
Russian mob/Irish real estate tycoon

Posted By: IvyLeague

Russian mob/Irish real estate tycoon - 02/02/13 11:27 PM

‘Russian mafia’ carves ‘thief’ on kidnapped Irish tycoon’s forehead over debts
February 3, 2013

An Irish real estate tycoon suddenly released after eight months being held hostage has accused Russian mafia and the IRA of kidnapping, torturing and carving "thief" on his forehead over the debts he owes to the criminals.

Kevin McGeever appeared to have the word “thief” carved into his forehead. During interviews with the police, the 68-year-old revealed that he was seized and kept in a “darkened container” because of his debt to Russian gangsters and the IRA.

Mr McGeever told the detectives that he was kidnapped from the garden of his £2.5million mansion by three masked men. The abductors had demanded a ransom but he did not know if it was delivered.

McGeever also told the officers that his captors gave him a mobile phone when he was freed and told him to keep it with him at all times.

The KMM Properties developer was found by a couple in Ballinamore, on a remote country road on Tuesday night with serious injury to his forehead and in a malnourished state. He was wrapped in a plastic bag and wasn't wearing shoes.

Catherine Vallely, who found him told the Daily Mail, that the developer was “skin and bones” with three-inch finger nails and a long beard.

McGeever went missing in June 2012. Prior to his disappearance, he had been involved in a property development company dealing primarily with real estate in Dubai. During the economic boom, he sold luxury homes to wealthy Irish and British clients.

Police are looking into the debt claims related to property transactions, including some in Dubai. So far, law enforcement is yet to confirm any of Mr McGeever’s claims.

"It may be some time before a clearer picture emerges but we are sceptical that this was the work of foreign-based criminals," a police source has revealed to the Irish Herald.

McGeever is being guarded at Mulligar Hospital where he is receiving treatment for malnutrition and dehydration.

Posted By: OldSmoke

Re: Russian mob/Irish real estate tycoon - 02/02/13 11:44 PM

Good read, Ivy. Thanks. Ireland had one of, in my eyes, the most screwed up real estate booms during the Celtic Tiger years and went bust, so it doesn't surprise me that a guy like that would be in deep with both the Russians and the Army. The developers are that country's version our our 'banker-gangsters' the public here blame for the economic collapse. I know it said he made most of his money in Dubai, but I would assume that he had significant Irish holdings.
Posted By: KevinRoe

Re: Russian mob/Irish real estate tycoon - 03/26/13 04:49 AM

I have came up to know that to increase your money it is too good to invest in the Dubai and the other commercial country...
What you guys think about it.?
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