
Johnny Torrio after 1925

Posted By: DBCooper

Johnny Torrio after 1925 - 11/26/14 10:25 AM


does someone have any info what Johnny Torrio did after Capone become boss of the Outfit?

I read that he was a time in italy and then returned to New York where he died.

Did he realy gave Lucky Luciano the idea of the National Crime Syndicate? Wikipedia lists him as a consigliere for ???

I don´t realy believe wiki because there is a lot of shit there.
Posted By: ItalianIrishMix

Re: Johnny Torrio after 1925 - 11/26/14 12:39 PM

Originally Posted By: DBCooper
I don´t realy believe wiki because there is a lot of shit there.

Well the get ready for, MASSIVE amounts of SH*T!

They won't stop bombarding their visitors with appeals for, cha-ching!.....That means it will be monitored a lot less if they don't get it......Who knows? Next year wiki may print it was fozzie bear who came up with the idea for the commission.
Posted By: Toodoped

Re: Johnny Torrio after 1925 - 11/26/14 01:02 PM

After the attempt on his life, in 1925 Torrio went on a trip to Florida and then Cuba together with his wife Anna, Al Capone and his wife Mae. THats when Torrio decided to retire and took his savings, wife and mother over to Italy.He had bought a luxurious villa in Napels. He had a lot of money so he enjoyed weekend trips to France, Belgium, England and even Hawaii.He stayed very often to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel from 1926 to 1928.

The same year in 1928 Mussolini declared war on the Mafia so the Torrios decided to return to New York. Torrio didnt advertise his return to the states and kept a very low profile.I dont remember if he attended the 1929 Atlantic City mob meeting but there are reports that after the Castelammarese War,he visited Lucky Luciano at Waldorf Towers apartment.

I dont think that he gave the idea for the commission since the commission existed before Luciano.But i do belive that after the Castelammarese War some of the mobsters seeked his advice.

In the 1930s Torrio purchased the Prendergast & Davies Company,which was a liquor company.Torrio set up some of his underlings and some of his cousins and relatives to run the company for him.Although it was a legitimate operation, Torrio wanted to run the company from the shadows.Than the government got informed that Torrio had a hidden ownership in the firm.

They also found out that Torrio had hidden interesets in few other firms around the country.So now the government started to build a case for tax evasion.By this time Dutch Schultz got hit and legend goes that Torrio’s name came up during the delirious deathbed ramblings of the Dutchman and the police wanted to question him.But by now Torrio got wind of the situation and fled to St. Petersburg, Florida.He also quickly sold his interests in the Prendergast & Davies company and had plans to fled the country and go to Brazil.

In 1936 Torrio was arrested and placed on trail for tax evasion.During the investigation about Torrio,Al Capone was questioned in Alcatraz about Torrio's past deals,but Al said nothing.Torrio’s trial got underway in 1939 and spent two years at Leavenworth Penitentiary and was paroled in 1941.

After this Torrio went legit but there is an interesting story that occured during this period.Story goes that during this period Torrio became the target of extortion.The startngest thing happpend when Torrio started working with the FBI to lay a trap for the men who tried to extort him. Few months later the men were caught and Torrio testified in court.

During the early 50's Torrio was involved in real estate business and often traveled to Ohio.In 1957 he died in Brooklyn on a barbers chair from a heart attack.He became so much of a low key person that three weeks passed when the newspapers found out about his death.
Posted By: DBCooper

Re: Johnny Torrio after 1925 - 11/27/14 05:16 AM

@ItalianIrishMix: Sorry, I´m not a native english speaker. I didn´t understand one word. I believe you will inform me that they are writing shit that people leave money there.

@Toodoped: Oh thank you very much sir
Posted By: SinatraClub

Re: Johnny Torrio after 1925 - 11/27/14 01:57 PM

What's the source for the Commission existing before Luciano?
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Johnny Torrio after 1925 - 11/30/14 04:20 PM

SinatraClub, there is a report giving by an Angelo Canvella who was arrested in the early 1900s in California by the Secret Service on counterfieting charges who named, San Francisco, New Orleans, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and New York city mobsters sitting on this commission. Gaetano Gagliano cousin also said the same thing when he was arrested in New York City during the mid 1910's, but claimed there were there were two New York city families on this commission, as well as Detroit.
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