
You think there are more cops like Eppilito

Posted By: tiger84

You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/25/13 09:56 AM

and Carracarpa

If that fat fuck eppilito doesnt write that book i really dont think he ever would of been caught Casso even snitched on them but it never went further until hydels mom see the book and starts going to tommy daides.Im really having a hard time thinking there arnt more cops who did just as much but have never gotten caught
Posted By: GaryH

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/25/13 12:14 PM

I think bent cops would find it much harder to operate nowerdays than in the 70's and 80's.
Peter Calabro, didn't commit murder himself but passed on info to Demeo and other guys!

Eppolitio and Carracapa are lower than low in my book, they are WORSE than Gaspipe.
Gaspipe was a badguy, Eppolitio and Carracapa were supposed to be the good guys, the guys you go to for help!
They betrayed their position of power and whilst Jimmy Hydell was no angel he didn't deserve the fate they trapped him into!
Posted By: azguy

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/25/13 04:55 PM

doubt it, not to that extent or even close
Posted By: Louiebynochi

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/25/13 05:55 PM

Plenty of cops like this
Only difference is now it doesnt involve the mob
But 4 or 5 yrs ago
Hollywood Florida police were doing protection for drug shipments for the mob and askig them if they could get made
Posted By: F_white

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/25/13 07:05 PM

Richard Cain come to mind, corrupt Chicago police officer, made man in the Chicago Outfit and a close associate of Mafia boss Sam Giancana.
Posted By: bobbytran

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/25/13 07:14 PM

This guy did a little killing on the side while he was an officer.

Attached picture officer doofy.jpg
Posted By: Tony_Pro

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/25/13 11:42 PM

Most definately, there will always be people are going to be tempted to bend when given that kind of access to that amount of power. There are and will be more dirty FBI, DEA and ATF agents also. Though the nature and frequency may change as it's easier to track people with cameras, cell phones etc, it will go on.

Though I doubt that will be many LCN connected cops in the future, the mob just not have that kind of pull anymore. In the coming years this kind of corruption will probably more connected to drug trafficing or street gangs (like the Rampart scandal).

I have a feeling that since terrorism is the number one priority of most major police departments and the FBI right now that we'll be seeing more cases of scandals with cops being over-zealous and setting up people who they suspect are terrorists. A lot of the FBI "stings" with terrorism cases have been borderline entrapment.
Posted By: Dellacroce

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/26/13 12:23 AM

there was the us marshall ambrose from chicago who was leaking information about nick calabreses location to the outfit during the family secrets trial, im not sure if it ever got to the point where he was planing on killing calabrese, or serving him up to the outfit to be killed. they arrested ambrose before it got that far.
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/26/13 12:26 AM

Mob doesnt have that pull anymore and these cops dont get 1940s wages. Why would you risk your life and professional reputation- these fed guys get paid about 3 times the average guy.
Posted By: StonePark

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/26/13 04:43 AM

There's no doubt in my mind that Emil Schullo (one-time Cicero cop & detective) murdered, or at least set up, my friend's father back in the mid 80's Stabbed 15 times and found in the trunk of his car. Schullo was with the Cicero crew at the time and was direct with Mike. There are a lot of unsolved murders in Cicero, and not all of them are botched robberies or gang-related. Someone at a very high level knows a lot about what happens in that town.
Posted By: Homers77

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/26/13 02:57 PM

I think a lot of cops were probably giving the mob information during that time but not kidnapping and killing people like those two monsters..

I would also bet there are still a few cops who give guys information about snitches, possible indictments ect
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/26/13 03:30 PM

Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Mob doesnt have that pull anymore and these cops dont get 1940s wages. Why would you risk your life and professional reputation- these fed guys get paid about 3 times the average guy.

Little nicky. You don't know what your talking about.
Eppolito and Carracapa were Cops, not feds. And lets not forget, Whitey Bulger had that Fed from his neighborhood in his pocket.
I am sure there are cops around like C and Eppolito.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/26/13 04:27 PM

Vinnie, I agree. With a police department in NYC of over 40,000 they are bound to have a few bad apples. I remember that in jack Falcone book he posed as a NY mobster in Forida with cops who wanted to get themselves straightened out! The allure of Organized crime. go figure.
Posted By: ChardeeMcDennis

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/27/13 07:44 AM

i agree with the general response in this thread that there are cops which are just as bad but probably not working with the mafia.

the rampart scandal comes to mind, not only were they framing guys and beating suspect but they went as far as drug dealing, bank robberies and even murder
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/27/13 10:31 AM

I agree Vinnie there are still quite a few out there that are dirty but not sure to the extent of the Mafia Cops.

And yes Whitey had some very high paying FBI men in his pocket. Connolly probably already made $85,000+ before the bribes. I guarantee you John Morris banked more as well.
Posted By: LittleMan

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/27/13 05:00 PM

Yes, I believe there were others.

It was a perfect storm that Fat and Skinny got nailed.... Fat wrote an autobiography, went on the Sally Jessie Rafael show, Mrs. Hydell was tuned in, an acting mob boss and old school mobster flipped, and a flimsy charge of a continuing criminal enterprise stood on appeal.

Gaspipe had both cops and an FBI agent on the payroll, he couldn't have been the only one. I can easily picture the other 5 families with similar setups. They just didn't confess to it.
Posted By: lic

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/29/13 01:32 PM

First want to say when i read about this years ago i was impressed, there are definetley no cops these days taking contracts killings for mob boses.... technology is to advanced these days, and RATS in higher numbers than stand up guys. Morris, connoly and rico got exposed so its harder for them to be dirty fucks

And ill agree with you louie on this, in recent years both boston adn springfield cops were busted for providing protection to drug traffickers, sometimes even enforcing with assaults but notmurders. NO former cop would ever be made no matter how corrpt, if he would brake the blue code of silence he would have no problem screwn some Dago's. most of the cartels and traffickers they provide protection for are not mob affilated whatsoever more cartel affilated... theres a reason for that, LCN, the aryan botherhoos... Organized gangs.. all get there product from cartels and southern central american traffickers, or the caribean.... No 20 ton shipment of cociane or herion is going through customs.
Posted By: SilentPartnerz

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 08/29/13 03:29 PM

Posted By: bigboy

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 09/01/13 01:01 PM

Sadly there are more out there although, I don't think too many. There will always be someone willing to break the law for a few bucks. I also think the mafia cops educated the NYPD somewhat especially the internal affairs unit who now look at certain areas a lot more closely. Even computers are "Smarter" than back in the day of gaspipe.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 09/01/13 11:13 PM

Some cops who are giving info, taking bribes, or abusing their positions in some way? Yes. Doing hits for the mob? No.
Posted By: tiger84

Re: You think there are more cops like Eppilito - 09/04/13 07:52 AM

Devicchio sacarpa handler was a bigger piece of shit than these 2
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