
most notorious hitman

Posted By: Dago_From_Chicago

most notorious hitman - 02/24/14 09:09 PM

Who do you guys think is the most notorious hitman in Italian American organized crime? Made guy or associate. I read Richard Klukinski's books, scene his documentary's on hbo, scene the movie etc. He has to be right up there with the worst of them, what say you guys?
Posted By: BigRed

Re: most notorious hitman - 02/24/14 09:30 PM

Kuklinski is full of shit.

I'd say Roy Demeo, Felix Alderisio, Mad Sam, Machine Gun McGurn, Harry Aleman, and Marshall Caifano deserve more of a look.

Also, assuming he's telling the truth, Frank Sheeran out of Upper Darby deserves mention. Possibly involved in two of the most notorious murders in mob history, completely unconnected. My dad knew him personally and said he was definitely capable of them at least.
Posted By: Lou_Para

Re: most notorious hitman - 02/24/14 10:15 PM

Kuklinski has been exposed as a liar on many occasions and by many separate researchers. He may have killed a couple people,but the rest is a fantasy sold to a gullible public by those with a vested financial interest in promoting this garbage.

My vote would probably go to Harold Strauss,one of the old Murder,Inc. guys. Better known as "Pittsburgh Phil",he is believed to have committed around 100 murders. Some unofficial estimates place his total at 400 or more,but there is no solid evidence for that figure.
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