
Why is loansharking considered a serious crime?

Posted By: Wilson

Why is loansharking considered a serious crime? - 11/13/12 05:07 PM

I never understood the reason that people get put away for loansharking.

Helping out a person cause they can't get a loan from a bank? What is the problem with that?

And nowdays if they don't pay you, you cut them off and they go out of business. Or if they owe you money cause they needed a loan for themselves, well cut them off as well if they can't pay. No acts of violence necessary at all. Just cut them off and teach them their lesson that way.

Your thoughts on this?
Posted By: Jimmy_Two_Times

Re: Why is loansharking considered a serious crime? - 11/14/12 01:10 PM

I think and this is just my personal toughts, that it's a crime because:
1. loans are given at very high interest rates and purposefully given short repayment times to make it impossible for the borrowers to pay back in any reasonable time. this is used as an excuse for mobsters to take more money, property, commit violence, etc.

A bank doesn't bleed you out. They bankrupt you.
Posted By: azguy

Re: Why is loansharking considered a serious crime? - 11/14/12 02:37 PM

I think it has to do more with the high interest rates and the means of collection, rather than just about "lending" money.
Posted By: Toodoped

Re: Why is loansharking considered a serious crime? - 11/14/12 02:50 PM

Wich one yall choose:

1.Few punches and a broken nose,arm or leg


2.Total bankcruptcy

No matter wich one you choose,you have to be a man and pay your debts.Banks can starve your family,mobster can hurt your family so...in my country theres a sayin "same shit,but in diferent package" somethin like that cool
Posted By: Jimmy_Two_Times

Re: Why is loansharking considered a serious crime? - 11/14/12 04:57 PM

LOL TooDoped you make a good point!
Posted By: Imamobguy

Re: Why is loansharking considered a serious crime? - 11/14/12 05:31 PM

TooDoped, I disagree. The Bank's now don't easily give out many BIG loans. Why take on a BIG loan when you can't pay it back. If you get robbed for example, then that's the person who took on the loans' problem. Murder and Drug Dealing which I believe is against the law.
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