
Mafia "Collectibles"

Posted By: Ghost_Town_Jimmy

Mafia "Collectibles" - 02/27/13 07:02 PM

Hello all.New poster but I've been creeping the boards for a couple yrs now.

Are there any threads on this subject?Haven't seen any yet...

Al Demeo(or someone using his name) has been selling Roy Demeos personal belongings on Ebay.(seller name is NYM 1942)
The items come with a notarized letters,as well as returned bank checks with signatures.

Has anyone purchased anything from him,and is it legit?With the sales numbers he's got,it would seem that Roy was a hoarder or a packrat...

On another note,my father was in NYC on business in '87(during one of John Gottis earlier trials) and managed to get an old paperback copy of Machiavellis 'The Prince' autographed by John himself. He would tell EVERYONE who'd listen that he didn't get to shake the mans hand but he got to say good luck and get the signature, right up till he died 4 yrs ago.It was a big deal in the area of western Canada that I come from...

Are there any "collectors" here, and what have ya got?
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