
Is LCN feared anymore?

Posted By: Jenkins

Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 09:48 PM

I ask because there has been a thread or two about which crew is the most "feared" in Chicago or NYC. As a mob buff I wish they still had that kind of power but reality seems to suggest otherwise. I've read if you make a bet with a connected bookie and don't pay up they simply cut you off from betting with them. In the past they would have busted your skull. Is the fear gone?
Posted By: Scorsese

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 10:01 PM

I think they are still feared within their own circle. The neighborhoods and communities their still in probably still have fear for them. They are a bunch of gangsters at the end of the day.
Posted By: Strax

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 10:05 PM

Ofcourse they are feared.
Posted By: SnickersMagillicutti

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 10:15 PM

Yes of course they will always be feared. Even if they don't hurt you, they can still instill fear. Such as manipulation and making sure that you never forget fucking them over. If in fact you do fuck them over, you will know that you made a mistake.

There are guys out there still that could really give a fuck if they get thrown in jail over an ass kicking. Who you get coming after you decides what your fate is. Right now there are mobsters out there who would take pleasure in still breaking your legs. Oh and trust me if you call the police , there are guys who will just laugh at you for involving them in the first place. Plenty of cops on the take in this day and age, even though some people think otherwise.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 10:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Jenkins
I ask because there has been a thread or two about which crew is the most "feared" in Chicago or NYC. As a mob buff I wish they still had that kind of power but reality seems to suggest otherwise. I've read if you make a bet with a connected bookie and don't pay up they simply cut you off from betting with them. In the past they would have busted your skull. Is the fear gone?

In some ways, the fear is gone. More people are willing to rat then in the past. Legit people aren't as easily intimidated, knowing they can run to the cops. But the decision to simply cut off a deadbeat gambler rather then give him a beating has more to do with avoiding law enforcement then the deadbeat not fearing the mob. As we saw in the recent trial in Philadelphia, the mob today usually just trades on it's reputation, which has been established over decades. It doesn't have to be dropping bodies left and right. Occasional beatings and murders still happen and that's enough to send a message. If there still wasn't a certain amount of fear, the mob couldn't operate in many ways.
Posted By: Jimmythepen

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 11:18 PM

Speaking of murders Ivy, do you believe there are more murders associated with the mob that we hear about? I mean, hits are a rarity these days. Do you think that will now always be the case or is it possible it could increase in the future?

Also, is it safe to say while less made/connected guys get whacked these days, the mob is involved in murder with other criminals who aren't mob-related, by that meaning other ethnic gangs?
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 11:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Jimmythepen
Speaking of murders Ivy, do you believe there are more murders associated with the mob that we hear about? I mean, hits are a rarity these days. Do you think that will now always be the case or is it possible it could increase in the future?

Yeah, as I said previously, when you look at the mob hits since 2000, most of them didn't make "big" news in the press; often because they involve lower level guys. It's not Big Paul being killed in midtown Manhattan. So, unless somebody is looking for them, they're going to have the impression that virtually no mob hits happen anymore. In my opinion, the status quo regarding mob hits will continue and probably decline further as time goes on. Nowadays, murders are more risky then ever, what with forensics and rats. So the mob doesn't seem to be as quick to pull the trigger like it used to be. And when it does, it often seems to be an option of last resort. And they're fine with that because they can just trade on their reputation most of the time, i.e. the idea, possibility, or threat of being hurt or killed.

Also, is it safe to say while less made/connected guys get whacked these days, the mob is involved in murder with other criminals who aren't mob-related, by that meaning other ethnic gangs?

I don't think so. At least there aren't many examples I know of. Most of the mob's murders are internal. Not just within the LCN itself but with a specific family itself. What involvement the LCN has with other ethnic groups is almost always for mutually beneficial purposes, and if there's a problem, it seems a group is expected to police itself.
Posted By: Jimmythepen

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 11:40 PM

Thanks for reply. Repuation is a funny thing. I mean, how often have you been in a bar and somebody has said ' See that old guy in the corner, 30 years ago he was the toughest guy in town '. Instantly, even though he is geriatric and couldn't harm a fly, you have an air of respect for him and are instantly wary; not so much of him, but knowing that he probably knows tough people, he has seen it all.

With the mob it's sort of that situation but amplified by ten. I suppose it'll always be that way.
Posted By: bronx

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/08/13 11:45 PM

if drita and big ang show your in trouble
Posted By: DB

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/09/13 04:53 PM

Like someone posted earlier , if you are around there circles they still carry alot of respect , it's just not as widespread like it used to be as the murders have dropped . LCN is more catious these days

I know the Perna family as I live in that area and when they used to enter a restaurant everyone knew .

Even old timers off spring don't get messed with , like the Ponte's who was probably the most successful Genovese associate there is . They plowed their garbage money into land in TriBeCa when it was cheap ( have over 30 properties ) they are the biggest land owners in that area and I wouldn't be shocked if their land value was worth in the $50-$100m range by now if not more . Not too mention 2 excellent restaurants in pontes and borellis .

Because of their massive land holdings , huge real estate companies are trying to partner with them and I'm sure they have some garbage interests on the DL and probably still kick up . I know the grand kids and they can do what they want , nice kids tho and a great family , the old man was legendary back in the day , a real gentleman . The below link is a good article on them , the family is almost never talked about but possibly one of most successful in recent mob history , and very typical of a genovese and their DL style

Posted By: azguy

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/09/13 11:02 PM

Open a strip club in northern NJ and you'll see just how feared they can be...
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/09/13 11:27 PM

Only pussys get scared of some made guy. 95% of the time its some guy whos only made bc he made his boss enough money and he can talk tough over the phone. The other 5% are feared w/out the button. So no, not really, unless your some pansy ass white collar dude whos scared of his bookie.

And please, not all strip clubs pay for "protection". Its not the sopranos. I can think of books that dont pay. Just dont chase your customers hard.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 03/09/13 11:33 PM

Where there is evil,there will be fear..
Posted By: Jenkins

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 07/19/13 01:52 AM

Thought I would post this article in this old thread.
Did someone get to this guy? Probably not but it still makes for a good story. Probably had a heart attack.
Posted By: Louiebynochi

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 07/19/13 03:26 AM

Colombo capo Mikey uvino was robbed a few years ago and him and his crew found out who it was an kidnapped them and beat the fuck outta them

These guys use there fists on a daily basis
Guys like Rico locascio and ni**er Dom are animals

Marty bossart got whacked
What about lugano and secaficco Larry ricci.
Murder is a way of life and the threat of it, is a way of life as well

Alot of these guys are murders
The lack of murders also has to do with who is running the family
If vinny gorgeous had been official boss in 03-04 he would have whacked atleast 5 people more than he wacked anyway
Posted By: F_white

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 07/19/13 03:58 PM

Hell no everyone is running to the feds now.
Posted By: Lilange

Re: Is LCN feared anymore? - 07/19/13 07:52 PM

It all comes down to the individual. Some guys or a good majority are jerkoffs but you have a few that you just know no matter if they sold cars or are capitains. They aren't to be fucked with.
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