
Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story

Posted By: salvi62

Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/20/14 06:39 PM

I've only posted a few times on here before. But I'm a avid lurker.
I am simply amazed at some of the stuff you come up with on here. Old news articles, vintage photo's etc.

Well I've got a pretty good one here and would really appreciate any help in finding the old articles (I really don't know how to go about it myself)

Anyway here goes......

I think I've posted before that I'm a full time professional musician (35 years at it). I've worked in many gangster owned and run places over the years. Back in the late 1970's and all through the 80's Hollywood, Hallendale and North Miami was FULL of them.

I have a dear friend who is a piano player. His name is Al Nero (His real name is Alfred Caponera) in around 1970 or 71 he was working with a band at Henry Hills club "The Suite". One night after the band had finished for the night and was all packed up Jimmy Burke came in with some friends. It was either his or some girls birthday and Jimmy wanted my friend Al to play "Happy Birthday". My friend told him that they were all packed up for the evening and were just about to go home. An argument followed and before my friend knew it Jimmy Burke had him on the ground beating the sh!t out of him (he still has the scars till this day).

My friend Al knew better than to say a word about what had happend. They had a grand jury and held my friend in contempt of court for 60 days for not talking. He said that they wanted to get Burke for anything even if it was only assault. They finally let my friend Al go. He never said a word. He was "rewarded" with a nice gig at "Jillys" where he worked until he moved down here to South Florida.

Now to my point....

This was all written up in the New York Daily News around 1971. And the headlines read.. "D.A Not Fiddling in Probe, Perjury Rap Burns Nero"

My Friend is close to 80 and with his birthday coming up I'd love to find those articles for him. He said he lost them long ago. Remember his real name is Alfred (Al) Caponera.

My thanks in advance to all the wonderful resourceful people out there who might be able to help me with this.

Posted By: PetroPirelli

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/20/14 08:33 PM

Posted By: Mikey_Sunset

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/20/14 11:33 PM

I don't know if you have already tried to contact the Daily News, Post or Times but they should have the info you are looking for. If it's not yet been converted to digital they might still have it on microfilm. When I worked for Village Voice Media we had to go back and research things once in while - it took time but we found it (most of the time anyway). They might charge you a few bucks but it sounds like an interesting story and if I know anything about librarians they welcome a distraction from the same ol' day to day routine. I know the SF Chronicle will do this for free including searching their photo archives.
Thanks for the story, best of luck!
Posted By: RollinBones

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 08:58 AM

Great story. Not sure about the articles as a gift idea though, don't know if I'd want to be reminded about when I got my ass kicked in thrown in the can for it lol.
Posted By: salvi62

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 01:18 PM

He been asking around for years about how to find those stories. This guy "Al Nero" was sort of "king" of the mobsters favorite piano player/singers.

He also worked at a place in the Bronx called "The Golden Chariot" check that one out. Its mentioned in a few books. He used to get haircuts at Krugmans place "for Men Only". I believe he said it was on the same block as "The Suite".

He knew all those guys very well. You see gangsters for some reason have always loved musicians. They seem to love coming up to you , asking for a song (I once got 100.00 for playing "Stardust") and slipping you money....

I have a few stories (nothing like my friend Al...) If anybody really feels like hearing them....
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 01:25 PM

You are more than welcome to share your stories here.
Posted By: slumpy

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 01:52 PM

I work in the music industry (well I work at a company that works in the music industry, I'm just in their IT department) and at one time represented Paul Anka who wrote songs and performed with Frank Sinatra (among others). My brother was his agent - we both work here - and I recall him telling me that Paul had a great many stories about the rat pack and the mafia. I'll have to ask him if he remembers any of the stories.

Sorry OP, don't mean to hijack your thread, it just reminded me of the Paul Anka thing.
Posted By: salvi62

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 02:09 PM

I've played Paul Anka's show a couple of times when he came through town.

Hearing him sing "Havin' My Baby" live just gave me chills.....lol

I think I read once in TV Guide or People magazine that that was one of the top ten worst songs ever recorded.
Posted By: slumpy

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 02:13 PM

I've never thought much of his music, to be honest. Probably why all his best songs are sung by other people. Then again I'm only 30 so it's not like his music was meant for my generation hehe.

What'd you think of Anka personally?
Posted By: HairyKnuckles

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 02:29 PM

Funny Paul Anka comes up. I recently met his former wife Anna. If you know her, you´d know she can get a little bit controversial sometimes with her statements. She was once arrested for slugging Paul. lol. We exchanged some words. I was surprised, but she actually seemed very nice and pleasant to talk to.
Posted By: Blackjack2121

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 03:54 PM

Originally Posted By: salvi62
He been asking around for years about how to find those stories. This guy "Al Nero" was sort of "king" of the mobsters favorite piano player/singers.

He also worked at a place in the Bronx called "The Golden Chariot" check that one out. Its mentioned in a few books. He used to get haircuts at Krugmans place "for Men Only". I believe he said it was on the same block as "The Suite".

He knew all those guys very well. You see gangsters for some reason have always loved musicians. They seem to love coming up to you , asking for a song (I once got 100.00 for playing "Stardust") and slipping you money....

I have a few stories (nothing like my friend Al...) If anybody really feels like hearing them....

Sounds like the gent really loved your friend, beat the piss out of him for not playing happy birthday. whistle

Wouldnt it have been easier to play the song then risk getting beaten to death by Jimmy Burke?
Posted By: PetroPirelli

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 08:35 PM

He honestly may not have known just how powerful Jimmy Burke was and I'm sure he never refused the Gent again.

Anybody have any luck finding these news articles? They gotta be in the archives somewhere.
Posted By: salvi62

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 08:59 PM

You must understand that my friend Al was actually pretty friendly with Jimmy. He said that the beating came as a complete shock. One minute Jimmys asking for "happy birthday" and a few seconds later hes on top of Al kicking his ass.

As far as Anka goes.....When you play a show for a big star like that, they very seldom rehearse their own band. Most all of them have a conductor or "MD" music director who deals with the "sidemen" (that's what we are called) So the only time you really see them is when they are on stage. Then after the show they usually go right to their dressing rooms.

One of the only acts I've ever seen rehearse his own band was Frank Sinatra Jr. Even though he has a conductor for the show (Terry Woodson) he is always active at his own rehearsals. Sinatra Jr. is a class act all the way and always treats the guys in the band great. Once he took the whole band out the dinner downstairs at the Fontainebleau hotel on Miami Beach. It was a steak place and a cup of coffee in there is like 7 bucks so I can only imagine what the tab for 20+ musicians was.

Posted By: Christy_Tic

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 09:35 PM

Well supposedly the gent was physically imposing. 230 pounds with arms like Popeyes. Was a bricklayer and almost killed jimmy Breslin for writing an article about vario in a bad light. So he had to have an idea although to think he would get pummeled for not singing happy bday is over the top. Damn burke was a nut
Posted By: PetroPirelli

Re: Pretty cool / True Henry Hill Jimmy Burke story - 08/21/14 09:36 PM

Originally Posted By: salvi62
You must understand that my friend Al was actually pretty friendly with Jimmy. He said that the beating came as a complete shock. One minute Jimmys asking for "happy birthday" and a few seconds later hes on top of Al kicking his ass.

As far as Anka goes.....When you play a show for a big star like that, they very seldom rehearse their own band. Most all of them have a conductor or "MD" music director who deals with the "sidemen" (that's what we are called) So the only time you really see them is when they are on stage. Then after the show they usually go right to their dressing rooms.

One of the only acts I've ever seen rehearse his own band was Frank Sinatra Jr. Even though he has a conductor for the show (Terry Woodson) he is always active at his own rehearsals. Sinatra Jr. is a class act all the way and always treats the guys in the band great. Once he took the whole band out the dinner downstairs at the Fontainebleau hotel on Miami Beach. It was a steak place and a cup of coffee in there is like 7 bucks so I can only imagine what the tab for 20+ musicians was.


Maybe he didn't realize how ruthless Jimmy was then..
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