can rent those from 15-40 dollars a day, and these are going to be available for purchases by cuban nationals, and possibly foreign nationals later on, so the same concept might come about for casinos there, but it's far from done.
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