
vincent mangano

Posted By: tommykarate

vincent mangano - 03/12/13 06:29 AM

I've always been curious how he could just be killed without any retaliation(or was there? ).he was a founding commission member and headed what would be the gambino family for20years.good friends with profaci, bonnanno and gagliano but anastasia kills him and just makes himself boss.its like gotti 40years earlier
Posted By: stern49

Re: vincent mangano - 03/12/13 06:40 AM

True. He became boss for the same reasons Gotti did. Too many people were afraid to compete with Gotti for the top spot and too many were for Gotti on being boss. Gotti had his people that disagreed with what he did and didn't consider him the boss.
Posted By: Vigil

Re: vincent mangano - 03/12/13 06:44 AM

I think some guys like that get a little complacent when they reach the "top" of their organization. Then they get sloppy and careless, piss a few people off, then get cockier and ruder, then get whacked.
Posted By: Vigil

Re: vincent mangano - 03/12/13 06:46 AM

...to me, just like when Galante thought no one would dare mess with him. I think he truly believed that. You can never let your guard down in that life. You can never lose your edge. When you do, then you get killed.
Posted By: HairyKnuckles

Re: vincent mangano - 03/12/13 11:16 AM

Anastasia defended himself in front of the Commission by saying Mangano actually was gunning for him. Nobody knows, I suppose, if Anastasia spoke the truth that time but it was a well known fact that the two of them did not stand eachother. They actually engaged in a scuffle with eachother, in front of other mafiosi (during a meeting) which Mangano lost because of his smaller frame. Just prior to his murder, Mangano expressed his worries about younger guys in his Family forming an alliance to take over the Family. Many of them were under Anastasia´s control. So Mangano could not demote or kill Anastasia without risking a full fledged war.

The main suspect in the Mangano killing, Jack Sparacino (an alleged Mangano member), was brought in for questioning by the police. But he was released when they, at least officially, couldn´t find stronger evidence against him to hold or charge him. I say officially because Sparacino was later found murdered and it was said that he had given up some info to the police on the murder.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: vincent mangano - 03/12/13 11:28 AM

I read Frank Costello backed Albert when the commission met to find out what happened. I think that was what might of saved him.
Posted By: HairyKnuckles

Re: vincent mangano - 03/12/13 11:44 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
I read Frank Costello backed Albert when the commission met to find out what happened. I think that was what might of saved him.

Yes you are right. Costello and Anastasia were very close. Costello needed Anastasia to keep Genovese off his back. Keep in mind that this was during a "cold war". Nobody actually wanted a war, but they wanted allies on the Commission, the ruling body.
Posted By: tommykarate

Re: vincent mangano - 03/16/13 12:15 AM

Is venero "benny eggs"mangano related to Vincent mangano?
Posted By: streetbossliborio

Re: vincent mangano - 03/16/13 12:32 AM

yes he is related. and anastasia got his. that is the life
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