
Gus Boy Sclafani passes away

Posted By: Skinny

Gus Boy Sclafani passes away - 11/22/13 01:56 AM

Gambino Captain who took over the joe butch Corrao crew. Was joe sclafanis father. Never heard a bad thing about him, RIP.
Posted By: HairyKnuckles

Re: Gus Boy Sclafani passes away - 11/22/13 07:58 AM

Originally Posted By: Skinny
Gambino Captain who took over the joe butch Corrao crew. Was joe sclafanis father. Never heard a bad thing about him, RIP.

Reading about these guys for so long, for so many years, it kinda feels weird when they pass. In no way was Sclafani physically a part of my life but it feels like he was one of those guys who was there from the start of when my interest in reading about the Mafia was awakened. It´s hard to explain, but you younger guys out there, I´m sure, will feel the same when some guy, in the Mafia, you just started to read up on, passes in 20-30 years from now. No matter who they were and what they did. It feels weird.
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