
LCN Labor Corruption

Posted By: FrankMazola

LCN Labor Corruption - 11/04/14 01:02 AM

It's not often that I get to go to these boards for assistance in professional matters, so I'm looking forward to this. I have to write a 20 page research paper on a specific Labor Law topic for my final in that class this month. I felt it would be easiest to write on a topic related to LCN so I chose their influences in labor corruption.

I have to be careful to not make it a Criminal Law paper and to focus specifically on the union corruption. That's not to say I can't discuss killings or other crimes, after all.. that's what labor corruption is, a crime. Anyways, I need to find 3 specific instances of Labor Union corruption. My question for the boards is, what are 3 or 4 of the most prominent specific instances of labor corruption in this country. I was thinking that the local run by Tony Pro would have a lot of material, and the loaning of the teamster pension fund would be a good one too. Any input on similar instances of corruption would be much appreciated.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: LCN Labor Corruption - 11/04/14 04:05 PM

Tony Pro and IBT Local 560 is certainly one of the more prominent ones. You could also with the Gambino's control over IBT Local 282 involving trucking in the construction industry. Another is the Gambino's control over IBT Local 813 in the garbage industry. You could also go with Genovese control over UFCW Local 359 in the Fulton Fish Market.
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