
How sufficient are arrests in Italy?

Posted By: Antonio

How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 09:20 PM

Obviously when it comes to the mob that is. I was over there a few months back and remember seeing all these arrests being made on TV and it was the usual charges, Drugs, Extortion e.t.c. probably some public corruption as well. However how good are these arrests really for the state, I mean it's fair to say that a lot of the Italian politic and public sector are pretty damn corrupt but do these offenders get off easy do you think? I mean, look at these guys, what's with all the smiles and laughing? It's like they don't give two shits, or is that just a poker face like thing?

Posted By: Toodoped

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 09:36 PM

I belive that nothing is changed,theres always some1 to take the place or the convict is goin to get minimum sentence...but with all these arrests,more likely its goin to become a show like "big brother" or "catch of the day" with mobsters smilling and waving at the cameras
Posted By: m2w

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 10:00 PM

they just are sufficient to make the mafia less virulent, but it's impossibile delete it in italy, they are too many and they are too rich and powerful
the big operations although the great goverment numbers not are so succesfull like they claim, several people arrested is acquitted, other gets between 1 and 15 years and only a smaller part got heavy sentence 20 years and more
Posted By: LuanKuci

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 10:03 PM

Mobsters have been smiling/waving/laughing/spitting/giving-the-finger at cameras since cameras were allowed during arrests.
It doesn't mean that they're doing so because they'll be home by supper.
It's pure machismo.

Some even dress up in a fancy way when they hear the cops coming...

Overall OC charges are quite though. You can get sent away for a big while for a simple extortion.
In my mom's hometown a local shylock (not connected) was sent away for 8 years for a bunch of loans that, combined, didn't even reach 15.000 Euros.

The best advise for an Italian wiseguy today is to move to places like Australia where they still don't acknowledge that they have an OC issue and don't even have a RICO or 416 bis. Canada too (except for the weather...)

Corruption is a different thing, especially if there are politicians involved. Most of them walk away with better sentences. But the EU has forced Italy be a little bit more serious. And some recent scandals have proved that they took those threats seriously.
Posted By: m2w

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 11:40 PM

in italy anyway 8 years it means 4 at most effective
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 11:43 PM

hey m2w, how tough are the prisons in italy? we never really seem to hear much about any violent acts behind bars besides the occasional suicides. how would it compare to a state prison like say san quentin or pelican bay? thanks.
Posted By: LuanKuci

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 11:45 PM

Originally Posted By: m2w
in italy anyway 8 years it means 4 at most effective

For a small town shylock it's still a lot. And this math doesn't apply as often as we think.
Posted By: m2w

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/28/12 11:58 PM

it depends, if you know good lawyers yes and mafiosi knows the best lawyers
Posted By: m2w

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/29/12 01:00 AM

italian prisons are usually quite, no revolts and not particular problems
the only problem is there are too many people and sometimes cells are crowded
Posted By: jackbottoxxx

Re: How sufficient are arrests in Italy? - 10/30/12 06:21 AM

Not sufficient at all, to border line, joke.
Should we throw in, 7 seismologists getting sentenced for an earthquake, they didn't predict confused rolleyes
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