
Question about Pete Casella for the Philly Guys

Posted By: AllDay27

Question about Pete Casella for the Philly Guys - 07/15/13 08:21 AM

any idea which Genovese capo got him the pass when Scarfo became acting boss and the Chin, Fat Tony, and Bobby Manna let him walk outta the Triangle Club alive? Very curious as to who he had as his ally in NY. In Mafia Prince, Leonetti's book ( I know the credibility of the book is questionable) but still very curious who was able to secure him a pass when he very well should have been murdered.

my guess is whoever was running the heroine rackets for the Genovese family in the 60-70s because that's what Casella was into before he went to jail and after he came out while he was Philly Testa's underboss
Posted By: southend

Re: Question about Pete Casella for the Philly Guys - 07/15/13 11:04 AM

used to wonder about that myself...
Posted By: Wilson101

Re: Question about Pete Casella for the Philly Guys - 07/15/13 10:44 PM

Me too
Posted By: 22

Re: Question about Pete Casella for the Philly Guys - 07/16/13 02:42 AM

Speaking of that the 1 part I wish they said more about was the reaction of Chickie Narducci after he found out that Scarfo was made boss and not him.He thought with Testa out of the way he was taking over but it didn't really elaborate on that.
Posted By: AllDay27

Re: Question about Pete Casella for the Philly Guys - 07/16/13 07:09 AM

It was never an outright powerplay Chickie was workin things behind the scenes. Narducci (who was a multimillionaire through bookmaking but had no real street muscle or respect) convinced Fat Pete Casella who despite spending his career in the narcotics trade never put away any serious money that if he'd let Chickie kill Phil Testa Narducci promised Casella 1 million cash to retire on and promptly name Narducci his successor seeing as how Casella would be acting boss in theory as Testa's underboss after they murdered Testa. That was about how far Chickie Narducci's plan was thought through.
Posted By: 22

Re: Question about Pete Casella for the Philly Guys - 07/16/13 10:42 AM

Your completely right on about that AllDay27 i'm not sure what I was looking for maybe like some crazy details from Narducci but what you said is basically all there was to it.I liked the book.One thing I got from it was there were so many more money making ventures back then with the unions and stuff.They were heavy hitters they all had money even the soldiers,not like today where no.'s 1 2 and 3 seem to make all the money while the others struggle.
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