
Why was Ralph Coppola disappeared?

Posted By: Longislandguy14

Why was Ralph Coppola disappeared? - 08/19/13 09:53 PM

Was this guy really killed because he was skimming? As much heat as there was in the late 90's it seems like a rash move to get rid of a close friend of Barney's.
Posted By: Louiebynochi

Re: Why was Ralph Coppola disappeared? - 08/19/13 10:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Longislandguy14
Was this guy really killed because he was skimming? As much heat as there was in the late 90's it seems like a rash move to get rid of a close friend of Barney's.

He skimmed and he really didn't respect the people running the family like farby
He didn't like farby and he wouldnt show proper respect, the Guys at the time in the bronx that were running the family used to be his equal , so he resented the people above him
So they okay'd it with Barney and ralphie got wacked
Posted By: dsbaloo

Re: Why was Ralph Coppola disappeared? - 08/19/13 10:05 PM

Posted By: Longislandguy14

Re: Why was Ralph Coppola disappeared? - 08/19/13 10:09 PM

Wow. I guess his ego got the best of him. A common mistake for guys in that life. I think I read once that Barney never would have ok'd that to happen to Ralph, but even if he didn't ok it coppola disappeared anyway. Why would they ask Barney's opinion in the first place?
Posted By: Longislandguy14

Re: Why was Ralph Coppola disappeared? - 08/19/13 10:10 PM

Did serpico and Barney have some kind friction between them?
Posted By: Longislandguy14

Re: Why was Ralph Coppola disappeared? - 08/20/13 12:03 AM

Why did you take your post down guy? I thought that was really interesting.
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